Bowling With Ebola


So – a doctor in NYC was diagnosed last night with Ebola.

Greta Van Susteren reviewed his itinerary at GretaWire:

He got back from West Africa last Friday and has been moving around the city and coming in contact with many since returning from West Africa. His temperature was taken at JFK when he returned per the Obama Administration new port entry rules. He passed. Now read on:

I realize it is difficult to protect the nation from ebola, but, at the very least, the American people should not be slicked into feeling safe from a procedure that is grossly inadequate.

If you watch ON THE RECORD at 7pm, you know I have more than once pointed out the obvious: the Obama Administration’s airport entry tests for people arriving from Africa is both ridiculous as inadequate and falsely lulls American people into feeling safe, that something is being done to protect them. At 5 airports, passengers’ temperatures are taken as an ebola test. Here is the obvious problem with this – assume this:

Day#1 – passenger gets ebola in West Africa

Day #5 (?) – gets on a plane from West Africa to USA and has NO SYMPTOMS. Passenger arrives at one of the 5 airports and gets temperature taken and TEMPERATURE IS NORMAL. Passenger continues journey into the United States.

Day 18? – passenger develops fever (symptom of ebola.) Passenger obviously within the 21 day incubation period. PASSENGER, NOW IN USA, HAS EBOLA and is CONTAGIOUS.

The day before he went to the hospital,  Dr. Craig Spencer and his live-in girlfriend Morgan Dixon went out on the town – which included a subway ride to the BOWLING ALLY.

Via Charles C. Johnson of Got News, the hipster couple “exposed New Yorkers in two different boroughs to ebola during their night out on the town.”

They are both registered Democrats with a history of working in public health.

Both Spencer and Dixon are professional do gooders according to their LinkedIn and professional websites. Spencer boasts a degree from Columbia’s University Mailman School of Public Health, according to his since deleted LinkedIn page.

So why did health care professionals decide to go bowling just days after Spencer returned from Ebola-infected Guinea?

Doctors Without Borders had already announced nine deaths from Ebola and sixteen infections. Why didn’t Spencer take his sickness seriously?

I think the answer lies in the first five words of the above paragraph.

Drudge once again has linked to the disinformation-monger Alex Jones, who is claiming that Ebola patients are being “disappeared.”

But anyone who has been closely monitoring the news, has to be suspicious that the least transparent administration in our nation’s history is trying to cover up inconvenient Ebola news – not so much to avoid panic – but to protect Democrats in the midterm elections.

Paul Rahe of Ricochet also wonders if there are other cases out there that are being swept under the carpet.

My first instinct is to suspect such claims. But, over the last few years, we have been misled time and again, and I could easily imagine the Obama Administration, in a panic, directing the CDC to hide as much as possible.

Like everything else about this administration, I suppose, the truth will eventually come out — after it is politically irrelevant.

Meanwhile, unlike last week’s Ebola hearing, Republicans on the Oversight and reform Committee came to their hearing, this morning, armed with the facts to assail HHS for its inadequate preparation for and response to the disease.

Some highlights:

Rep Darrell Issa DESTROYS CDC At Ebola Hearing. CDC Has Been Giving False Information:


Rep Jim Jordan DESTROYS Dr Lurie For Wasting Money On Puppet Shows Instead Of Ebola Vaccine:

Trey Gowdy vs Dr Lurie On Ron Klain Being Qualified For Ebola Czar. Ebola Hearing:

Sheriff Babeu: Administration Knowingly Lied About Release of Criminal Detainees – “It Went All The Way up to the WH”

The MSM is finally waking up to a story that should have caused a firestorm when it hit the news over 18 months ago.

Records have come to light that prove the Obama administration was lying when it repeatedly told the public and Congress that the thousands of illegal immigrants who were released from jail had minor criminal records and were no threat to the public.

Starting in February of 2013 – if the MSM was interested – there were ICE and Border Patrol whistleblowers who were saying that serious criminals were being released.

While the controversy was raging, Sheriff Babeu of Pinal County, AZ  told Jed Babbin of The American Spectator that he was receiving frantic calls from ICE and Border Patrol agents. Babeu said, “Good people who work for ICE, work for Border Patrol, they call me all the time.…They said, ‘Sheriff, help us. We’re releasing all these criminals. This order just came down from Washington and now they’re all out in the streets.”

Sheriff Babeu told Jeanine Pirro in terrifying detail  how bad some of the guys who were released were:

 Pinal County Sheriff, Paul Babeu noted that among those released were criminals who had been “convicted not just charged – convicted for weapons violations, drug smuggling, (these are cartel members, these are narcotic traffickers!), drug dealers, these are people who have been in fights,  and aggravated assaults against police officers…. How in the world can you say these are low risk, non criminal detainees?!  These are the worst of the worst. These are people who have been convicted of child molestation! We have people who have been released, I’ve been told by ICE agents, who have been  charged with man-slaughter.”

