Obama And Holder Release Messages For Ferguson Mob And Law Enforcement

Ahead of the grand jury decision in Ferguson, Missouri, both outgoing (finally!)Attorney General Eric Holder and Emperor Obama released messages warning law enforcement to behave themselves.

“The Justice Department encourages law enforcement officials, in every jurisdiction, to work with the communities they serve to minimize needless confrontation,” Holder said.

“Over the past few months, we’ve seen demonstrations and protests that have sought to bring attention to real and significant underlying issues involving police practices, implicit bias, and pervasive community distrust.  And in most cases, these demonstrations have been both meaningful and responsible, and have brought vital issues to the attention of the public at large,” the Holder said in a video.

(That’s a fascinating take since the shooting sparked months of  violent protests, property destruction and looting in Ferguson, and law enforcement officials there have been bracing for more violence  after the decision is announced.)

“I know, from first-hand experience, that demonstrations like these have the potential to spark a sustained and positive national dialogue, to provide momentum to a necessary conversation, and to bring about critical reform.”

Full transcript, here.

What does he mean by “implicit bias?” Stopping a suspect who fits the description of a person who just robbed a convenience store? Should the police just stop doing their jobs so as not to show “implicit bias”?

And I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that this “national dialogue” Holder wants to inflict on the nation isn’t the pro-law and order dialogue you and I would prefer. The cringe-inducing term “critical reform” applies to law enforcement – not law breakers. 

NYC is slowly becoming the crime-infested sewer it was in the 70s and 80s because Communist Mayor Bill De Blasio is undoing  all the good policing practices instilled by former Mayor Giuliani. Holder and Obama would like to see those  policies duplicated in all of our cities, God help us.

Barack Obama

In Emperor Obama’s message  to the people of Ferguson, Missouri, he at least pretended that he wanted his minions out there on the street to “keep protests peaceful.”

“I think first and foremost, keep protests peaceful,” Obama said in the interview, which was taped in Las Vegas after he delivered a speech about immigration.

“This is a country that allows everybody to express their views, allows them to peacefully assemble, to protest actions that they think are unjust,” Obama said. “But using any event as an excuse for violence is contrary to rule of law, contrary to who we are.”

Why isn’t the president telling these people to go home and stop rabble-rousing, since he knows that the evidence exonerates Officer Wilson?  The fact that the Grand Jury has been examining all of the evidence and is making an informed decision –  means justice is being done in Ferguson? What on earth is there to protest? Why isn’t he trying to correct mistaken impressions instead of  trying to excuse them? Because oh – in the end – all this turmoil that he and Holder seem to be welcoming – will lead to “critical reforms.”

Lest we forget, the Emperor was once a Community Organizer, himself – and it shows.


Some Obama allies in the New Black Panthers have been indicted on weapons charges in Ferguson.

Via Gateway Pundit: 

On Friday Olajuwon Ali and Brandon Muhammad were indicted in federal court for illegal firearms purchase — in a bomb plot.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported:

Two men have been indicted on weapons charges in federal court here for allegedly making straw purchases of two handguns at the Cabela’s sporting goods store in Hazelwood.

The indictment was handed up Wednesday and unsealed Friday accusing Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Davis of making false statements to obtain firearms. The defendants’ ages and addresses were not made public.

According to local News 4 the two men were arrested in connection with a plot to explode pipe bombs during protests.

As you may remember, the New Black Panthers are the Militant group that Holder refused to prosecute back in 2009 after some members engaged in what one prominent civil rights activist described as “the most blatant form of voter intimidation” that he had seen, including the voting rights crisis in Mississippi a half-century ago.

Again, in 2012, the Holder Justice Department looked the other way when the New Black Panthers in Sanford Florida,  put a bounty on George Zimmerman’s head and distributed  wanted dead or alive fliers. The Zimmermans had to live in fear in Sanford, just as Officer Wilson has gone into hiding in Ferguson – with a bounty also put on his head.

