Video: 3 More Arrested in Boston Bombing Case

So much for the “Lone Wolf” theory we keep hearing about.

Ed Morrissey of Hot Air has been on this breaking story:

According to CBS News, the arrested are three friends of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Two will be charged with conspiracy to obstruct justice and making false statement. They are not U.S. citizens.

According to WBZ-TV’s Karen Anderson, their names are Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev.  Both are originally from Kazakhstan and attended the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

The third suspect, according to CBS News, is an American citizen and he will be charged with making false statements.

How stupid do you have to be to obstruct an investigation of a terrorist bombing?  Either you have to be monumentally stupid — or involved in the plot.

According to CNN, they just helped Dzhokhar get rid of … fireworks-filled backpacks:

– A federal law enforcement official told CNN on Wednesday that the charges against two of the individuals taken into custody involve allegedly lying to officials, because when first questioned by the FBI they lied about not seeing the suspects and not knowing their whereabouts after the attack.

– The federal law enforcement source said the charge of conspiring to obstruct justice relates to their moving things from Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s dorm room and throwing them into a dumpster. The source said the objects disposed of included fireworks inside backpacks. The trash bin subsequently was taken to a nearby landfill. Authorities carried out a two-day search of the landfill in New Bedford late last week.

So  after the Boston bombing, they dumped backpacks full of fireworks material in the dumpster? As Morrissey notes, maybe they weren’t bright enough to put two and two together. But after the FBI showed up at their door, if they were innocent of collusion, why wouldn’t they have told them about the backpacks?

One thought on “Video: 3 More Arrested in Boston Bombing Case

  1. My take on Morrissey’s question is two-fold: first, it shows just how stupid the rest of the world thinks our Keystone Kops-type federal and state investigators are, and second, if they (the arrested-development kids) are this stupid, what are they doing in ANY classroom, let alone a college?


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