13 thoughts on “9/12 March On Washington Video: We Will Rock You

  1. If this doesn’t inspire to stand up for what’s right for America, I don’t know what will.

    You know this has the libtards quaking in their boots. I’m loving it. Give me more!


  2. One would think that this sort of thing would wake some of the weasels up in Congress. This is what David Axelrod had to say yesterday:

    “I don’t think it’s indicative of the nation’s mood,” Axelrod said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “You know, I don’t think we ought to be distracted by that. My message to them is, they’re wrong.”

    Do you get the feeling that Obama and company are really out of touch, stupid, or they really don’t give a rat’s a$$ about the American people…



  3. Pingback: when the citizenry says ‘no’ | Blatherings Blog

  4. I guess the commi, pinko, states redia, rat’s care more about
    Sunday football, than protecting what makes this country great


  5. Pingback: American Patriots At TEA Party In Washington, D.C. « Quipster

  6. I cannot begin to express the feelings that I had as I watched this video! Finally, the ‘silent majority, ‘ the ‘sleeping giant’ has come alive!!!

    I am so proud to be an American. God has blessed this country for centuries. Let us all continue to turn to Him in prayer and seek His guidance in taking back our ‘beautiful America!’

    Thank you to all of you wonderful people who went to Washington on Saturday, at your own expense I might add. Thank you for your patriotism and for carrying the banner for all of us who could not be there in body, but were surely there in spirit!

    God Bless America!


  7. God Bless all who came and those who were there in spirit to remind those, Who Work For Us, that they took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States. I will always remember those who serve, served our Country, and those who valiantly died for her. I won’t give her up as the haters want us to. We will rock you!

    My sign I proudly held up:

    Growing Resentment of:
    Acorn Scams
    Socialist Ways
    Stimulus Rip-Offs
    Reid, Pelosi
    Oil Prices
    Oaths Not Kept
    Takeovers: Banks/Auto
    SEIU – Intimidation

    To those of you who gave us the thumbs up, honking horns, along the way from Idaho to DC and back (we had a sign in the window) THANK YOU, It was a Blast!!!


  8. Being a part of this historic moment was very important that I express my dis fair with our Government that is out of control. It is now up to us, We The People, to let the bums in Washingtom know we are not pleased with thier behavior towards our secared document The Constitution!!!! God Bless this great Nation.


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