8 thoughts on “Video: Obama’s First 100 Days

  1. Y’all are so lucky to get a president like obama. Looking at the US from the EU we can clearly see the sh*tstorm you guys are in and it ain’t pretty. Thank bush for that. And for all the extra terrorist, thank bush again.
    All you repubs are a true laughing stock over here, so naieve and if you can’t make it with words y’all strt screaming, we’ll bomb ya. Great politics.

    Keep sh*tting on obama, take the future from yar kids


  2. Yves,
    I’m trying to figure out if you’re just trying to be funny or if you are really that ignorant. Unfortunately, I think you are that ignorant. I guess when you sleep in your own manure, you don’t notice the smell. Now go play with your toys like a good boy.


  3. Yves, everything you just said was the opposite of the truth.
    I’m sorry, but a “Billy Madison” is in order:

    what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


  4. Yves,

    Europe, a place where nearly a half a million American GIs died and 600,000 wounded in pulling your ass out of the clutches of a mad man dictator during WWII. Where billions of American taxpayer’s dollars spent in defending Europe from the USSR expanding into your backyard. You are jackass. Please, kiss the collective ass of every American.


  5. Thanks Sparky, and if it was up to me, we’d pull every troop out of europe, let all those dollars getting spent over there stay here, and let ’em all fend for themselves the next time they allow some tyrant to stand with his boot on their sorry socialist faces.


  6. Don’t get too riled up about Yves. If he wasn’t just a troll he would have said something that had a point to it. Instead he just froths at the mouth.

    Not worth your time.


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