This is not how Justice works in a free country.


Excuse my French, but you have got to be shitting me. I did not just see this via the Independent Sentinel: 


It’s a joke, right?


Via Got News, another disgraceful example of the pressure the Grand Jury is under to indict Officer Wilson – which is the only reason this is taking so long.

In an audio interview with WUNC, the new leader of the Congressional Black Caucus called for Darren Wilson to be indicted and prejudiced the Ferguson grand jury.

Former judge and new leader of the Congressional Black Caucus G. K. Butterfield called for the grand jury to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown and warned that there would be consequences if the jury “turn their back on justice.”


Tell me again how “meaningful and responsible” these protests are?….

Gateway Pundit: Breaking: #Ferguson Protesters Cause Car to Smash Into Pole (Video)

Ferguson protesters were out en masse Friday night chanting and walking in the middle of the street.

A group of protesters were chanting when they forced a car off the road into a pole.
The car did not seem to slow down when it smashed into the pole.

The weather is turning nicer in Missouri – which doesn’t work in civilization’s favor.

Ferguson Cop’s Wife: DOJ Agents In Town Are “Not There to Guide, They’re There to Harm.”


According to a local report, police in Ferguson, Missouri are not happy at all with the “DOJ representatives” from the Civil Rights Division who have poured into their town in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting.

The report reveals just how upset cops and their family members are at these butt-in-skis who have been in Ferguson for months, stirring the pot and making life more difficult for them. One officer’s wife is of the opinion that  they are “not there to guide, they’re there to harm.”

KTVI Fox 2 reporter Chris Hayes didn’t name his sources for this story likely out of fear that they would be retaliated against – not only by the more violent protesters out on the street – but by the Obama/Holder Justice Department.

Activists often complain about officers without name tags. Department of Justice representative Christy Lopez jumped on the issue in a recent public meeting saying, “That’s a problem.  We need to fix that.”  A police wife told us that officers agree they should not be anonymous, but said they`ve lately faced extreme circumstances that have caused some to remove their name tags at times.

The police wife said officers have been, “screamed at by protestors, “we`re going to go to your house. We`re going to rape your wives then we`re going to kill them and we`re going to kill your children” and this is being screamed at them in the presence of Department of Justice agents.”

Those agents said a name tag is non-negotiable, regardless of the threat.

At a public meeting Christy Lopez said, “Especially when it’s tense.”

The police wife said DOJ agents are “not there to guide, they’re there to harm.”

She says a DOJ rep. criticized an officer who said he was afraid for his family.  The police wife explained, “The person was told, by the Department of Justice agent, if they`re afraid of the citizens of Ferguson, they shouldn`t be police.”

Yet Federal Agents appeared to be afraid when they called Ferguson police for help. An incident report, obtained by Fox 2, reveals a series of tense moments on September 25th. DOJ was meeting inside a business when a 911 call revealed subjects “stopping at (that business).” Then another 911 call describes “DOJ inside coffee house, requesting escort out of building.”

The wife of a Ferguson officer described another case in which a DOJ rep who was riding with a Ferguson police officer, had a chance to ride along with the officer as he responded to shots fired and looting that was going on at one of the beauty supply stores.  Rather than see how the officer reacted to the lawless situation,  the DOJ officer said “take me back to the station.” The officer wanted to respond because “that`s where his men were. They needed help.  The citizens needed help” but the  DOJ rep said “No. Take me back to the police department.”

The police wife continued, “There would’ve been a perfect opportunity for him to witness these guys in a situation, a tough situation and how did they handle it?  He opted instead to distance himself from it entirely.”

KTVI reporter Chris Hayes asked the officer’s wife, “Who are these guys (with the DOJ)?”

She responded, “We don`t know.”

Because THEY don’t have to wear name tags.

Hayes goes on to report that the Ferguson officers have been trying to get the names of these shadowy operators from the DOJ who have been organizing the protesters in their town, but they are being stonewalled. Hayes himself tried to  get a list of names from a DOJ spokesman for his report, but was met with a stone wall and an attempt to pry information out of him.

