Officer Darren Wilson Issues Statement: “Followed His Training And Followed the Law”

Via St. Louis Dispatch. lawyers for officer Darren Wilson have issued a statement following the Grand Jury decision not to indict, saying Wilson “followed his training and followed the law” when he shot and killed Michael Brown  on Aug. 9.

If anyone should be indicted in all this – it’s the national media and the racial grievance industry who helped spread early, erroneous narratives.

Some of the witnesses “pretty much acknowledged they saw parts and made up other parts of it,” Mr. McCulloch said in disputing some of the early media reports in the case.

And although it’s certainly a welcome relief that Obama made a point to urge that protesters stay peaceful, tonight, why not tell them to stay home as there’s nothing to protest?  Contrary to what the president says, it is not “understandable” for people to be upset because justice has taken its course, and an innocent man is not being prosecuted.

That is not to say that his life has not been completely upended by this nightmare. The mob can get some solace from that, perhaps.

“While the legal system has exonerated Officer Darren Wilson for his split-second decision on that August afternoon, he very much remains a victim of a politicized agenda that deemed him ‘guilty until proven innocent,’” said Ron Hosko, a former FBI assistant director who serves currently as the president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund. “Although he will walk free, his life has been forever changed, as he has been exploited in a cynical effort to turn civilians against cops in fulfillment of an anti-law enforcement agenda.

Via the St. Louis Post-DispatchLawyers for Darren Wilson issued a public statement Monday night after learning he would not be indicted, saying, in part, that Wilson “followed his training and followed the law” when he shot and killed Michael Brown Aug. 9.

The statement continued: “Today, a St. Louis County grand jury released its decision that no charges would be filed in the case involving Officer Darren Wilson. From the onset, we have maintained and the grand jury agreed that Officer Wilson’s actions on August 9 were in accordance with the laws and regulations that govern the procedures of an officer.

“In a case of this magnitude, a team of prosecutors rightfully presented evidence to this St. Louis County grand jury. This group of citizens, drawn at random from the community, listened to witnesses and heard all the evidence in the case. Based on the evidence and witness testimony, the grand jury collectively determined there was no basis for criminal charges against Officer Wilson.

“Law enforcement personnel must frequently make split-second and difficult decisions. Officer Wilson followed his training and followed the law. We recognize that many people will want to second-guess the grand jury’s decision. We would encourage anyone who wants to express an opinion do so in a respectful and peaceful manner.

 “On a side note, Officer Wilson would like to thank those who have stood by his side throughout the process. This continued support is greatly appreciated by Officer Wilson and his family. Moving forward, any commentary on this matter will be done in the appropriate venue and not through the media.

His attorney, Neil Bruntrager, characterized the past few days as “tense” for Wilson.

“For him, none of this ends,” Bruntrager said. “People have made threats against his life, he will continue to be concerned about his family’s security and his own. (Not being indicted) is a brief respite, but certainly not the end of things for him.”

Listen to the boys in blue fight the mob, live: Missouri State Highway Patrol – Troop C Live Audio Feed


The DAily Mail: Ferguson chokes under clouds of tear gas as riots, gunshots and looting break out in aftermath of the grand jury decision NOT to indict cop Darren Wilson for killing black teen Michael Brown





Merry Christmas from Ferguson.

Obama Presser On Ferguson (Live-Stream)

Will POTUS for once, do the responsible thing and respect the decision? Will he tell the angry mob to go home – that justice has taken place? Not counting on it.

No, I’m sorry – It is not an understanding reaction for people to be enraged that an innocent man is not being prosecuted. Obama can urge peaceful protests all he wants, but as long as he and others in positions of power justify their rage by saying it is understandable – violence will ensue.

So Obama is using this sorry debacle as a launching pad for “critical reforms” (ala Bill D’Blasio in NYC) in law enforcement agencies across the nation.

“Never let a crisis go to waste,”as they say.


Ferguson Grand Jury Has Reached A Decision – Announcement Coming Soon (Livestream)

Via Mediaite, the Ferguson Grand Jury has reached a decision and they are preparing to make a public announcement “later this evening”:

Ferguson and surrounding communities are bracing for the fallout if Officer Wilson is not indicted.

GATEWAY PUNDIT REPORTS LEAKED>>> Prosecutor’s Office: NO INDICTMENT in #MikeBrown Case

LIVE COVERAGE – Ferguson Grand Jury Reaches Verdict:


Via Gateway Pundit:

Breaking: MULTIPLE Police, Fire and EMS Crews Staging Right Now in Clayton, MO

Officer Darren Wilson Marries Fellow Officer Barbara Spradling

#Ferguson Protesters Vandalize 100 Year-Old CIVIL RIGHTS MEMORIAL

US Official: Hagel Was Fired – It Was Not a “Mutual Decision” (Video)

Officials in the Obama administration are now saying what conservatives said the minute he was nominated, Chuck Hagel was not up for the job of Sec. of Defense. After nearly two years, the White House has lost confidence in Hagel, who reportedly was “disengaged in his morning briefings.”

