People Find This Funny?

This video of Randi Rhodes’ “comedy” act has been out for two days, but I’m only now getting around to watching it:

What jumped out at me, (besides of course her crude words for Hillary and Ferraro), was how utterly unfunny she was. I guess all that’s required to make a group of liberal, drunk morons clap and laugh, is a few well placed cuss words. But what a completely twisted and nonsensical set, that was; “thin left-wing comedy gruel”, as Allahpundit would say. It didn’t speak well for her, or for her audience….ummm…(I’m holding back a little…) Can I speak plainly here? These people are totally insane! What some have described as “a mixed reaction” to her profane descriptions of Clinton and Ferraro, sounded like overwhelming approval to me. But that’s besides the point…the woman had nothing… nothing even remotely humorous to say. I’m not saying that only because I’m a conservative. I can laugh at liberal jokes. I used to laugh at Dennis Miller all the time, when he was the Weekend Update anchor on SNL back during his liberal days. I’d laugh, and be mad at him at the same time. But he’s a funny guy.

Randi Rhodes ain’t funny. She ain’t none too smart, either. It shows. Apparently she’s an embarrassment to some of the smarter libs, too.

So the question I have for Air America is, (given her unstable history):

if it was okay for her to air a “comedy” skit about Romney supporters going on a killing rampage if McCain becomes the nominee…


air another spot threatening to assassinate President Bush for trying to reform Social Security…


it was okay to compare the Bush family to the Corleones and say “Like Fredo, somebody ought to take him out fishing and phuw,” (making gunshot sounds)…

among many other embarrassments…

…why all of a sudden are you now just putting your foot down?


Would this be the first time she has ever directed her special brand of ignorant bile at other liberal Democrats?

5 thoughts on “People Find This Funny?

  1. What’s the world coming too? Democrats on the receiving end of their own treatment? hahahhaha

    Maybe they should have considered that possibility while they were encouraging such people for years before it happened to them.


  2. Have you ever listened to Air America? It actually makes Jon Stewart seem funny. It’s clapper humor minus the humor, just jackass after jackass ranting about how much they hate Bush and Republicans.


  3. Living proof that a concept does not sell ad time. AA tossed all their cash into facilities and big dollars for Franken. They made the mistake of equating good progressives for good entertainment. If they could have found a half dozen liberals with a sense of humor who were willing to laugh at themselves and could articulate their principles in a credible way, they’d have succeeded. I don’t know if there are six such liberals, but hey.


  4. Yet another example of some liberal spewing hate and obscenities, then hiding behind the “satire” and “comedy” defense when called on it.


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