Holder Flack Accidentally Calls Issa Staff For Help Spinning IRS Scandal.

Whoopsie-do! He meant to call Cummings’ staff.

A DOJ flack caught trying to collude with Dems on the Oversight and Reform Committee? Oh my goodness, wait til Eric (Why is this man still our Atty. General?) Holder hears about this!11!!

A senior communications aide to Attorney General Eric Holder seemingly called House oversight committee chairman Darrell Issa’s staff by accident and asked for their help spinning new revelations about the IRS scandal, Issa said in a September 8 letter to Holder.

The aide, Brian Fallon, is a former senior aide to Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and a well-known personality on Capitol Hill. The letter describes Fallon as “audibly shaken” when he realizes his request to leak documents to help get ahead of news stories about them was mistakenly made to the very office he was seeking to undermine. Issa believes the call was intended to be made to Democratic Rep. Elijah Cumming’s staff, the ranking member on the oversight panel, the letter said.

According to the letter, Fallon – who is not named in the letter but confirmed he made the call – asked if the aides could release the IRS scandal documents to “selected reporters” to give Fallon an “opportunity to comment publicly on it.”

Fallon explained to Issa aides that the Justice Department’s Office of Legislative Affairs had not permitted him to release the documents to the public and he wanted to get ahead of the story “before the Majority” – meaning Issa – could share it, according to the letter.

This is a breitbart scoop, so you can read the rest, there. But talk about awkward. Now, they’re stuck pushing Pee-Wee Hermanesqe spin to explain the snafu. (I meant to do that!)

No one should be surprised to see Cummings working with the Regime — not to provide oversight (which is his job) but to do the exact opposite —  help them with their cover ups and cover stories.

As far as the IRS scandal goes – Cummings is  a partner in crime.

You may remember that back in April it was revealed that  Lois Lerner had funneled Rep. Cummings Info About True The Vote.

House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) released emails Wednesday afternoon showing that Lois Lerner coordinated with Rep. Elijah Cummings and committee Democrats multiple times between 2012 and 2013,  providing them information they requested about True the Vote, the 501(c)(4) voter integrity organization that was singled out for IRS scrutiny (not to mention FBI, ATF,  OSHA and  EPA-affiliated TCEQ scrutiny.)

Via Eliana Johnson NRO: 

In a letter signed by his five subcommittee chairmen, Issa raised the possibility that Cummings coordinated with the IRS, “surreptitiously” contacting the agency to request information about True the Vote.

E-mails unearthed in the course of Issa’s investigation into the IRS’s inappropriate targeting of right-leaning groups show that in January 2013, a member of Cummings’s staff contacted the IRS asking for any publicly available information on True the Vote. The matter was discussed by IRS officials that included Lois Lerner, the former exempt-organizations chief who retired in the wake of the targeting scandal. One of Lerner’s deputies, Holly Paz, subsequently sent the organization’s 990 forms to Cummings and his staff — not an illegal disclosure of taxpayer information, though sources say the exchange of such information was not routine.


Video: Lois Lerner Pleads The Fifth – Issa Cuts Cummings’ Mike

Darrell Issa: The DOJ Is Holding Up The Criminal Investigation of IRS Scandal (Video)

Catherine Engelbrecht Slams “Lying” Elijah Cummings, Says “The Weaponization of Government is in Play” (Video)

Democrats Try To Shape The Fast and Furious Narrative – Issa threatens Holder with Contempt Unless He Complies With Subpoena For Documents


Sessions: Obama’s Planned Amnesty “A Thunderous, Dramatic Abuse Of Presidential Power” (Video)

Immigration hawk Senator  Jeff Sessions (R-AL) took to the Senate floor today to chastise the president over his plans to unilaterally grant amnesty to 5 to 6 million illegal immigrants.

“He can not do that, colleagues… American people,” Sessions chided. “They’re unlawfully here! He has no power to reverse the laws passed by the Congress of the United States, and declare someone lawful,who is unlawful. It’s a thunderous, dramatic abuse of presidential power!”

On August 1, The House of Representatives passed a bill to block Obama’s executive amnesty overreach, but so far, not a single Dem Senator has supported the legislation.


My message to the American people today is this: you can stop this. We can stop this. We will not let this stand. And that fight begins with a vote on the House-passed bill to block this new executive action. The Senate cannot be allowed to surrender to the President’s lawlessness. I am calling today on every Senator to support this bill, and to demand Majority Leader Reid call it up for a vote…

And to every member of the public, red state or blue state or purple state, call your Senator and ask them where they stand. Ask them if they support the House bill to block executive amnesty and if they will demand it receive a vote. You are a citizen of this country and you are entitled to a clear answer to this question.”