Jennifer Griffin reporting for Fox News said a US official told her, “make no mistake, Secretary Hagel was fired” despite the official message coming from the Pentagon, which is that it was a “mutual decision.” Griffin reported that Obama had “lost confidence in Hagel and that the White House had been planning his exit for weeks.”

Brit Hume speculated that Hagel was cut loose over disagreements over how to deal with ISIS – specifically over ground troops.

He surmises that Obama will be on the lookout for someone who will be more agreeable to what he wants to do. The problem is, if Obama pick someone who is strong and well qualified for the job, that person won’t be agreeable with what he wants to do.

According to Zeke Miller of Time,  administration officials say the three contenders at the top of the short-list to replace Hagel are Rhode Island Sen. Jack Reed, and former DOD officials Michele Flournoy and Ashton Carter.


The Conversation: Report: Pentagon Breathing A Sigh of Relief At Hagel Firing

The Corner: Worst Kept Secret in D.C.: Hagel Wasn’t Up for The Job

The Weekly Standard: How Do You Spell Scapegoat? H-A-G-E-L

Twitchy: ISIS claims Chuck Hagel resignation as a victory and ‘celebrates with a hashtag’


Forum: What was your reaction to the President’s New Executive Order On Immigration?

Every week on Monday morning , the Council and our invited guests weigh in at the Watcher’s Forum, short takes on a major issue of the day, the culture, or daily living. This week’s question: What was your reaction to the President’s New Executive Order On Immigration?

GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD : Kinda shocked at the lawlessness. I mean, if a GOP pres decided to Executive Order a Berlin Wall type barrier along the South 40 – ppl would totally freak. Methinks the GOP will NOT fall into an over reaction trap – instead they’ll use the Cruz Maneuver:

“Step number one that I have called for is the incoming majority leader should announce that if the president implements this lawless amnesty, that the Senate will not confirm any executive or judicial nominees, other than vital national security positions, for the next two years, unless and until the president ends this lawless amnesty,” Cruz told Chris Wallace on Faux News Sunday. “If the majority leader would announce that, it would impose real consequences on the president and the administration.”

Cruz didn’t say if he regards the attorney general as a “vital national security position,” leaving open the question of whether he wants the GOP to block confirmation of Loretta Lynch, 44’s nominee to replace Attorney General Eric The Red Holder.

“The second constitutional power we’ve got is the power of the purse,” Cruz continued. “And we should fund, one at a time, the critical priorities of the federal government, but also use the power of the purse to attach riders.”

By riders, Cruz is likely referring to an appropriations bill that would fund the Department of Homeland Security but stipulate that none of the funds appropriated may be used to implement 44’s recent executive orders. And, following Cruz’s thinking, if 44 vetoes that bill next year, it wouldn’t result in a government-wide shutdown because Congress will have passed bills funding other parts of government.

Cruz’s plan is very similar to the one he hoped to execute during the fight to defund the health care thing, with one crucial difference: Republicans now control the Senate, so Harry Reid, in theory, can’t block the bills that would fund the rest of government.

Also, tired of the tired refrain that somehow deporting 11 million ppl is undoable. Au Contraire mon frer!

Mass Deportation is very doable – after all – if the Germans can tote off over half that many folks and kill them – we can certainly carry off that many folks to their nation of origin and ensure they have a sack lunch on the bus.

Think of the economic boom the nation would enjoy – thousands of busses, drivers, relief drivers, petrol, safety officers, translators, sack lunch fixer uppers, paper pushers etc etc.

Or how about fining sanctuary cities for helping craft and continue the entire sorry mess to begin with? And the sudden stoppage of the drain on municipalities resources for illiterate and semi literate unskilled workers and families as they shed the ‘shadow dwellers’ by the bus loads simply raises quality of life for citizens.

The Right Planet : So often times those of us who want a secure border and current immigration laws to be enforced are labeled as “xenophobes,” “racists,” and the like, by the rampagin’ “open borders” crowd—the implication being we’re “anti-immigrant.” Hey, I have no problem with legal immigration. I think it’s a good thing. But we have immigration laws, like most nations do, thank you very much. George Stephanopoulos asked the president, “If you can selectively enforce immigration law, what prevents another president from not enforcing tax laws?” Obama’s response? Oh, that would be wrong. And how do legal immigrants feel about Obama’s imperial decree to grant executive amnesty after they followed all the rules? You can read more about that here. Back out quiet.

