Krauthammer: “I’ve Waited Long Enough” Is Something A Banana Republic Leader Would Say

One of the more obnoxious things about Obama’s imperial decree on amnesty is the rationale he’s been using to go forward – which he has repeated over and over again and it didn’t sound any better the 10th time he (or one of his minions) said it..  Congress failed to pass “common-sense, comprehensive immigration reform” when Emperor Obama laid out his glorious principles for reform two years ago — and that’s why he must now act unilaterally.

That’s an obscene distortion of how our system of government works.

“The only rationale Obama is citing in doing this,” Krauthamer explained is “not lack of resources, it’s not a crisis, it’s not something new. As he said the system is broken, it has been for decades. It is one thing and one thing alone. ‘I’ve waited long enough.’ That’s what a caudillo says in a Banana Republic. ‘I waited long enough, and the National Assembly hasn’t acted, and so I’m going to issue a decree.’ That is not how it works in our system.”

Also, George Will throws cold water on liberal equivocations – Executive Amnesty = Institutional Vandalism:


Weasel Zippers: WH Blames Boehner For Amnesty Order: “President Simply Isn’t Going To Tolerate” House GOP Refusing To Pass Amnesty Legislation…

“Just two weeks ago when Speaker Boehner was doing his post-election news conference, he was asked by reporters in that news conference if he would commit to bringing up immigration reform legislation in the next Congress, and he wouldn’t do it,” Josh Earnest said during an appearance on MSNBC.

Earnest said that GOP leadership was scared to allow a vote because “they know, as we do, that if that bill were allowed to come up for a vote it would actually pass in bipartisan fashion.”

“The president simply isn’t going to tolerate that,” Earnest said.


Joseph Curl, The Washington Times: Obama sets off on scorched-earth rampage

After his party’s historic losses, he refused to even acknowledge the thrashing. Instead, he said the real lesson from that day was that Americans want everyone in Washington to “work together.”

Yet behind the scenes, the president was busy directing his team of lawyers to find real or perceived loopholes in the law — even the Constitution — in order to wave his royal scepter and instantaneously turn as many as 12 million illegal aliens into America citizens. Already he had quietly ordered the federal government to stop deporting aliens and unilaterally allowed some 60,000 “unaccompanied minors” to enter the U.S.

So he never had any intention of “working together” with Republicans, who in six weeks will control both chambers of Congress. Instead, he set off to circumvent Congress by granting amnesty to millions. Throughout, he knew that he would be, as GOP leaders said, “poisoning the well” and “waving a red flag in front of a bull.”

On Wednesday afternoon, the president announced — on Facebook — that he will be delivering a speech Thursday night detailing his intent to change U.S. law by executive fiat. The timing is deliberately designed to throw gasoline on an already blazing fire.

With just weeks to go before the end of the 113th Congress, and with funding for Ebola, a continuing resolution to keep the government open that expires Dec. 11, and a slew of others set to come up, the president has made unilateral action on immigration his top priority.

Despite his vow to work with Republicans, he will shove his executive order down their throats, intent on bringing conflict with the soon-to-be ruling party.

Gabe Malor, The Federalist: No, Reagan Did Not Offer An Amnesty By Lawless Executive Order:

Today is the big day, and the Progressive media is in full spin to mitigate the anger Americans are expressing about President Obama’s decision to offer legal status to millions of people who broke the law. That spin has taken many forms, including the novel arguments that the executive branch is empowered to act whenever the legislative branch declines and that the executive branch’s enforcement discretion includes the affirmative grant of benefits not otherwise authorized by law. Most recently, however, Progressive columnists have settled on an old favorite tactic: justify Democratic misbehavior by claiming (falsely, as you will see) that a Republican did it first.

Democrats across print, web, and cable media have been repeating the claim that Obama is doing nothing more than what Presidents Reagan and Bush 41 did first. They point to executive actions taken in 1987 and 1989 that deferred the removal of certain aliens. But, as usual for Progressive commentators, they elide the crucial facts that distinguish those actions from Obama’s. The sign that you’re being swindled isn’t so much what the con artist tells you, but what he does not tell you. What the Progressive commentariat is not telling you is that the Reagan and Bush immigration orders looked nothing like Obama’s creation of a new, open-ended form of immigration relief.


