Michael Ramirez Cartoon: 2974 Reasons For Supporting “Enhanced Interrogation”

ramirezHat tip: Reeko


As everybody with a brain suspected, the release of the so called torture memos was a completely political move by Obama, designed to hit back at Cheney,  only instead, blowing up in Obama’s face.

Buried deep within the Washington Post’s front-page story on the decision to release the OLC memos, Barack Obama’s motivation gets revealed.  Former VP Dick Cheney’s criticism that Obama’s policies had made America less safe apparently stung more than the White House admitted.  Unfortunately, Obama may have gone a long way towards proving Cheney’s point in allowing himself to get baited (via Michael Goldfarb):

Several Obama aides said the president’s decision was in line with his frequent criticism during the campaign of President George W. Bush’s policies on interrogations at secret prisons. On his second day in office, Obama banned the prisons and the tactics in an executive order.

The aides also said they hope the memos’ release will focus public attention on the coldness and sterility of the legal justifications for abusive techniques, with Obama telling reporters in the Oval Office on Tuesday that the documents demonstrate that the nation lost its “moral bearings” in the Bush years.

A source familiar with White House views said Obama’s advisers are further convinced that letting the public know exactly what the past administration sanctioned will undermine what they see as former vice president Richard B. Cheney’s effort to “box Obama in” by claiming that the executive order heightened the risk of a terrorist attack.

It’s not exactly working out the way they had planned, though. The truth’s a bitch when it ain’t on your side.

19 thoughts on “Michael Ramirez Cartoon: 2974 Reasons For Supporting “Enhanced Interrogation”

  1. The cartoon is appalling. The idea that the way to honor 9/11 victims is to torture is so twisted and nauseating that it shouldn’t require a response from anyone claiming to be a moral creature.


  2. The idea that the way to honor 9/11 victims…blah, blah, blah

    We’re “honoring” victims by torturing them? Who ever said that? What sort of mental deficiency would lead you down that twisted and nauseating path?

    You should turn in your moral creature card.


  3. The cartoon is appalling.

    No, the cartoon is a reminder of an appalling act undertaken by bloodthirsty rock-worshipping savages. It wasn’t a ‘statement’. It was a cowardly act of wholesale political murder, and your “appalling” inability to realize where the offense lies troubles me greatly.

    The idea that the way to honor 9/11 victims is to torture is so twisted and nauseating that it shouldn’t require a response from anyone claiming to be a moral creature.

    Sweetie, (can I call you sweetie, since you are carrying on like a hysterical little girl?), the techniques used by the CIA were no different than what we use in training our own military. It is many things, but ‘torture’ is not one of them, as any survivor of Saddam’s rape rooms will tell you.
    Secondly, your fevered protestation to the contrary, it has nothing to do with “honoring” those people murdered on that fall day. The politicians have done a fine job in screwing up those attempts. If you concentrate really, really hard, then you might see that it is about doing the absolute minimum to make sure that IT NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN. If you are going to persist in refusing to defend yourself and your freedom, can we feed you to the alligator first?


  4. Does anyone else see the irony in liberals playing the morality card??? Let’s not intimidate the poor little terrorists that want to behead us all, but it is OK for liberals to intimidate conservatives who believe in marriage between a man and a woman or who want to protect innocent unborn children or who disagree with Barack Obama’s socialist agenda.


  5. The cartoon rings true with all Patriots. However if your from the Rev. Wright school of thinking….we God Damned deserved 9-11, and we deserve whatever’s in store for the future.
    And to imagine over half the country voted for this anti-American idiot boob.


  6. Although reported differently at the time, when American soldiers recovered the body of C.I.A. agent Johnny ‘Michael’ Spahn, his legs below the knees were both broken, snapped. He had two bullet wounds just at the belt line on either side of his spine. This was done purely for sport. Now, what were you saying about a cartoon? (See, The Hunt for bin Laden: Task Force Dagger by Robin Moore.) Incidentally, this book has descriptions of the Northern Alliance Afghan soldiers’ incredulity at only small teams of eight men helping them, change to joyful astonishment when the first JDAM’s hit Taliban positions, and they can see Taliban bodies flying into the air in the explosions. Payback is a bitch. I subscribe to the Jacksonian viewpoint. Leave me alone, and I’ll leave you alone. F#ck with me and I’ll kill you. You may keep your Wilsonian diplomacy. This is war. Shoot to kill. Fight to win. MOLON LABE. “IHS”


  7. What happened to his promise of putting petty differences aside. He won – why can’t he move on instead of trying to rub the VP’s face in a pile of crap?

    I’m telling you – his arrogance & pride will be what brings him down.


  8. Delusional, twisted crap. No reason – just blithering certainty.
    And too stupid and ill-informed to possibly see the irony.
    You are a truly mind-boggling bit of depressing fuckwittery.


  9. No reason – just blithering certainty.

    You might want to read that line once or twice while contemplating the meaning of “irony.” Unless, of course, it makes your head hurt, as I suspect it might.


  10. Delusional, twisted crap. No reason – just blithering certainty.
    And too stupid and ill-informed to possibly see the irony.
    You are a truly mind-boggling bit of depressing fuckwittery.

    And I suppose it would be too difficult for you to actually explain your nuanced and enlightened opinion in a way that actually shows how we’re wrong?


  11. This article by Noemie Emery at TWS says it all!
    Telling the Truth – Let the hearings begin!
    Also dropped down the memory hole — along with the names of all the Democrats who thought Saddam was a menace who cried out for removal — is what the ambience was like in late 2001 and 2002, when fears of anthrax and suitcase bombs ran rampant, and people on all sides tried to seem tough. Let’s tell the truth about all the liberals who went on record supporting real torture, not to mention the Democrats in Congress, when it was cool to want to seem tough on our enemies, who couldn’t be too warlike. Then war and tough measures stopped being cool, and “world opinion” became more important. Nothing like statements under oath to revive ancient memories! And rewind the tapes.

    Let’s get at the truth too about the word “torture,” which to different people, means different things. Some think “torture” means standing on the 98th floor of a burning skyscraper and realizing you have a choice between jumping and being incinerated. Some think torture is being crushed when a building implodes around you. Some think torture is not thinking you might drown for several minutes, but looking at burning buildings on television and knowing that people you love are inside them. They remember that being crushed, incinerated, or killed in a jump from the 98th story happened to almost 3,000 blameless Americans (as well as a number of foreigners), and that 125 Pentagon employees were killed at their desks, while many survivors suffered terrible burns. They think the choice between stopping this from happening again by slapping around or scaring the hell out of a cluster of brigands, or leaving the brigands alone and letting it happen again, is a no-brainer.


  12. Pingback: Transición de Obama: seguridad nacional (I). Una venganza peligrosa contra Bush 43 « Sarah Palin en Español

  13. Pingback: The Obama Transition: Homeland Security – A dangerous hit on Bush 43 (I) « Rillot in English

  14. “…when American soldiers recovered the body of C.I.A. agent Johnny ‘Michael’ Spahn, his legs below the knees were both broken, snapped. He had two bullet wounds just at the belt line on either side of his spine…”

    Michael Spahn was an “interrogator,” that is, a torturer, who he suffered the torturer’s worst nightmare– his victims escaped and took vengeance on him. Only a crybaby feels sorry for such a sad sack. What he suffered at the hands of his victims is nothing compared to what he’s suffering now.. in hell.


  15. Michael Spahn was an “interrogator,” that is, a torturer


    What he suffered at the hands of his victims is nothing compared to what he’s suffering now.. in hell.

    What a despicable little toad you are.


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