JoshuaPundit: First we have to start by understanding this. This was not about compassion, or fairness or the good of the nation. It was about politics. The president’s aim here is to create a brand new bloc of government-dependent Democrat voters. See if in one year or so there isn’t a push by the Democrats and this president to provide these people with a streamlined ‘path to citizenship’ and voting. “After all, they’re here, they’re paying taxes…”

The other reason it was done in this way is because the president hopes to provoke the Republicans into a government shutdown come December 12th and recreate what happened previously, where he deliberately shut down things that would most impact and inconvenience the American people while blaming it on the GOP while his media sycophants sing the same song.. In his mind, he’s still as popular as he was back then and the midterm elections meant nothing.

I think the Republican caucus did exactly the right thing by getting out of Dodge just now. They need to plan a cohesive strategy, some of which I explored here.And they need to feel out who’s really on board and whom isn’t. For instance, Senator McCain, the creature of his biggest financial backer UniVision cannot be trusted.

Lawsuits are not only useless but take far too long. First, everything connected with the president’s new executive diktat can be defunded by congress, and anyone whom believes the nonsense that entities like the USCIS can’t be defunded ‘because they operate using fees rather than appropriations’ needs to click on the above link to find out exactly how ridiculous that is.

They can halt any of his nominations and appointments, saying quite frankly that since this president has shown his contempt for the incoming congress and the separation of powers, they feel under no obligation to cooperate with him on anything.

They can pass common sense legislation that forces him to use his veto pen and shows whom the real obstructionists in congress are. They can block anything he plans to do including his planned global warming $3 billion slush fund and honestly say that until he reverses himself, that’s simply how things are going to be. This can easily apply to ObamaCare also if the Supreme Court doesn’t gut it first, since the president has said he will never sign any legislation repealing or changing it in any way.

I personally would extend the defunding to the president’s discretionary funds. No more lavish fundraisers and vacations on the public’s dime, severe cuts in his and the First Lady’s personal more personal chefs, masseuses, hair stylists and ‘assistants.’ No more pricey state dinners and parties featuring Hollywood entertainers, no more greens fees for his golf games. Let the president pay for these himself, if he likes.

And most important of all, the very first thing the new House and Senate need to do is pool their resources and hire a special prosecutor and staff to collect evidence so the House can prepare articles of impeachment.

I think a lot of people get confused and think that impeachment is a legal remedy because it has a legal process. It is actually a political remedy, and only works when a president has gone so far off the rails as to be unpopular enough with the American people that it can succeed. I think the president (whose approval ratings I think are at least 5-10% exaggerated in his favor) is at that point now, and that will become even more obvious if the articles are prepared properly and the American people get a good summation of everything this lawless, would-be autocrat has done to disgrace his office.

At that point, even many Democrats are likely to urge him to resign to save themselves, dangling a pre-arranged pardon okayed by soon to be interim President Biden as an incentive.

Once he’s gone, Congress can simply reverse what he’s done. And a far better solution to illegal migration can be formulated, one that protects the borders and deports people here illegally whom do not benefit America in the 21st century while importing other immigrants who do.

Laura Rambeau Lee, Right Reason: President Obama knows once the newly elected Republican led Senate and House members convene in 2015 they will not pass a comprehensive immigration bill he would sign, which is why he issued this executive order. This action defies the powers granted to the executive branch in our Constitution. Even President Obama acknowledged on many occasions he did not have the power to act unilaterally on this issue.

The President is correct in saying that rounding up and deporting millions of illegal immigrants in this country is not practical. He said that by issuing this executive order he was being fair and just. The Republicans should appeal to the immigrants who have waited for years to come here legally, and to every American citizen whose hard earned tax money will be used to pay for this illegal “amnesty.” Is the President being fair and just to them?

I would love to see the Republicans put forth a bill building on this executive order to enforce and enhance border security, assure criminals who are caught are deported immediately, and those given permission to stay under this executive order should never be permitted to become American citizens unless they leave the country and apply through the proper legal channels to do so.

The goal of the left in granting amnesty to illegal immigrants is to create a new voting block of millions of voters who will vote for Democrat candidates. The Republicans can stop this by not allowing them to become citizens. Let them work here legally, out of the shadows, and take advantage of the opportunities available to them. They should not be rewarded for their crimes by being given a special path to citizenship. I believe this is fair and just, not just to the illegal immigrants, but to those of us who are American citizens by birth or who went through the proper legal channels to become American citizens.

The President will not sign such a law, but the Republicans can show the American people that the purpose of this executive order is to gain millions of new Democrat voters and has nothing to do with compassion.

Well, there you have it!

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum. and every  Tuesday morning, when we reveal the weeks’ nominees for Weasel of the Week!

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