A McCain Girl Responds To Criticism

In case you haven’t already seen the original McCain Girls video, I posted it, here.

Apparently the girls have been the subject of…shall we say… unflattering criticism.

Ummmm…..content warning:

Now, Nice Deb’s hand’s are clean. All I said was it may, may cause bleeding of the ears. But I left it up to the viewer to make up their own minds….’cause that’s how I roll.

You’re welcome bitches!

Hat tip: Hot Air headlines

5 thoughts on “A McCain Girl Responds To Criticism

  1. Speaking of how you roll Deb, Pat Condell has his latest installment out. I know he’s and Atheist and all, but he is funny as hell and really gives the rag heads and the Berkeley crowd hell.


  2. You’re welcome. If you have not already, go to his channel and check out, “Appeasing Islam”. That is his best yet IMHO.


  3. Pingback: McCain Girls: Shenanigans! « Nice Deb

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