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Sens. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Mike Lee (R-UT) along with U.S. Representatives Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Lamar Smith (R-TX), Roger Williams (R-TX), Ted Yoho (R-FL), John Carter (R-TX), Mo Brooks (R-AL), and Pete Olson (R-TX) held  a press conference encouraging action on measures to solve the crisis at our southern border and prevent President Obama from expanding amnesty.

Senator Cruz said, “The House of Representatives stayed here and did its work, and the only reason that DACA legislation hasn’t passed into law is because Harry Reid and Senate Democrats’ refused to vote on it. This means that when the President tries to unilaterally grant amnesty, and he has promised to do so, every single Senate Democrat who stood with Harry Reid bears the responsibility for the President’s illegal amnesty,” Sen Cruz said. “The decision to delay amnesty until after the election is an attempt to avoid accountability. I think the American people are a lot smarter than the President seems to give them credit for. Amnesty ensures that tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of little boys and little girls will continue to be victimized, to be physically abused, to be sexually abused. Amnesty is not compassionate, it is not humane. It is exacerbating a crisis at the border. It is lawless and it is wrong.”

 Prior to the August recess, Sen. Cruz worked with his Republican colleagues on legislation that would solve the crisis at our Southern border. He introduced the Protect Children and Families Through the Rule of Law Act, portions of which will prevent President Obama from expanding amnesty to millions of more immigrants who come to the U.S. illegally, as he has suggested he plans to do after the 2014 midterm elections. Representative Marsha Blackburn sponsored similar legislation that passed the House, which Senate Democrats refused to consider.




Ted Cruz (R-TX) said congressional Republicans in the House and the Senate should use “any and all means necessary” to stop President Barack Obama from granting an executive amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, which he said may include language to block the president from doing so in a stop-gap spending bill that could come to the House floor as soon as Thursday.

“I think we should use any and all means necessary to prevent the president from illegally granting amnesty,” Cruz said when asked at a Tuesday press conference if he’d support including a measure that the House of Representatives passed—a bill from Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), a companion to his Senate version of the bill—right before August recess. “That, certainly, I think would be appropriate to include [in] the CR, but I think we should use every tool at our disposal.”

“Let’s wait and see what’s in the CR,” Cruz added when asked if he’d oppose the CR if it didn’t include his anti-DACA bill. “I have a habit of actually seeing what’s in legislation before I make a decision of whether or not to support it or not support it.”

Obama previously mouthing words he clearly didn’t mean:

As compiled by FOX News:

 President Obama: November 25, 2013

“If, in fact, I could solve all these problems without passing them through Congress, I would do so. But we’re also a nation of laws.”

 President Obama: March 28, 2011

“With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that’s just not the case. There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as President.”

 President Obama: September 28, 2011

“I just have to continue to say this notion that somehow I can just change the laws unilaterally is just not true. We are doing everything we can administratively. But the fact of the matter is there are laws on the books that I have to enforce. And I think there’s been a great disservice done to the cause of getting the DREAM Act passed and getting comprehensive immigration passed by perpetrating the notion that somehow, by myself, I can go and do these things. It’s just not true. But we live in a democracy. You have to pass bills through the legislature, and then I can sign it.”

Weasel Of The Week Nominations!!!

weasel of the week

Hello and welcome to the Watcher’s Council’s new feature, ‘Weasel Of The Week’ , where we award the golden plastic Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be publicly slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations and check back Thursday to see which Weasel gets the votes and walks off with the statuette of shame!

weasel Smarty_2

Here are this weeks’ nominees:


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry!

The Noisy Room : For mixing ‘climate change’ , faux religious references  and appeasing Islam!

As reported by CNS News, “At a ceremony Wednesday honoring Shaarik Zafar, who was just appointed to serve as the State Department’s Special Representative to Muslim Communities, Secretary of State John Kerry said “confronting climate change” is “a duty or responsibility laid down in scriptures.” “Confronting climate change is, in the long run, one of the greatest challenges that we face, and you can see this duty or responsibility laid down in scriptures, clearly, beginning in Genesis,” Kerry claimed.

Putting aside the obvious question of why the heck to do we need a Special Representative to Muslim Communities, I would like to know where the concern is for the genocide of Christians, the persecution of Jews and the general unraveling of the world on Obama’s watch. Kerry goes on to blather:

“Our fates are inextricably linked on any number of things that we must confront and deal with in policy concepts today. Our fates are inextricably linked on the environment. For many of us, respect for God’s creation also translates into a duty to protect and sustain His first creation: Earth, the planet. Before God created man, He created Heavens and Earth.”and… “Muslim-majority countries are among the most vulnerable” when it comes to the impact of climate change.

