Video: Michelle Malkin Discusses Obama’s School Speech On Hannity

Malkin crystallizes perfectly the concerns parents are having about Obama’s August 8 speech:

I think she’s absolutely right that the speech itself will be innocuous, although I suspect that there will be parts that rub me the wrong way – for instance any mention of “community service” because of the connotations and connections that come to mind. The main concern here, is of course,  that many liberal activist teachers will look at the curriculum offered By the Dept of Education, and feel encouraged to propagandize the kids.

I’m glad that Michelle is on this, and not backing down.

Hat tip: Hot Air

14 thoughts on “Video: Michelle Malkin Discusses Obama’s School Speech On Hannity

  1. This is the most outrageous thing ever. Does obama want to get into their little minds? I will be looking for someone bringing obama some flowers and little girls dancing. Is this the CHANGE his faithful followers wanted?


  2. While I am not pleased at all with this new tack of the President, to me it is similar to battling the science teachers over teaching evolution as a theory and not a fact. We at oour home just present the facts to our kids about why evolution does not work and about creation and that what the Bible describes in Genesis is the preparation of the Earth for habitation for mankind.

    Factually, it is correct. It does not dispute the actual age of the earth as it is humans who put the job at 144 hours. The Hebrew word translated into day is not confined to a 24 hour day. (How long is one of Gpd”s days anyway?) The order of the appearance of animals in the fossil record agrees with that of the Bible. Likewise, the diversity in animal life today is a product of natural selection which shouldn’t be confused with evolution (like Darwin did).

    The fact that even evolutionists cannot come up with a unified theory plus the experiments of Louis Pastuer which proved the spontaneous generation of life does not happen shows that evolution is NOT a fact.

    So proper questions to ask the kids after the speech and and any teacher propagandizing can be easily refuted with logic. We just have to do a little more parenting.


  3. Reiuxcat, while I agree with pretty much everything you said, I believe there is one thing you are missing in the creation story. While the Hebrew word translated into day doesn’t have to mean a 24 hour period, I think you could take another look at the phrase “and the evening and the morning”. Just sayin’. And hi Deb. Hope you and yours are well lady.


  4. That’s ok. I would ask you, did your gandpa ever say “back in my day”? Was he referring to one 24 hour period? Likewise, and I feel a bit sheepish because I cannot recall the original Hebrew word, the Hebrew “day” has more than one connatation.

    I’ll dig it up later this evening.


  5. There’s little doubt this is an indoctrination ploy. I imagine an attempt to influence adults using children. It seems to have multiple hidden agendas or potential ones.


  6. Hell, Dear Leader should have had Van Jones talk to the kids. He could tell them (white kids) how racist their parents are, how God awful of a nation we are today, and throw in that all Republicans are arse-holes. Why beat around the bush Dear Leader? Give the kids your big guns.


  7. Are you people listening to yourself? Indoctrination? Brainwashing? What do you have against our children being taught the value of education? Are you exhausted from being so paranoid?

    I think you all with be sufficiently heated with this blogger whom I happen to agree with:

    (deleted spam-ed)


  8. Are you people listening to yourself? Indoctrination? Brainwashing?

    Yes…are you listening to us, or just spamming blogs? Because nobody used those words in this post or in the comments. As I mentioned in the post, the speech itself will be innocuous.


  9. Personally, I think the scariest thing Obama is planning to do in his administration is seek to make really dangerous changes to our public education system. Take a few minutes and google Anneberg Challenge, the disaster that Obama and his partner Bill Ayers oversaw in Chicago. They explicitly sought to inject radical political views into their teaching. Many will say that the Anneberg Challenge failed so nothing to worry about. Oh really…

    >>The Challenge’s work is still carried on today through to the bipartisan Chicago Public Education Fund, which coordinates closely Chicago Public Schools CEO Arne Duncan and Mayor Daley…

    Yes, that Arne Duncan, US Secretary of Education in the Obama administration.

    Kinda interesting that so many ’60s radicals are interested in “fixing” publci education. I wonder why?


  10. Jackstraw, did you know that the WH coordinated with the Dept. of Ed to draft those activity proposals for teachers that are designed to be done, before, during and after the speech?


  11. Yep. Amazing that seemingly nobody in the MSM is even the slightest bit curious about all this but they saw evil connections between BushMcHitler and the Carlyle Group and Haliburton, etc. every damn day.


  12. A little more on Obama’s plan for education.

    >>The economic-stimulus bill passed by Congress in February included $100 billion in new education spending. Of that total, Duncan has $5 billion in discretionary funding. That money alone makes him the most powerful Education Secretary ever. “I had very little–in the single-digit millions,” says Margaret Spellings, Duncan’s predecessor. “That’s millions, with an m.”

    >>Duncan’s choices could have a transformative impact on America’s beleaguered public-education system.,9171,1920299-1,00.html

    Transformative. Do tell. Amazing stuff they packed into that stimulus bill.


  13. you are all crazy right wing nutjobs. Go kneel in front of your cross while our children die in a foreign land. Philistines!


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