Fox News Joins Media Boycott Of Holder ‘Off the Record’ Confab (Video)

Early Thursday morning, Fox News was still undecided on whether or not to attend an off the record meeting with embattled Atty General Eric Holder. Holder has scheduled sessions with media reps for Thursday and Friday, and a number of them have bailed out.

When Fox and Friends aired, this morning, the hosts were under the impression that Fox was going.

After being targeted by the Regime, I could kinda see why they would want to be there to see what was being said, but later Thursday morning, Fox News decided to stand with CNN, McClatchy, the Associated Press, New York Times, CBS, National Journal,  and Huffington Post to reject Holder’s transparent and self serving attempts to schmooze the media.

The Washington Post and Politico have accepted.

See Also:


Mediaite: Who’s Attending Eric Holder’s Off The Record Meeting With The Media?


Townhall: Guy Benson & Megyn Kelly on Holder’s Downfall & Media’s Rejecting His Hush-Hush Presser:


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