So I asked for a list of names, last Thursday. A DOJ spokesperson in Washington D.C. said, “I will have to check to see if that information is publicly available.” Yesterday, I asked again and I also asked for a response to the specific allegations you heard in this report.  The spokesman responded, “Do you know the name of the (Ferguson officer) who sent the letter?” and “Can you tell me more about your story?”

According to the officer’s wife, “the only people that have been given voice are the people who will support what appears to be their desired outcome.”

It doesn’t look like they’re going to get “their desired outcome” but an announcement is expected any minute now.


The Latest at Gateway Pundit:

BREAKING: #Ferguson Police Mace Protesters – Protesters Mace Police


SHOCK VIDEO>>> Masked #Ferguson Protesters With Guns Threaten Violence


BREAKING: National Guard Armored Personnel Carriers Roll Into St. Louis & #Ferguson (Photo)

Sharpton’s National Action Network Holds Presser on Plans Following GJ Decision

Linked by IOTW Report, and Don Surber, thanks!

Video: Gingrich Blasts Obama’s Dishonest ‘Gruber Speech’

Media savvy CNN political commentator and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich latched on to the example of Jonathan Gruber to point out the dishonesty of Obama’s amnesty speech, last night.

Likening the speech to statements made by the now toxic “ObamaCare architect”, Gringrich charged that those in the “elite” class “really underestimate” the disdain Americans have for unprotected borders. He called it “a Gruber speech” in which the president was “simple not telling the truth.”

Gingrich also blasted the president for going against the incoming Congress after the country had “repudiated his policies in the election” a few weeks ago.


Hot Air: Fact-checks on Obama speech come from AP, WaPo … and Jay Carney?

MRC TV: Earnest: ‘I Don’t Know’ If We’ll Provide Cost of Executive Amnesty

Washington Examiner: Boehner: Obama ‘refused to listen to the American people’ on immigration action

Weekly Standard: Jay Carney: Yes, Obama Is ‘Literally’ Doing What He Previously Called Unconstitutional

I LOVE Drew’s idea: Responding To Obama’s Executive Amnesty: Let Obama Give The State Of The Union Somewhere Else

Conservative Review: Top 10 Lies from Obama’s Nullification Speech

The Council Has Spoken!! This Weeks’ Watcher’s Council Results


The Council has spoken, the votes have been cast, and the results are in for this week’s Watcher’s Council match up.

“This morning in Jerusalem Palestinians attacked Jews who were praying in a synagogue.To have this kind of act, which is a pure result of incitement, of calls for ‘days of rage,’ of just irresponsibility, is unacceptable.”

“People who have come to worship God in a sanctuary of a synagogue were… murdered in a holy place in an act of pure terror and senseless brutality and murder.” – U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry

“There are two races of men in this world but only these two: the race of the decent man and the race of the indecent man.” – Victor Frankl, Auschwitz survivor, in ‘Man’s Search For Meaning

It’s not enough for us to say: ‘There are those carrying out Ribat’ (religious war over land claimed to be Islamic). We must all carry out Ribat in the Al-Aqsa [Mosque]. It’s not enough for us to say: ‘The settlers have arrived [at the Mosque]’. They have come, and  we have to prevent them, by any means necessary, from entering the Sanctuary. They have no right to enter it. They have no right to defile it. – Mahmoud Abbas, inciting violence on Official Palestinian Authority TV, Oct. 19, 2014


This week’s winning essay was Joshuapundit’s The Blood Of Zion Cries Out My reaction on the day four rabbis and Druze traffic cop who tried to stop the killers were murdered with guns and meat cleavers in a Jerusalem synagogue. Here’s a slice:

Early this morning, four Jews at morning prayers were murdered in a synagogue in Jerusalem after two Palestinian broke in and assaulted the worshipers with gunfire and meat cleavers.

