Marc Thiessen: Obama’s Trying To Provoke A Fight With The GOP With Cynical Immigration Edict

On the Kelly File, Thursday night, Megyn Kelly had on frequent guest  Marc Thiessen to discuss the president’s imperial immigration edict.

Thiessen, a former speechwriter for G.W. Bush, vouched for the penmanship of Obama’s speech, calling it  “moving” and “beautifully written” but  a “deeply cynical speech.” He went on to call it a “cynical” speech about 20 more times during the segment.

“If the president of the United States really believed a word of what he said, Thiessen noted, “he would not be doing this with executive action. He’s not trying to help illegal immigrants. He’s trying to provoke a fight with the Republican party.”

He said “the money quote” from Obama’s speech were the following words; ‘meanwhile, don’t let a disagreement over a single issue be a deal-breaker on every issue. That’s not how our democracy works and Congress certainly shouldn’t shut down the government again because we disagree on this.’

“That’s exactly what he wants!” Thiessen cried. “That’s exactly what he wants the Republicans to do. He’s trying to goad the GOP into self-destructive behavior. He wants them to shut down the government, he wants someone to go out there and issue articles of impeachment, he wants someone to go out there and say something bad about immigrants because he wants to rally his base and he wants to make the GOP blow itself up.”

(It’s true – as should be obvious by now – Obama didn’t come into his presidency with the intention to bring people together. His M/O is to divide people into warring factions. His radical agenda advances through through division and chaos.)

Thiessen went on to say that if Obama had given that same exact speech minus the executive action, it would have been “one of the most powerful speeches of his presidency”  that could have rallied “a super majority of Americans to get behind him.”

“If it was a call for legislation rather than executive action he could have rallied the country,” Thiessen said.


Daniel Greenfield, FrontPageMagazine: The 5 Dumbest Lies in Obama’s Amnesty Speech

There were more than the ones he listed – Greenfield must have been working under a strict deadline.  The biggest whopper of the night was Obama’s claim that he has a massive, record breaking, deportation record. If you still believe that one, you might be one of the “stupid Americans” Gruber was referring to.

 The Hayride: Obama’s Amnesty Speech, Deconstructed

 Rich Lowery, NRO: The Immigration Position that Dare Not Speak Its Name — as Usual

Newly Released Docs Show WH and DOJ Targeting Sharyl Attkisson For Investigating Fast and Furious

Judicial Watch is crowdsourcing the huge document dump that was  finally provided by the Obama Administration in response to their Freedom of Information Act lawsuit on Operation Fast and Furious.

A total of 10,112 documents, comprised of approximately 42,000 pages, were disclosed to Judicial Watch in the new production.  Only Judicial Watch has forced their release into your hands. We invite you to review these documents and help us uncover any evidence related to the Operation Fast & Furious scandal hidden within.

As Doc Zero (John Hayward) points out in his Human Events piece,  the release of the docs were not in response to a FOIA request – 

The request got ignored by the Most Transparent Administration In History, so they had to file a lawsuit.  The document production is occurring under the stern gaze of a federal judge.)

Here’s a little taste of what has already been discovered, offered by Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton as a bit of catnip for aspiring crowd-source helpers interested in searching through the 42,000 pages of documentation President Obama risibly concealed by asserting executive privilege:

We are posting these documents for the public to review and hope that crowd-sourcing our investigation will lead to more accountability for the Fast and Furious outrage.  The documents are explosive.  For instance, our initial review of the documents shows the DOJ and White House targeted then-CBS journalist Sharyl Attkisson:

On October 4, 2011, Holder’s top press aide Tracy Schmaler tells White House Deputy Press Sectary Eric Schultz, “I’m also calling Sharryl’s [sic] editor and reaching out to Scheiffer. She’s out of control.

Schultz responded, “Good.  Her piece was really bad for the AG.”

