Saturday Movie Matinee: Why You Must Vote in the Midterms

Bill Whittle, PJ Media: Make Him Own It: Why You Must Vote in the Midterms:


NetRightDaily: Video – Allen West encourages Americans to vote!

WFB: The Democratic Panic: Senate Dems try to run from Obama | SUPERcuts! #117:

Democrats and the White House have some disconnect on 2014 messaging.

PJ Media, Trifecta: Voter Suppression via Obama: Democrats Flee Former Political Prodigy:

Can Democratic Congressional candidates squirm from under the burden of Obama? Crowds used to hang on his every word, now they hang up before he’s done.

PJ Media, Trifecta: Obama Meltdown: Will Popularity Slump Impact Election, Policy, Sanity?

Mark Levin ➡ You’re Going To See Obama’s Full Mussolini Coming Out With His Pen And His Phone:


Megyn Kelly Says New York Doctor With Ebola Was ‘Irresponsible’:

Chaffetz talks New Ebola Case in New York to Megyn Kelly:

Ebola patient rode subway before showing symptoms; how does MTA respond:

The doctor who tested positive on Thursday for the Ebola virus was also a New York City resident who had been riding the subway before he was diagnosed.

I doesn’t sound like any special cleaning or decontaminating went on in those affected subway cars. Those two drones trust everything the CDC tells them to be the absolute truth. The hipster doc wasn’t contagious when he road the subway – period. No worries, New York City.

But are they really so sure that a person with Ebola but showing no symptoms is not at all contagious?  Some doctors dispute that.


Tired of listening to Progressives tell you that the Second Amendment only allows people in militias to keep and bear arms? Or that the Founders would have never intended the Second Amendment to apply to modern weapons? In his latest FIREWALL Bill recounts a remarkable conversation about the precise wording of the Second Amendment, and sums up why the document says what it means and means what it says.

ACLJ: A Rise of ISIS Round Table – Sekulow Ep. 324:

Tap Dancing Priests Rising to Internet Fame (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO)


Here’s the raw video of that Vatican performance that went viral on Youtube:





3 thoughts on “Saturday Movie Matinee: Why You Must Vote in the Midterms

  1. The guvner’s race in Oregon has turned out as delicious as anything in Kentucky or NC. Seems the incumbent’s live-in girlfriend has quite a checkered past legally, and the Repub challenger (savaged, naturally, by the media here as a TEA party extremist) is finally using it to let the people know what kind of person the guvner really is.

    Now, if the rest of the Repub candidates would only follow his lead and expose the jackass incumbents they are running against for the morally corrupt, incompetent, death-favoring creeps they are, too…

    Liked by 1 person

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