Many others were wounded and four are in critical condition.

The terrorist attack took place in Har Hof a predominantly Orthodox neighborhood at the at the Kehilat Yaakov synagogue on Agasi Street.

The Murder victims were identified as Rabbi Moshe Twersky, the head of the Torat Moshe yeshiva, 59; 40-year-old  Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky; 50-year-old Rabbi Kalman Levine; and 68-year-old Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg(HY”D). Rabbi Kupinsky, Rabbi Levine and Rabbi Twersky were all American citizens, while Rabbi Goldberg was a British subject. A Druze policeman, 30-year-old Master Sergeant Zidan Sif subsequently died of his wounds as well, and all Israel will mourn and honor him.

The killers stormed the synagogue at 7 AM local time. There was no warning and no way for the victims to defend themselves.The rabbis were murdered during the sacred prayer of Shimoneh Esrei, with siddurim (prayer books) in their hands and their tefillum on.

Eye witness Ya’akov Amos said: ‘The terrorist moved to within a metre of me then started shooting. One, two, three, bang, bang, bang. I immediately hit the ground and tried to protect myself with a prayer stand. He kept screaming ‘Allah hu’Akbar’.

There was blood everywhere, so much that one of the medical workers slipped in it and broke his leg.

The international reaction was interesting. Even U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry seemed shocked, with his voice quavering. He even used the “T” word and called for an end to incitement against Jews.

Phillip Hammond, Britain’s Foreign Secretary contented himself with a bloodless statement that ‘both sides’ should seek to ‘reduce tension.’ President Obama, of course, said much the same thing. Somehow, I doubt they would have merely talked about both sides reducing tension if four imams had been murdered by a Jew and Qu’rans profaned in this way.

Israel’s economics minister Naftali Bennett was interviewed by the BBC today, and provides us with another indication of exactly how sick and depraved Britain has become when it comes to Israel and the Jews.

(just a hint – when Bennett mentions Abu Mazen, he is using Mahmoud Abbas’s nom de guerre, the terrorist name he used as Arafat’s second-in-command.)

Notice how the interviewer doesn’t even address the issue of Abbas inciting terrorism, but pulls the case of an Arab bus driver who died yesterday, as though that made the savage murder of four Jews at prayer legitimate. That Arab driver, by the way, had a full investigation and an autopsy done on him and there is no doubt he committed suicide. Unlike the Palestinian Authority, Israel jails murderers no matter who they are.

I really felt like saying ‘Kol Hakavod’ when Bennett held up a picture of one of the victims, which the interviewer hastily told him to put down lest he upset the gentle sensibilities of her viewers. I think it is absolutely essential to do just that – to let the British public see what their government is funding and supporting. And I hope it upsets them to the point of utter shame.

At the end of the interview, Bennett says that Britain is going to have to make a choice of whether they support the Free World or not. As I’m sure Bennett knows, the British Government has already made that choice.Which is why, perhaps, they feel compelled to put up with soldiers being beheaded in broad daylight and no go areas for police and non-Muslims in London and other large British cities.

The murderers were both killed in a shootout with police at the scene. They were Ghassan and Oday Abu Jamal from the Jabal Mukaber neighborhood in east Jerusalem. Needless to say, they were acclaimed as heroes and martyrs by all the factions of the Arabs whom call themselves Palestinians.

A Palestinian woman scatters sweets as she celebrates with others an attack on a Jerusalem synagogue

Palestinian supporters of The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, (PFLP), a small militant group, dance while waving their flags, after they heard the news of the shooting

 “We responded with shouts of joy when we received the news about their deaths,” Ala’a Abu Jamal said of his cousins Ghassan and Uday Abu Jamal to Yedioth Aharonoth. “People here distributed candies to guests who visited us, and there was joy for the martyrs.”

In a message published on its official new website Al-Resalah, Hamas said the attack was “a quality development in fighting the occupation. We highly value the heroism of its operatives.” Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri praised the attack on Qatari news channel Al-Jazeera as “heroic,” calling for more attacks of the same kind.

