President No-Show Snubs French Unity March – Blasted By Libs, NY Daily News


More than forty world leaders attended the massive march in Paris, Sunday, where more than a million people expressed their support for the victims of Islamic attacks, last week. A total of 3.7 million took part in rallies throughout France according to official reports.

This was a HUGE event.


But the president of the United States did not attend the march. Nor did his Vice President or Secretary of State. His Attorney General was in town, but did not attend the march. [Can you even imagine Eric “My People” Holder, defender of GITMO Islamo-terrorists, locking arms with these white European leaders? Ain’t gonna happen.]

Representing the USA at the march was the little known political consultant and Obama Campaign Bundler Jane Hartley, who was in town because – oh – she lives there. She’s Obama’s Ambassador to France.

Once upon a time at an event like this, the United States would have been represented by a top official – if not the president himself would have been there in a show of solidarity with the forces of Western Civilization against Islamic terror.

Via NBC News:

Crowds packed the entire two-mile march route from Paris’ Place de la Republique to Place de la Nation, chanting “Vive la America’s France” and “Qui vous etes? Charlie!” — “Who are you? Charlie!” — in reference to the massacre at the satirical magazine that left 12 dead on Wednesday. The demonstrators clapped, chanted and held posters and flags, including the French and Israeli ones.

The march was led by the historic sight of French President Francois Hollande linked arm-in-arm with Germany’s Angela Merkel, Britain’s David Cameron, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and other world leaders in a show of solidarity against terror. More than 40 foreign leaders were expected to attend.

Via Gateway Pundit, Liberal Reporters BLAST Obama For Snubbing French at Their #JeSuisCharlie Freedom March

Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic: “It would have been nice to see the country whose birth was midwifed by France send its leader to stand with France today.”

Fareed Zakaria, CNN: “Why no U.S. leader at Paris rally? Isn’t this why God invented vice presidents?”

Greta Van Susteren, Fox News: “@ron_fournier @AmPowerBlog you and I usually agree but not on this:I wanted my Pres there representing me”

And: “the next time we want French help,they will remember if we mourned with them, stood with them @ron_fournier”

Jack Moore, International Business Times, UK: “French President Jacque Chirac was one of first foreign leaders to visit White House after 9/11. Why was Barack Obama absent at #ParisMarch?”

Simon Schama, BBC Presenter: “Actually, on US (non)representation in Paris: insulting abysmal complacent indifference to meaning of the day. Should be huge row.”

A French citizen responded to Schama: “Sad! All my colleagues & friends here are talking about that! Some do seem hurt by that!”

Laura Rozen, Al Monitor gave her opinion, that of her mid-western mother and also reported on Obama and Vice President Joe Biden’s respective schedules:

“+1 RT @mtomasky: @TheCorollary @lrozen just my opinion, but extraordinary event; it’s our fight too. I, as a citizen, feel underrepresented”

“My mother in KC says was watching Paris unity rally from 6am, woke up my father wondering why US leader not there.”

Joe Trippi, Democrat advisor and Fox News contributor: “@JamesFallows @JeffreyGoldberg I agree about POTUS. But do not understand Biden or Kerry.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper: ‘Disappointed Personally’ Obama a No Show in Anti-Terrorism Rally in France:


Hat tip: Geo: “You know things have gotten really bad when the dopey left wing libs at The Daily News throws [President No-Show] overboard.”

Via Drudge: NY Daily News: Eric Holder, top U.S. officials no-shows at Paris unity rally

The U.S. attorney general, in Paris for a terrorism summit with French President Francois Hollande, did not join world leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for the march and rally that drew a million people days after 12 were shot at satirical paper Charlie Hebdo. Others such as Obama and Vice President Biden were also not in attendance.


Look at the photo they chose to run of Obumba. Wow.

See Twitchy for more:

Greg Gutfeld finds silver lining in President Obama’s absence from Paris today

President Obama isn’t in Paris, but he will be in D.C. tomorrow honoring the San Antonio Spurs

Bill Kristol notices something about President Obama’s ‘awfully busy’ schedule today

‘Couldn’t leave Joe Home Alone!’ Here are the top 10 #ReasonsObamaMissedFranceRally


Gateway Pundit: Obama Sends Three Representatives to Mike Brown Funeral… No One to France Freedom March:

The Obama administration sent three representatives to Michael Brown’s funeral in Ferguson, Missouri.

But only the Ambassador to France made the historic anti-terror march in Paris today.

Does he think no one notices this crap?

Gateway Pundit: Obama Watched NFL Football Instead of Attending Paris Unity March:

According to an administration official, President Obama spent part of his Sunday afternoonwatching an NFL playoff game on television. Both playoff games were broadcast hours after the march.

Ted Cruz in Time: ‘Our President Should Have Been There’

We must never hesitate to stand with our allies. We should never hesitate to speak the truth. In Paris or anywhere else in the world.

On Sunday, leaders representing Europe, Israel, Africa, Russia, and the Middle East linked arms and marched together down Place de la Concorde in Paris. But, sadly, no one from the White House was found among the more than 40 Presidents and Prime Ministers who walked the streets with hundreds of thousands of French citizens demonstrating their solidarity against radical Islamic terrorists.


The absence is symbolic of the lack of American leadership on the world stage, and it is dangerous. The attack on Paris, just like previous assaults on Israel and other allies, is an attack on our shared values. And, we are stronger when we stand together, as French President François Hollande said, for “liberty, equality, and fraternity.”


Radical Islamic terrorists are targeting all of those who do not share their radical ideology, escalating their attacks in shocking ways.


6 thoughts on “President No-Show Snubs French Unity March – Blasted By Libs, NY Daily News

  1. Yet another 3am phone call gone unanswered. I hope someone publishes his schedule so we all can see what was so important.

    Asleep at the switch again {just like Benghazi}.

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  3. Honestly, for the most part what happened in Paris yesterday is what we use to call in the Military, a “Dog and Pony” show. Symbolism over substance. Except for the scale yesterday, we’ve been down this road before here in the States. The evening of 9-11 on the steps of the Capitol, politicians singing God Bless America. That was the last time the dems were fully committed to the “War on Terror”. On the streets of NYC after that day there was a tremendous outpouring of “respect and appreciation” for the First Responders, the Police and Fireman. Deservedly so.

    All of that has faded over the years. Our Cops are now targets themselves and the dems has done nothing but oppose the war on terror since. The protests of recent events across the nation are organized mostly by socialist, marxists and anarchists. So, where’s the love?

    With few excepts, those politicians locked arm in arm yesterday . . . they are directly responsible for contributing and creating the problem between their own citizens and radical islam. It’s called multiculturalism and we aren’t far removed from the same experiences that Europe has just gone through. Our Constitution shouldn’t be a suicide pact with our enemy.

    Welcome to Blue State America!

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