Byron York, Washington Examiner: Government shutdown? GOP has a better strategy

Gateway Pundit: Rick Perry May Fight Obama’s Lawlessness – Sue Over Executive Amnesty

John Hayward, Red State: Amnesty and the minimum wage make strange bedfellows

Red Alert: MSNBC Host: I can’t find ‘a single Democrat in Washington’ who says Obama’s amnesty is legal

The Right Scoop: Mark Levin: Democrats are legalizing illegals not to help America, but to help themselves and their own damn party

Weasel Zippers: Pelosi: “Everybody Will Have A Happier Thanksgiving” Because Of Obama’s Executive Amnesty…

Peter Wehner, Commentary: Obama Is About to Commit an Act of Constitutional Infamy:

What is about to happen may be the low point in a presidency filled with them. Mr. Obama is acting in a way that he himself knows–that he himself has said–is unconstitutional and indefensible. No matter. In an act of unmatched narcissism and selfishness, the president will create–he is thirsting to create–a constitutional crisis that is utterly unnecessary and will further polarize our political culture.

Mr. Obama is about to commit an act of constitutional infamy. This is a stain that will stay with him.


The Long Knives Are Coming Out For Rev. Al


By now you’ll have read (or heard about ) the NYTs piece on the good Reverend Al Sharpton:

Mr. Sharpton has regularly sidestepped the sorts of obligations most people see as inevitable, like taxes, rent and other bills. Records reviewed by The New York Times show more than $4.5 million in current state and federal tax liens against him and his for-profit businesses.

And though he said in recent interviews that he was paying both down, his balance with the state, at least, has actually grown in recent years. His National Action Network appears to have been sustained for years by not paying federal payroll taxes on its employees.

With the tax liability outstanding, Mr. Sharpton traveled first class and collected a sizable salary, the kind of practice by nonprofit groups that the United States Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration recently characterized as “abusive,” or “potentially criminal” if the failure to turn over or collect taxes is willful.

Why now? According to the Times piece, Sharpton’s been flouting our tax laws (while living the high life) for many years. I’m guessing it’s not exactly a secret in liberal circles that the guy’s a corrupt shyster. It’s also not a secret that he’s become a bit of a laughingstock as host of his own show on MSNBC.

Is he becoming a liability to the progressive cause? Magic 8 Ball says….“Signs point to yes.”

Mediaite has an embarrassing clip from his press conference: Sharpton Disputes NY Times Report About His Taxes, Clashes with Reporter

The Daily Caller: Brit Hume calls Sharpton a ‘Crook,’ ‘Tax Cheat’

Washington Times: Al Sharpton’s ‘regularly sidestepped’ on debts — owes $4.5M back-taxes: report

Here’s today’s quiz: When I say “Al Sharpton,” what other name immediately comes to mind?

A. Bill de Blasio.

B. Barack Obama.

C. Tawana Brawley.

Tick-tock, time’s up. The correct answer is “all of the above,” which explains much of the current racial trouble in New York and America.

Sharpton, left to his own antics, is a public nuisance. It is a free country and he is entitled to his prejudices and polarizing activism. Sometimes he happens to be right and his megaphone occasionally brings attention to deserving cases that otherwise get none. America is big enough and strong enough to have space for people like him.

On the other hand, his personal conduct is often reprehensible, with his behavior in the Brawley hoax Exhibit A. And it’s not as if he’s cleaned up his act.

He remains a cop hater to the core, a race man who cannot see past skin color and whose business model is based on using a charge of racism as a negotiating tactic. The corporations buying his silence with their “contributions” ought to be boycotted.

He’s also a tax scofflaw who refuses to pay his fair share, thus ripping off fellow citizens, black and white.

Obama To Announce Imperial Executive Action on Immigration in Prime Time Address Thursday


I think I speak for most American voters when I say, “another arrogant, dishonest, insulting, stupifying Obama speech? Cahhhn’t wait.”

