*Selective Service Enacted New Privacy Rules Just As Sheriff Arpaio Was Starting His Investigation

This Washington Times story from two days ago should be raising more eyebrows. It seems that the Secret Service decided to make some changes in its record keeping requirements, last Fall,  just as Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation into Obama’s allegedly forged birth certificate and selective service registration forms, was getting started. The new rules, incredibly, allow existing copies of documents being sought by investigators —  to be destroyed.

The Selective Service System’s new privacy rules were published in the Federal Register on Tuesday, September 20, 2011, four days after the September 16 announcement by World Net Daily that the Maricopa County (Arizona) Sheriff’s Office “Cold Case Posse” was opening an inquiry with full subpoena power into alleged forgery of several documents concerning Obama’s birth and draft registration.

The new rules, which constitute the first update to Selective Service System privacy regulations in eleven years, were published under the title, “Privacy Act of 1974; Publication of Notice of Systems of Records.”

Ongoing controversy surrounding allegations that some of Obama’s personal identification documents and records, including his Selective Service draft registration form, are forgeries came into sharp focus seven months ago. The “Cold Case Posse,” under the leadership of Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio, opened an inquiry in response to those allegations.


“Sheriff Arpaio sent two written requests in March to the Selective Service System requesting President Obama’s draft registration records. Selective Service System officials responded to Arpaio in writing, but did not turn over any of President Obama’s registration records.”

“We believe they are stonewalling,” Zullo added. “In their latest reply letter to the Sheriff, they do not comment on, or even allude to, the microfilm being available to inspect.”

Changes in the wording of the privacy rules alters the status of federal records, like the requested draft registration records, from “record copies” to “nonrecord copies.” Nonrecord copies are subject to disposal.

Previously unnoticed, the new rules allow the government to destroy microfilm copies of Selective Service registration records and may create new obstacles for law enforcement agencies that are requesting records access for investigative purposes.

Read the full report at The Washington Times.

This video via  demonstrates how the problematic stamp on Obama’s card could have been made.


10 thoughts on “*Selective Service Enacted New Privacy Rules Just As Sheriff Arpaio Was Starting His Investigation

  1. Deb,
    Thanks for posting this important story. I will NEVER understand why more bloggers have no interest in this FRAUD. The WH is destroying evidence of Forgery, BEFORE Sheriff Joe can get to it and somehow this is not NEWSWORTHY?


  2. We’re more interested in pointing and laughing at the fact that a jailed felon can get 37% of the vote against Obama in a state that has been hurt by his policies, than the fact that the fix may already be in for a usurper who has put in place everything he needs to assert absolute executive control without any need of a Congress or Constitution. In other words, the usurper will become a dictator, if reelected.

    All this is just a big conspiracy theory, you see.


  3. Pingback: Destroying the Evidence | Daily Pundit

  4. Don’t know if you noticed this in the Times story:

    Compare this with the September 20, 2011 rules:

    1. Registration Form—Destroyed by maceration when its information has been transferred onto microfilm and into the computer system. Original microfilm is stored at a Federal Records Center. A microfilm non-record copy is retained at the Data Management Center, in locked steel cabinets. The copies are retained until no longer needed for reference purposes.

    2. The record copy of microfilm and computer tape will be retained until the registrant reaches 85 years of age.

    It appears there are two copies, the original microfilm copy, stored at a Federal Records Center and a second non-record copy which is stored at the Data Management Center.

    The original microfilm copy is kept until the registrant is 85 years old. And the non-record copy can be destroyed after it is no longer needed.


  5. Pingback: Articles, Etc. Joan Swirsky – Award-winning author « CITIZEN.BLOGGER.1984+ GUNNY.G BLOG.EMAIL

  6. Pingback: Feds Willing to Destroy Millions of Vital Records Just to Protect Barack Obama « News Worldwide

  7. Pingback: Feds stonewall on Obama draft registration record « CITIZEN.BLOGGER.1984+ GUNNY.G BLOG.EMAIL

  8. Pingback: President Obama Draft Card: Selective Service System blocks access to records « CITIZEN.BLOGGER.1984+ GUNNY.G BLOG.EMAIL

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