Weasel doesn’t quite cut it for a fascist agenda that evolves around wealth redistribution and the furtherance of Islam and the Caliphate. One wonders if Kerry has converted to the Religion of Pieces. Or if a new religion is being formed that combines climate change and Islam. Think about it and shudder.


NYT ‘Savant’ Tom Friedman!

The Glittering Eye : for his most recent column in which he proposes a tax on gasoline as a means of making us more secure while ignoring something that might actually make us more secure: producing more oil and gas.


Alaska Democrat Senator Mark Begich!

JoshuaPundit: For slander, bearing egregious false witness and a startling lack of compassion,

Senator Begich approved an attack ad on Republican senate candidate Dan Sullivan, claiming he had okayed a plea bargain as Alaska’s Attorney General of a light sentence for a particularly vicious rapist who went on to kill two seniors and rape their toddler granddaughter after he was freed.

EXCEPT – Sullivan was not then AG but was on active duty with the Marines when the original case was tried, and it was proven that the plea bargain itself only occurred  because of a clerical error that likewise occurred  before he took over. Sullivan responded with a hard hitting ad giving the facts, to the point where Begich’s ad was widely panned in Alaska’s press.

Even worse, when the family of the victim’s requested that both candidates take down their ads to stop them having to relive the tragedy and to avoid prejudicing the jury pool for the new trial, Sullivan immediately yanked his ad, but Begich actually kept his up until he received a cease and desist letter from the lawyer representing the victim’s family.

Begich has yet to apologize to Sullivan or to the victim’s family. He’s quite a piece of work.

VA Governor McDonnell Visits Civil War Battleground

Recently convicted former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell!

Virginia Right!: For misrepresenting himself and stealing with both hands.

Many Conservatives rallied behind then Attorney General Bob McDonnell in 2009 as he ran for the governorship. McDonnell won election by a solid margin and his stance as a solid fiscal Conservative saw Republicans and TEA Party Conservatives unite in supporting him. But in the 4th and final year of his term, McDonnell became a tax and spend liberal, pushing the largest tax hike in Virginia history through the Republican controlled General Assembly. d.

And to make matters worse, it appears that as McDonnell left office that the expected surplus dollars were grossly overestimated and we had a big deficit to deal with.

Bob McDonnell and his wife Maureen were not the people we thought they were. And at the end of the trial, Bob was convicted of 9 counts and Maureen was convicted on 7 counts of corruption. Most in the know expect them both to see at least a decade behind bars. Of course they are planning an appeal.

In addition to jail time, Bob McDonnell signed into law a bill that strips Virginia elected officials of their pensions if they are convicted of corruption in office. And I assume his law license will also be revoked. So if he gets out of jail after a short time, he will be looking for work. I wonder if he supports $15 per hour for Fast Food workers now?


Director of the New Internationalism Project at the Marxist Institute For Policy Studies think tank,Phyllis Bennis!

The Right Planet :  Left-wing nutjob Phyllis Bennis appeared on MSNBC’s Comrade Melissa Harris-Perry Show. Comrade Bennis was offended by Bobby Ghosh’s analogy of ISIS to animals and garbage. Apparently such language is a “demonization” that her “dainty liberal stomach just can’t handle.” Huh. Kinda hard to demonize something that’s already demonic. But hey! More proof that you can’t fix stupid.


The Colossus of Rhodey: Ray Rice and the NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell; Rice, for being a complete a**hole for punching his fiancée unconscious, and Goodell for initially giving him a meager two-game suspension … and then using the recent video footage of Rice’s assault as a pretext to up the suspension to “indefinite.”

Ooooh, “good job,” Rog.


President Barack Obama!!

The Independent Sentinel: I have to give the Weasel of the Week nomination to President Obama for lying to his avid supporter Chuck Todd on national TV. Obama told interviewer Chuck Todd on Meet the Press that he didn’t delay his unlawful executive order to legalize millions of foreigners to save his Democratic senate. It wasn’t a political decision at all.

Obama said the decision to delay was made because he wanted to make sure the public and the congress understand why legalizing millions is the right thing. Politics didn’t enter it, said the most political president in our recent history.

The entire interview was filled with factual errors.

For example, Mr. Obama was asked by Todd about his comment calling ISIS a JV team. Mr. Obama said he didn’t call ISIS a JV team. The fact is that he made the JV comment in reference to the seizure of Fallujah by ISIS. The Washington Post gave Josh Earnest 4 Pinocchios for claiming Mr. Obama was not referring to ISIS. Then, incredibly, Mr. Obama doubled down and repeated the lie himself.