Hamas MP Mushir Al-Masri happily wrote on Twitter that “Jerusalem has nothing but men who love martyrdom. The heroes of the knife are in Jerusalem. The heroes of the run-over [car attacks] are in Jerusalem. In Jerusalem men take revenge.”

And he posted this on his Facebook page:

A cartoon posted on the Facebook page of Hamas MP Mushir Al-Masri has perpetrators of the Jerusalem attack dressed in religious Jewish garb asking 'where are they?' (photo credit: Facebook)

The Arab killer is asking ‘Where are they hiding?” Needless to say, in spite of what this cartoon shows none of the worshipers were armed.

And Fatah? Mahmoud Abbas, AKA Abu Mazen issued a ‘condemnation’ that wasn’t one. In a statement (in English, not Arabic)it said that “The Palestinian presidency” condemns violence “from whatever source” and “demands an end to the invasions of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the provocations of the Settlers.”

In other words, ‘So sorry, but unless you surrender Jerusalem to us expect more of the same.’

This is the same Mahmoud Abbas who accused Jews of “contaminating” Al-Aqsa Mosque last week, who just a few days ago was telling his people, in Arabic, to ‘defend Jerusalem’ by any means necessary. This is the same Mahmoud Abbas who said nothing when Fatah published cartoons and Facebook posts encouraging terrorist attacks on Jews and “days of rage” to defend the ‘threatened’ Al-Aqsa.

Tawfik Tirawi, former chief of the Palestinian General Security in the West Bank and a member of Fatah’s Central Committee made it even plainer, and in Arabic. Today he told a radio station in Hebron that the attack was “nothing but a reaction to the recent crimes of the occupation and the settlers in occupied Jerusalem and across the nation. The threats of the occupation against our people and the Palestinian leadership, represented by the president, will only increase our efforts in safeguarding our rights.”

His remarks were reprinted on Fatah’s official Facebook page.

I should make something clear here. This is not the fault of Abbas, or Hamas, or any of the Arabs who identify themselves as Palestinians.

It is the fault of the Israeli government.

A significant number of the Palestinians are simply acting as they have always acted since the 1920’s, and these tendencies were unleashed even further once Arafat and the PLO were allowed in to take over after Oslo.


Israeli governments since Oslo have always allowed themselves to be pressured to ignore these instances of sheer horror…to release  convicted murderers, to make concessions to the terrorist entities on Israel’s borders, and most of all to avoid  finishing them off entirely when their violence and bloodshed mandated a response. This has been especially true since Barack Obama, who styles himself as the Palestinian’s very own community organizer entered the White House.

Is it any wonder that this sort of thing continues to happen? Is it really so puzzling that after allowing Hamas to continue in Gaza and maintaining any kind of relationship with Abbas and the PLO once they allied themselves openly with Hamas that they would resort back to Arafat’s tactics?

Yasser Arafat himself outlined for his followers what this war was really about. On Jordanian TV, right after signing the Oslo Accords he was criticized for signing a peace agreement with the Jews. He responded by reminding his audience of the Peace of Hubidiyeh, a treaty Mohammed made with the Quraysh tribe that he violated as soon as he was strong enough to massacre them, a story every Muslim knows. And then he outlined exactly what this war was about, saying that “either the Jews will push us into the sea or we will push them into the sea.”

Arafat, the leaders of Hamas and numerous members of Fatah have sung the same songs for years. Is it their fault that Israeli governments for years have refused to take them seriously?

More at the link.

In our non-Council category, the winner was Victor Davis HansonA Moral primer submitted by Joshuapundit. Hanson is an old classicist among his other virtues.In this essay, he looks at the state of America and the world, and especially the president who leads us and sees a lack of political and personal morality as a deadly problem, possibly a terminal one for our republic. Do read it.

Here are this week’s full results:

Council Winners

See you next week!

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