Video: Holder Abruptly Ends Press Conference When Subject Turns To Fast And Furious

Embattled Attorney General Eric Holder held a press conference, today, to talk about the  foiled Iranian plot to recruit a Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the U.S. by bombing a Washington restaurant.

“This conspiracy was conceived, was sponsored and was directed fromIran” by officials there, Mr. Holder said during a Justice Department news conference to announce a criminal indictment against two men. He vowed to “hold Iran accountable.”

Whatever. Will he hold the Mexican drug cartel (that his ATF armed to the teeth with American weapons) accountable, too?

When the subject turned to Fast and Furious, Holder downplayed the controversy, saying it would let it “detract us from the important business we have to do here at the Justice Department, including matters like the one that we have announced today.”

And with that, the presser was over.

Rush “questioned the timing” of the press conference:

“What a great way to sidestep the fact that he’s being delivered a subpoena for Fast and Furious,” Rush said, a reference to a report that GOP Rep. Issa is calling for more information from Holder regarding what he knew (and when) about the DOJ’s failed gunwalking program, and could send subpoenas this week.

“So here comes Holder. What nice timing; give him something to distract everybody away from Fast and Furious. That’s exactly what this is. … What great timing. … No question in my mind what Holder’s press conference is about.”

DailyRushbo has the audio.

See also:

Fox News: Congressional Investigators to Subpoena Holder in Fast and Furious Probe

It was a brutal weekend for the Obama administration: Gunwalker continued unraveling at a faster pace, with new developments suggesting that Attorney General Eric Holder may not be the only Obama appointee destined for a political fall and possible criminal charges.

In an interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa revealed for the first time that the Drug Enforcement Administration was far more involved in running the operation than the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives:

It wasn’t an ATF operation. They were part of that. It was a joint operation in which DEA knew more than ATF.

This directly conflicts with prior statements by DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart — she claimed that the DEA only played a supporting role and that her DEA agents in El Paso and Phoenix were only “indirectly involved in the ATF operation through DEA-associated investigative activity.” She further absolved her agency by claiming that “DEA personnel had no decision-making role in ATF operations” associated with Fast and Furious.

Keep reading at the link.

2 thoughts on “Video: Holder Abruptly Ends Press Conference When Subject Turns To Fast And Furious

  1. Of course DEA knew more than the ATF. Their agents read comic books with a lot more conversation in them, and the words are bigger, too.

    What a bunch of clowns. Lead, of course, by the head clown Holder and his ringmaster, Barry, all part of the Barnum and Soros Circus.


  2. Pingback: Eric’s Joint | Sandia Tea Party

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