Obama’s Magnanimous Advice To Perry: “Be a Little More Careful About What You Say”

Good Lord, would you look at this:

Transcript via: Real Clear Politics

BARACK OBAMA: You know, Mr. Perry just got into the presidential race. I think that everybody who runs for president, it probably takes them a little bit of time before they start realizing that this isn’t like running for governor or running for senator or running for Congress, and you’ve got to be a little more careful about what you say.

But I’ll cut him some slack. He’s only been at it for a few days now.

Jeez, it’s hard to isolate  the most egregious offense, here…

Is it the arrogance?: Deigning to school the inexperienced, political neophyte, Perry on how to run for President…like Perry needs his advice?

The condescension?: I’ll cut him some slack....” (How big of him).

The rank hypocrisy?: “you’ve got to be a little more careful about what you say.Like Obama was so careful when he was running for President? He was caught lying too many times to count, and his gaffes were legendary.This is a man who inspired a sitting member of Congress to stand up and holler, “You lie!” during one of his dishonest health care speeches, because all of his statements come with expiration dates. This is the man whose poll numbers drop every time he gets in front of the camera. This is not the person to be saying; “you’ve got to be a little more careful about what you say”!

And then there’s the implicit warning—“He’s only been at it a few days now” ….We’ll give him a few days to get his bearings, then if he starts hitting me where I’m vulnerable (that would be all over – ed), Captain Kick-A$$ takes the gloves off.  Obama’s  warning to Perry to be “more careful” is self-serving – it’s designed to benefit him by intimidating Perry.

The fact that he’s smacking GOP candidates around  while on his “non-political” bus tour at tax payer expense?

It’s obvious to everyone that Obama’s Midwest jaunt is a campaign bus tour.


The president should simply refuse to talk about the GOP candidates until next spring. It’s just undignified for him to be attacking this early. And it puts him in the frame of mind where for the next year and two months, he’ll be making decisions based on what his political hacks – and Romney’s and Perry’s – are thinking.

He’d do better politically and for the country if he’d just be president. Responding to every peep out of the Republicans is amateurish self indulgence.

Shouldn’t the President be a little more careful?

The most egregious offense of all? Acting like Rick Perry said anything wrong. He didn’t:

“The men and women in the United States Military  want someone who’s worn the uniform” – Perry’s worn the uniform.

Speaking obvious truths is  “disrespectful”, how?

Note to the Perry Campaign: Don’t be deterred from speaking the truth. He’s going to come at you with both barrels blazing no matter what you do.

Oh, and btw, get used to being called a racist. Governor Perry, (R-Racist)  is going to be a recurring theme for the next 14 months.  Get used to it. His surrogates at PMSNBC  are already pushing the narrative, and that clumsy oaf, Ed Schmultz is taking a leading role –  going to the trouble of doctoring tapes to make Perry sound like he said something  he didn’t.  There’s going to be so much of this going on in the months ahead,  the eventual back-tracks and weaselly statements “of regret”, won’t matter. The  narrative will have been created and that’s all they care about.

Poor Obama gets a lot of flack from racist Republicans, especially that Texas “good old boy”, Rick Perry — just for being (half) black.

It’s a flawed strategy for a couple of reasons –

1.) The dim bulbs at MSNBC don’t have the persuasive powers to influence anyone but the dimmest of bulbs who watch them.

2.) The race card is about maxed out. Is this they best they’ve got?

Yes, it is.

White Guilt is what got Obama elected, and White Guilt is what they’re hoping will get him re-elected.

The GOP may want to come up with a strategy, now, to deal with it.


5 thoughts on “Obama’s Magnanimous Advice To Perry: “Be a Little More Careful About What You Say”

  1. Our Community-Organizer-In-Chief is more sensitive to his personal image, and any defacement thereof, than he’ll ever be to any consideration outside himself. His ego is so large and sensitive that it covers all his appointments, all his insane policy initiatives, all his broken promises, all his fawning speeches to foreign dictators, and the many and sundry gaffes and inanities he and his wife have committed. Indeed, I rather imagine that the reason NASA has been told to let the Hubble orbital telescope fall into disuse is so no one will dare to ask whether the Obama ego can be seen from space.


  2. Pingback: Obama’s Magnanimous Advice To Perry: “Be a Little More Careful About What You Say” (via Nice Deb) | My Blog

  3. I see this as a great opportunity for whatever conservative (hopeful here…) that runs against obama, this is an easy way to bait him into more poll dropping gaffes. He’s like a wind up toy, a few clicks and he will do your bidding for you no problem.


  4. OK, so Obhammud has both of the PMSNBC viewers locked up tight now.

    But he already had them by virtue of them not being able to distinguish reality from their view of unicorn farming anyway, so what good has Duh-1 accomplished? As much as he’s accomplished?

    As much good as he’s accomplished since he splashed on the scene during his speech at the 2004 national Democrap nominating convention.

    The sack of barnyard manure doesn’t “get it,” never has, never will. It’s long past time to get rid of him, all his cronies, and all the damage he’s personally imposed on this once-great and soon-to-be-great country again.


  5. obama is too narcissistic to realize he has nothing to stand on complaining about Perry.
    We still have the 1st Amendment, barry…….suck it up.

    obama’s NPD is really coming out now and it’s going to be truly full blown till he’s moved out of the White House next year.
    Narcissistic Personality Disorder


    Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

    In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:
    •Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
    •Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
    •Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
    •Requires excessive admiration
    •Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
    •Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
    •Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
    •Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
    •Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

    Why not just put a photo of obama there ?
    He’s a textbook case.

    FYI: If you know anyone who exhibits these traits – Avoid them like the plague and give them as little personal info. about yourself and your life as possible.
    I speak from experience.


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