Nice Deb : I have to nominate Barack Obama for still being such a pathetic liar after all these years.

Everybody knows he was referring to ISIS (or ISIL as the Regime and virtually no one else calls them) when he called them “JV” back in January. The Washington Post Fact checker and even the hacks at Politifact have called him out on it.
Yet he and his poor spokesman Josh Earnest have doubled down on the ridonculous lie that he was referring to other terror groups – not ISIS.
He can’t just once in his life, admit that he got something wrong?
Did he really expect his lapdogs  to swallow their pride and push his alternative BS?
It’s true, they’ll let the story drop out of the news cycle before they would if it were a Republican lying to the American people’s faces.
But they are at least making the weasel squirm a little in the the meantime, which is the least they can do.


Well, there it is! Are these worthy weasels or what? Check back Thursday to see which Weasel walks off with the statuette of shame!

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum.

And remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council, and the results are posted onFriday morning.

It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere, and you won’t want to miss it...or any of the other fantabulous Watcher’s Council content.

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Video: Sen. Ted Cruz Pushes Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014

Monday, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas,  filed the Expatriate Terrorist Act (E.T.A.) of 2014 to prevent Americans who join ISIS from returning to the United States.

 “We should take common sense steps to make fighting for, or supporting ISIS, an affirmative renunciation of American citizenship. We know today that there are over a hundred Americans who have joined ISIS, who have taken up arms alongside the Jihadists, along with thousands of others from the European Union. And we also know that they are trying to return to their countries of origin to carry out terrorist attacks there. We know this because on May 24, an ISIS member returned to Belgium, where he attacked innocent visitors at a Jewish museum, slaughtering four people. And it was reported today that he had been plotting an even larger attack on Paris on Bastille Day. In addition, on August 11 of this year, an accused ISIS sympathizer, Donald Ray Morgan, was arrested at JFK airport trying to reenter the United States. Mr. President, we know that this threat is real.

“Mr. President, that is why I have today filed legislation, the Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014, which would amend the existing statute governing renunciation of United States citizenship to designate fighting for a hostile foreign government or foreign terrorist organization as an affirmative renunciation of citizenship. By fighting for ISIS, U.S. citizens have expressed their desire to become citizens of the Islamic State, and that cannot and will not peacefully coexist with remaining American citizens. The desire to become a citizen of a terrorist organization that has expressed a desire to wage war on the American people, has demonstrated a brutal capacity to do so, murdering American civilians on the global stage and promising to bring that Jihad home to America. We should not be facilitating their efforts by allowing fighters fighting alongside ISIS to come back to America with American passports and walk freely in our cities to carry out unspeakable acts of terror. It is my hope that the legislation I’m introducing today will earn support on both sides of the aisle, that we will see this body come together and say while there are many partisan issues that divide us, when it comes to protecting United States citizens from acts of terror, we are all as one.”

Why this legislation is necessary via The Conversation: State Dept: Fighting With ISIS Doesn’t Automatically Mean Your Passport Will Be Revoked.

In Great Britain, where an estimated 500 British citizens have traveled to Iraq and Syria to fight with ISIS, Prime Minister David Cameron is pushing for Parliament to pass tough new sanctions, including passport seizures and banning Brits who join the jihadists from returning home.

We’re not yet seeing a similar push in the United States from the Obama administration.

Earlier this year, Rep. Michele Bachmann asked the FBI, what would happen when terrorists from her state tried to return home. She revealed the answer she got on the Glenn Beck Show.

“Two from my state were the first Americans who were fighting for ISIS,” Bachmann told The Glenn Beck Program on Tuesday. “I had gone earlier this year and asked the FBI, ‘Are there any Minnesotans that are over fighting with ISIS?’ It was classified information at the time, I couldn’t reveal it. Now everyone knows.”

“At that time, these two hadn’t been killed yet. So what I asked is, ‘OK, once they’re done fighting with ISIS, what’s going to happen if they try to return?’ And they said, ‘Well, they’ll come into the country.’ Are you kidding me? We are not going to prevent them from coming into the United States?’”

During a press briefing on Sept. 2, State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki was asked if joining a designated terrorist group was something for which you could lose your passport.   She answered, “it’s not as black and white as that.”

Two days later, State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf admitted that being a member of a designated terrorist organization “does not automatically mean your passport will be revoked.”
Seems the  ISIS mutants keep getting their Twitter accounts suspended — putting a huge damper on their much touted social media jihad.
Solution! ISIS Lone Wolves have been called upon to hunt down and kill Twitter employees.