Where are the whistleblowers?   Babeu told Jeanine Pirro that “several memos had been sent out to ICE agents about the prisoner releases, and anyone who talked about it “outside our agency shall be disciplined up to and including termination, creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.”  He said, “these federal agents, who swore an oath to protect our country, are being intimidated from doing the right thing.”

But  Jay Carney and ICE Chief  John Morton insisted the released detainees were “low risk” and “non-criminal”  – and the MSM apparently took their word for it, because that outrageous scandal – like so many of the Regime’s other outrageous scandals – simply disappeared from the news.

So now, all these months later, the truth comes out.

The records, obtained by USA TODAY, show immigration officials released some undocumented immigrants who had faced far more serious criminal charges, including people charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, drug trafficking and homicide.

You don’t say! You mean members of the Obama administration were *GASP* not being open and honest with the American people – on an issue that directly effects their safety and security?! 

The release sparked a furor in Congress. Republican lawmakers accused the Obama administration of setting dangerous criminals free. In response, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said it had released “low-risk offenders who do not have serious criminal records,” a claim the administration repeated to the public and to members of Congress.

The new records, including spreadsheets and hundreds of pages of e-mails, offer the most detailed information yet about the people ICE freed as it prepared for steep, across-the-government spending cuts in February 2013. They show that although two-thirds of the people who were freed had no criminal records, several had been arrested or convicted on charges more severe than the administration had disclosed.

ICE spokeswoman Gillian Christensen acknowledged the discrepancy. She said “discretionary releases made by ICE were of low-level offenders. However, the releases involving individuals with more significant criminal histories were, by and large, dictated by special circumstances outside of the agency’s control.”

In hearings last year, Republican lawmakers pressed then-ICE Director John Morton for specifics on the criminal records of the people the agency had freed. At one, Rep. J. Randy Forbes, R-Va., asked Morton directly, “No one on that list has been charged or convicted with murder, rape or sexual abuse of a minor, were they?”

Morton answered, “They were not.”

He told lawmakers that, to his knowledge, none had faced child pornography charges.

White House spokesman Jay Carney similarly described them as “low-risk, non-criminal detainees.”

Of course, Jay Carney, Janet Napolitano and John Morton are all no longer with the Obama administration having moved on to find other ways to mislead the public.

Neil Cavuto had Sheriff Babeu on his Fox show to talk about the “new” revelations.

He said they had released hundreds criminals right into his county in Arizona and  “five courageous whistleblowers within ICE”  had contacted him about what was going on. When he went to the media, (only conservative media ran with it) he was accused of lying.

“It went all the way up to the White House and they knowingly lied,” Babeu charged. “It wasn’t me – it was them and there was 2,228  released in California, Arizona, Texas and Georgia. The most troubling part of this story, now that it’s been exposed is that this administration knowing lied, releasing… two in my county that were charged with manslaughter, people who were charged, convicted of  child molestation, aggravated assault against police officers, armed robbery…”

He added, “the worst part is we still don’t know their names and where they were released to this very moment…”

Anticipating Obama’s promised executive action on amnesty, Babeu said he’s calling on Congress to “please take action to stop the president from taking action with unilateral powers he doesn’t have.”

Cavuto wondered why it would be the Obama administration’s interest to release these criminals into the populous.

Babeu reminded him that it started during the Sequestration when the Regime was trying to pressure Congress by “turning up the volume of the pain.”

In March of 2013, an irate Rep. Trey Gowdy pressed then ICE Director Morton on the release of criminal detainees.

“It does look like the decision to release the detainees was a political determination and not a monetary determination,” Gowdy said. “It appears to me that the release of the detainees was part of a sequester campaign that included the fictional firing of teachers, the closing of the White House for student tours, the displacement of meat inspectors and now we are going to release aggravated felons—some aggravated felons onto the street.”


RUSH on Illegal Immigrant Prison Release: Obama Employing Tactics Used By Ceaușescu, Saddam Hussein, and Fidel Castro (Audio)

House Investigators Obtain ICE Document Showing Regime Plans To Release 5,000 Illegal Immigrant Detainees

Same DHS That Used Sequester Cuts to Justify Release of Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Prisoners, Recently Purchased 2,700 Light-Armored Vehicles

KS Sec. of State, Kris Kobach: DHS Release of Illegal Immigrants “a Brazen Abuse of Power”, “Impeachment Stuff” (Audio)

Video: Jeanine Pirro Rips Obama Regime For Letting Dangerous Illegal Immigrant Criminals Walk – “I Call It The Obama Amnesty Program”

Sen. John Cornyn Blasts Napolitano: Release of Illegals Represents “Violation of Dept’s Basic Core Missions”

Backlash: Obama Regime’s Decision to Release Illegal Immigrant Prisoners Infuriates Republican Lawmakers

Rep Lamar Smith on Mass Release of Criminal Aliens: “Obama Admin. Should Take Responsibility for Any Additional Crimes Committed”

Sick: DHS Released 68,000 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions in 2013