Schultz also detailed to Schmaler that he was working with a journalist (Susan Davis, formerly of the National Journal) to target Rep. Darryl Issa (R-CA), the House Republican leading the charge on Fast and Furious:

“And I sent NJ’s Susan Davis your way. She’s writing on Issa/FandF and I said you could load her up on the leaks, etc.”

(Davis authored a critical profile of Issa a few weeks later.)

This one email chain implicates both the Obama White House and the Department of Justice in an effort to secretly undermine a congressional investigation and to suppress critical media reporting of the Obama administration.  No wonder Obama waited until after he was safely reelected (and even after this year’s elections) to finally release this material that documents obstruction and abuse at the highest levels.

The documents show that Obama made the extraordinary assertion of executive privilege over emails between Eric Holder and his wife, Sharon Malone.  The emails show that Holder sent his spouse internal DOJ emails about Fast and Furious developments.  There is nothing that would have been covered by executive privilege in these or other key records that show Barack Obama abused his power to keep them secret during his reelection campaign up until now.

You may remember DOJ Press Aide Tracy Schmaler and White House Deputy Press Sec Eric Schultz as the thugtastic duo who called Sharyl Attkisson to scream and cuss at her when she was working on the Fast and Furious story CBS in 2011. She recounted the experience on the Laura Ingraham radio show in October of 2011.

Eric Schultz also conspired with former  national journal “reporter” Susan Davis to attack House Oversight Chairman Darryl Issa.

When Attkisson provided details last month  about the outrageous and shocking  hackings of several of her computers by the US government, a cabal of left wing journalists led by the pro-Obama stooges at Media Matters did their best to ridicule (and “controversialize”) her allegations (with Schmaler’s approval.)

But they doth protest too much. The truth is closing in and it must be very uncomfortable to be part of the increasingly exposed crime syndicate known as the Obama administration.

More on that at Twitchy. 

*I know the GOP has no stomach for impeachment – but how much more thuggery and lawlessness is this country going to be able to take?


*Yes I understand that means Biden. I actually prefer a dope to a demon.



Video: Sen. Cruz Invokes Cicero’s Words Against President Obama’s Lawlessness


U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaking  Senate floor, Thursday, harkened back to Cicero’s famous warning to the citizens of Rome over 2,000 years ago. The Roman philosopher, Marcus Cicero, was advocating a return to a Republican form of government after the emperor Julius Caesar died. The words, as spoken by Cruz have special resonance today in respect to our current President’s lawlessness.

The text of the speech:

The words of Cicero powerfully relevant 2,077 years later. When, President Obama, do you mean to cease abusing our patience? How long is that madness of yours still to mock us? When is there to be an end to that unbridled audacity of yours swaggering about as it does now? Do not the nightly guards placed on the border, do not the watches posted throughout the city, does not the alarm of the people and the union of all good men and women, does not the precaution taken of assembling the senate in this most defensible place, do not the looks and countenances of this venerable body here present have any effect upon you?”

Do you not feel that your plans are detected? Do you not see that your conspiracy is already arrested and rendered powerless by the knowledge that everyone here possesses of it? What is there that you did last night, what the night before, where is it that you were? Who was there that you summoned to meet you, what designs was there which was adopted by you? With which you think that any one of us is unacquainted? Shame on the age and its lost principles.

The senate is aware of these things. The senate sees them. And yet this man dictates by his pen and his phone, dictates. He won’t even come into the senate. He will not take part in the public deliberations. He ignores every individual among us. And we gallant men and women think that we are doing our duty to the republic if we keep out of the way of his frenzied attacks.

You ought, President Obama, long ago have been led to defeat by your own disdain for the people. That destruction which you had been long plotting ought to have already fallen. What shall we who are the senate tolerate President Obama openly desirous to destroy the constitution and this republic? For I pass over older instances, such as how the internal revenue service plotted to silence American citizens.