This is from the CNN Newswire with some editorial fixes.

President Barack King Obama will unveil his long-awaited feared immigration amnesty plan Thursday evening, [unilaterally and illegally] changing rules governing deportations that could affect millions of undocumented illegal immigrants and setting off an explosive battle with Republicans everyone who respects our system of government.

And of course the “Uber-President” will punctuate his royal decree by celebrating in front of an adoring crowd of thankful young immigrants – and our hearts will melt – because his highness only has the best of intentions, you guys.

Obama’s prime-time address will be followed Friday by an event in Las Vegas.

While exact details of his announcement haven’t yet been made public, the basic outline of the plan, as relayed by people familiar with its planning, includes deferring deportation for the parents of U.S. citizens, a move that would affect up to 3.5 million people.

The Obama White House and their loyal toadies in the media have been prepping the public [or should I say “grubering” the public] by disseminating phony talking points designed to make Obama’s  gross abuse of power look as mundane as possible.

Obama himself has repeatedly mentioned that he is doing what he is legally allowed to do after conferring with (Eric Holders!) DOJ. But most mendacious is the claim that there is a precedent for what King Obama is doing because past Republican presidents Reagan and Bush I did it too.  Which is total malarkey, of course.

What is the difference between Reagan and Obama? Reagan’s action was in accordance with the law – the st  atute. The very law that he had signed after – say again after – it was passed by Congress. What President Obama is about to do is unilaterally write the law – as if he were writing or re-writing a statute – all by himself. As Judge Napolitano says:

When he suspends deportations, and when he imposes his own conditions on those suspensions, he’s effectively re-writing the law. And that violates his oath to enforce and uphold the law as it’s been written. The American people, the Congress and the courts need to know that we have a president who will enforce the law. When he says ‘I will not enforce the law because I don’t like it or I’m impatient’, that doesn’t wash under the Constitution.

The Judge goes on to say quite pointedly and specifically what is the Reagan/Obama difference:

Every president since Dwight D. Eisenhower has suspended some deportations. President Reagan did it to 100,000 families. He did it on the basis of the 1986 statute enacted by the Congress. President George H.W.Bush did it for 1.5 million people, only about 350,000 took advantage of it, and it was based on his interpretation of the statute. President Obama does not re-interpret a statute. He takes a statute and says ‘I’m going to disregard it. I’m going to give you a better one. I’m going to set down a set of standards that I would have written had I been the law maker.’ He’s not the law maker, he’s the law enforcer.’
What do you want to bet the Ferguson grand jury decision is announced tomorrow, too?
Laura Ingraham on Megyn Kelly last night, Ingraham Warns ‘Another Fraud Will Be Perpetrated on American People’:

 NRO: The Appropriators Strike Back


Ace Of Spades HQ: Obama: I Will Formally End The American Constitutional System This Thursday Night in Las Vegas, and Install a Third-World Junta System In Its Place

Ross Douthat, The New York Times: The Great Immigration Betrayal

NRO: Sheriffs Plan Massive Gathering in Washington to Oppose Executive Amnesty

WFB: WH: Obama Being Called Emperor Is ‘Criticism the President Wears with a Badge of Honor’

The Federalist: Watch Obama Admit That Obama’s Immigration Executive Order Is Illegal

Michelle Malkin, Townhall: A White House Mass Pardon for Identity Thieves

The Right Scoop: Mia Love: “It looks more like a dictatorship” when Obama unilaterally decides to grant amnesty

Twitchy: Matt Yglesias: Timing of Obama’s immigration announcement ‘downright clever’

Watcher’s Council Nominations – The Man Who Would Be King Edition

Welcome to the Watcher’s Council, a blogging group consisting of some of the most incisive blogs in the ‘sphere, and the longest running group of its kind in existence. Every week, the members nominate two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council.Then we vote on the best two posts, with the results appearing on Friday morning.

Council News:

This week, The Political Commentator, Gates Of Vienna, The Pirate’s Cove and Right Truth earned honorable mention status with some great articles.

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Simple, no?

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So, let’s see what we have for you this week….

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Honorable Mentions

Non-Council Submissions

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