Earth Day 2012 Fizzles — Badly

In what should be seen as a hopeful sign that global warming/climate change hysteria in the United States has finally, mercifully, all but petered out, none but the most die hard Gaia- worshippers convened on the National Mall, Sunday, for the big Earth Day festivities.  Organizers reportedly had expected “tens of thousands”, but in reality the event attracted only — tens.

Newsbusters reported:

Monday’s Washington Post gave the badly-attended Earth Day rally on Sunday a whitewash on the front page of the Metro section. “Earth Day stands up to the rain,” was the headline, as reporter Tara Bahrampour said rain “didn’t stop the die-hards.” Online, the headline was funnier: “Rains don’t water down Earth Day enthusiasm.” The Post offered no attempts at a numerical estimate.

But at, ‘DC Green Business Examiner” Douglas Canter was more straightforward: “Earth Day Networks, which sponsored the event, expected tens of thousands of people. By midafternoon, about 40 people, including [Frisbee-throwers] Nick, Antonio, and a CNN crew, hovered near the stage awaiting the remainder of a long list of scheduled speakers and bands, including the Reverend Jesse Jackson and R&B singer Ledisi.”

He added: “About 50 yards away, several hundred people walked on the muddy grass and stopped under about 20 partially covered exhibits. Many were operated by companies that promoted their products.”

So let’s review: Earth Day organizers expected “tens of thousands” and drew 40. It received a large color photo (mother with child, avoid the “crowd” shot) and a front-page Metro story. In January, the March for Life turned out tens of thousands and it received two large color photos (one of an opponent) — one of and a front-page Metro story (and avoided a crowd shot). Post ombudsman Patrick Pexton nudged this quote from Post local editor Vernon Loeb: “In retrospect I wish we had given readers a better sense of the overall magnitude of the march. . .it was far larger than 17,000.”

Actually,  it was nearly 500,000.

The March for Life is always massive – and it’s always massively ignored by the MSM.

As Newsbusters reported, CNN barely Covered the March for Life, but hyped the much smaller Earth Day rally…

CNN prides itself on being a serious news network, but it submitted itself to being a simple megaphone for the Earth Day organizers. Correspondent Josh Levs admitted as much after airing a YouTube video that laid out the goals for the Earth Day movement.

“We have really stunning images to help you understand the extent to which the world has changed. So we want you all to know all about this. The kinds of things that they’re calling for on Earth Day, the kinds of things that are going on out there, and what the events are,” said Levs, who also directed the audience to links about the day on Facebook and Twitter.

One of the goals laid out by the movement, that CNN relayed to its cable news audience, was “trying to build a green economy and getting more green policies up there.” Such a goal could be considered a political agenda, but CNN had no problem carrying water for the movement.

“Earth Day 2012 activists want to pressure world leaders to address pressing issues like endangered wildlife, Arctic melting and air pollution,” noted anchor Don Lemon later on during the 6 p.m. hour.

Even with nodding approval and encouragement from the MSM, Earth Day Failed abysmally.

You get the full gist of how badly it failed from the Green-friendly blog, Freetaste: Celebrating Earth Day 2012 in Washington D.C. (photos) where you can view pic after pic of tens ones of people “mobilizing” to “save the earth” by building a “green economy”, etc. etc…

Always popular with environmental types, Captain Planet would have been a “crowd pleaser” if there had been a crowd.

Tents were set up but hardly anyone  was around to check out the Green wares inside.

“The wet weather may have discouraged people to attend,” the blogger speculates.

“A band performs despite the small turn out of audience at the National Mall,” he reports.

“Earth Day celebrants braved the cold and wet weather.”

Okay, ENOUGH. It’s APRIL. How cold can it be? If Pro-lifers can get hundreds of thousands year after year in January, what does it tell you about the excitement and dedication of enviros to their cause, that hardly anyone showed up for what was supposed to be a massive rally, because of a little rain. “April showers” are not wholly unexpected events, you know.

One Saturday, last April, in fact, I had the opportunity to tour DC with my oldest daughter, and guess what – it was raining cats and dogs for the whole day. Did that stop us? No, it did not. We just put on our rain coats and toured the Capitol in the rain – and had fun doing it.

Feb of ’09 saw the birth of a new conservative, grass roots movement in US politics – the Tea Party. It was in its infancy all across America.

In Kansas City, we held our very first tea party in a snow storm. The weather could not have been worse – really. And because we were conservatives, we’d never protested anything in our lives… but we believed in what we were doing.

I’ll never forget this grim faced girl:

History has proven us to be right. The Dems’ massive Stimulus did nothing to improve the economy, Obama’s spending on one boondoggle after another has been a disaster for this country. His “investments” in green energy  have been particularly egregious.

With  increasing numbers of people finally becoming aware of the Malthusian and Socialistic  nature of Climate Change fraud, coupled with Obama’s  massive Green Energy failures (at taxpayer expense),  it’s no wonder even Greenies allowed the rain to give them an excuse not to participate in Earth Day, this year.

Linked by Doug Ross and Maggie’s Farm, thanks!


10 thoughts on “Earth Day 2012 Fizzles — Badly

  1. Pingback: The Politics of YouTube

  2. I wonder: If one added up the total LIQ (“Life Intelligence Quotient) of the amassed mob, would it be at least equal to the shoe size of a child?

    I doubt it. That assumes a lot that has never been displayed by such groups.


  3. Pingback: MUST SEE VIDEO! “If I wanted America to fail” | American Freedom

  4. What is it the loons don’t understand? This farce of earth day, green energy and, global warming is nothing but a manufactured scam by those lusting for power.
    And they always consider themselfs so intelligent vs us hillbillies.


  5. Pingback: Weds. morning links - Maggie's Farm

  6. They should have made it a celibration of Lenin’s birthday. They would have at least had the Communist showing up.


  7. They should send them (and all their ilk) to the moon colony proposed by Newt! That would solve a whole bunch of problems at once. The fact the colony isn’t up and running yet is irrelevant – send them anyway. Makes for a much better and nicer earth.


  8. Nice article, Nice Deb.
    As one who marched on the very first Earth Day in 1970 (I was 15), I still consider myself an environmentalist. But like many past important movements which have largely succeeded (labor, civil rights, feminist, environmental) we are now just left with the professional agitators, professors, and the naive, which I’m happy to see are declining in numbers.
    This is very encouraging.
    Now, back to my Tea Party activities.


  9. Pingback: Do as I say, not as I do | PJ Tatler

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