There was — there was once such a virtue in this republic that brave men and women would repress mischievous citizens with severe chastisement than the most bitter enemy for we have a resolution of the senate, a formidable and authoritative decree against you, Mr. President. The wisdom of the republic is not at fault, nor the dignity of this senatial body. We alone, I say it openly, we the senate are waiting in our duty to stop this lawless administration and its unconstitutional amnesty. I yield the floor.


Twitchy: You’ll love these Photoshops of ‘King’ Obama [photos]

Big Government: 24 Times the Internet Crowned Obama Emperor

Our Weasel Of The Week!

Once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all slime-worthy,but in the end the winner was..the envelope please…
House Minority Leader Nancy ‘What VISA IPO?’ Pelosi!!

  The Independent Sentinel :    Nancy Pelosi was so very weasley this past week.

“I do not believe what happened the other night is a wave,” Pelosi said about the election, she described it as “an ebb tide.”

She can say any dumb thing she wants because the imbeciles who vote for her will continue to vote for her no matter what she says.

She went into a crazed rant about sexism and ageism last week because CBS news reporter Nancy Cordes asked her if she gave any thought to stepping down as the leader.

After she was asked the question, Nancy said, “What was the day,” she replied to Cordes, “when any of you said to Mitch McConnell when they lost the Senate three times in a row . . . ‘Aren’t you getting a little old, Mitch? Shouldn’t you step aside?’ ”

It’s “interesting that, as a woman, to see how many times that question is asked of a woman and how many times that question is never asked of Mitch McConnell,” Pelosi added.

The rant continued: “I was never on the front of Time magazine even though I was the first woman — wasn’t that a curiosity? Then the Republicans win and [House Speaker John] Boehner’s on the front of Time magazine. Mitch McConnell wins, he’s on the front of Time magazine. . . . As a woman, it’s like, is there a message here?”

Best yet was her big lie about Jonathan Gruber.

She said she didn’t know him but there is video of her referencing him in 2009.

Ah, good ol’ Nancy. For an elderly politico confused about who won the 2014 midterms, she still manages to shock, offend, bamboozle and mislead with the best of ’em.

And her memory tricks! Remember when she swore she’d never been briefed on enhanced interrogation techniques and it turns out she was – in depth?


Congresswoman Pelosi has whole bunch of stories we could tell..her burying a swipe fees bill for VISA and her and her husband getting access to a special IPO as a reward that even a lot of stockbrokers didn’t have access to, her conduct that would have been out and out treason during the Iraq War if congress had declared it, her non-union winery..and who can  forget her telling America that we had to pass Obama Care to find out what was in it! Even her recent shenanigans in denying a Democrat congresswoman who’s unable to go to DC because she lost both legs in  Iraq and is heavily pregnant a  vote on committee assignments is weaselly beyond weaselly…. So think of this Weasel as more of a tribute to your long career rather than for just one bit of  prevarication! Enjoy, Leader’s all yours!

Well, there it is!

Check back next Tuesday to see who next week’s nominees for Weasel of the Week are!

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher’s Forum, and  remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council, and the results are posted on Friday morning.

It’s a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere, and you won’t want to miss it...or any of the other fantabulous Watcher’s Council content.

And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter..’cause we’re cool like that, y’know?

Video: House Republicans To Emperor Obama: “Stop Acting Alone”

Some video push-back courtesy of the  House GOP, this morning:

See also, Byron York’s post at the Washington Examiner on the GOP’s strategy going forward: Government shutdown? GOP has a better strategy.

First, Republicans are contemplating answering President Obama’s expected unilateral immigration action in ways that do not involve a government shutdown. And second, in light of the midterm results, some in the GOP are recognizing the original shutdown did not end up having the political effects that were once predicted.

First, the GOP response to Obama’s anticipated order. The only thing Republicans will do in the lame duck session — that is, before they take control of the Senate, and keep control of the House, in January — is to make sure a short-term government funding bill is passed by the time the current one expires on Dec. 11.