James And Hannah Take Their Pimp/Ho Act To New York…

With predictable results:

Watch part two at Big Government.

First they went to Baltimore, then on to Washington DC, and then on to New York – that’s three strikes against ACORN.

Bertha Lewis, the Chief Organizer for ACORN had previously said:

This recent scam, which was attempted in San Diego, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia to name a few places, had failed for months before the results we’ve all recently seen.

Who do you believe? Bertha Lewis, or your own lying eyes?

ACORN is now accusing James, Hannah, and Fox News of conducting a long term political plan to smear the group, saying the tapes were doctored,  and is now threatening to sue them all:

Most of the MSM either ignoring this story, or as James O’Keefe notes, “covering for ACORN” by actively attacking the two film makers, instead of getting to the bottom of the story.

Still, four ACORN employees have already been fired, with more in NY surely to follow. ACORN has been dropped from the Census, and now, fresh, new calls for an ACORN investigation are coming from Republicans in Congress.

I’d say O’Keefe’s pimp hand is stronger than ACORN’s.

31 thoughts on “James And Hannah Take Their Pimp/Ho Act To New York…

  1. Unreal. If this administration cared about the people they would announce that all ties will be cut. My guess is obama will see to it that Acorn gets a bonus. Does anyone remember that obama announced to the group that they would be part of the decision making.?


  2. Pingback: ACORN Sex Scandal, Now a Triology: O’Keefe Exposes Again, in New York City (video) UPDATE: ACORN Claims It Will Sue FOX News & Filmmakers… Bring It On, Baby « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  3. Their defense: Acorn bigwigs whine “How dare they video tape these poor acorn employees”. For the love of God, where are the Republicans? There should be a news conference, with all the house and senate republicans standing on the steps of the capital bldg. demanding the government cut off money to these criminals.


  4. This is sad. Really. The films are so so grossly chopped up and even has a voice over when James is asking a misleading question but you see the acorn employee’s lips still moving – why didn’t he show the whole tape? So misleading these tapes are.

    Why doesn’t your site tell the whole truth about the connections Miss Giles has and who actually set this whole sham up? 😦 Maybe you don’t know.

    About how Doug Giles (Hannah Giles’ father) that has ties to Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, she even commenting on his (Doug’s) great Christian books. Have you ever read Doug’s website blogs. This man is a pig for spewing that type of banter tainted with his racial slurs. It’s all right there online, if you seek the truth.

    I’m afraid it is people just like you who are helping to destroy humanity and not giving others a fair chance in life. You don’t even see that do you? By you posting this, you only help to spread the lies.

    True Christians don’t spread lies.


  5. truth? seriously, truth? You cannot deny what these Acorn employees are saying so you resort to ad hominem attacks and cries of “racist”. It’s getting old. I was in DC over the weekend. We’re coming for all of you. This crap is going to end. Hopefully it will end peacefully but it is going to end soon.


  6. Oh my.

    Truth, let’s see if ACORN makes good on its threat to sue. If they’re going to hang their hats on the doctored tape accusation, that will play out in court. Something tells me, they will simply fire these workers like they fired the others, and try not to prolong this story by any legal action.

    Why should I report on Hannah’s father having a blog and being a Rush/ Coulter fan? What does that have to do with ACORN’s exposed corruption?


  7. >>I’m afraid it is people just like you who are helping to destroy humanity and not giving others a fair chance in life. You don’t even see that do you? By you posting this, you only help to spread the lies.

    What lies? ACORN is a criminal organization. They are being investigated in more than a dozen states across the country, some of their employees have already plead guilty to numerous election law violations. Worse, they are using taxpayer money to finance their schemes. They are no more a 501C than I am and they need to be shut down.

    There is nothing wrong with these recording which is why ACORN keeps firing these “bad apples” every time a new one pops up instead of proving they are fakes.

    Everybody deserves a fair chance to work hard and succeed. What they don’t deserve is to illegally use my money. And that’s the truth.


  8. What I don’t understand is if this is a vicious smear attack and the tapes doctored etc. then why would ACORN fire anyone? If my innocent staff were being railroaded by the “vast right wing conspiracy” I would stand by them. If the tapes are false then no one should have been fired.


  9. truth said “I’m afraid it is people just like you who are helping to destroy humanity and not giving others a fair chance in life. You don’t even see that do you? By you posting this, you only help to spread the lies. ”

    Wow truth – Are you related to Wesley Mouch?


  10. So, “truth”, what you’re saying is that these photos cannot be the “truth”, because…….ah let me see….Hannah Giles’ father is a Christian and listens to Coulter and Rush!!!!! (Oh, the humunaity!!!)

    Wow, what a compelling argument.

    The sad part is that you don’t even see how pathetic that argument is. Then you compound your idiotic “logic” by lecturing us about being “true Christians”.

    I’ll tell you what “true Christians” don’t do. They don’t tell prostitutes to lie so they can get government money to subsidize their behavior. But I don’t suspect you are smart enough to know that.


  11. The films are so so grossly chopped up and even has a voice over when James is asking a misleading question but you see the acorn employee’s lips still moving

    Living in the warm cocoon of community based reality must be nice. I mean, all unpleasant facts are lies, all pleasant lies are truth and everybody gets a skittle shitting unicorn.
    What’s not to love?

    The only bad part about community based reality, for the community, is that when their reality meets real reality it’s not so much fun for them.

    It usually makes me laugh, so they have that going for them.

    truth was pretty funny. I mean, somebody’s father has ties to Limbaugh and Coulter (what ties? Ties,!!!!!! Geez, does it have to draw a map? Ties!! To Limbaugh and Coulter!!!) and have you seen his website? He’s a pig who spews banter!!! (what banter? Banter!!! That is spewed!!! What more do you need? ) and he says racist things!!! (What racist things? Racist!)

    I used to love being a satire troll. I would say stuff that I thought was so over the top that nobody could think I was serious.
    I’ve mostly had to stop doing that because everybody keeps thinking I’m serious.
    I’m still not really sure that’s not Moron Pundit, but either way, it’s darn funny.


  12. I’m pretty sure Truth is for real. Somebody else dropped the big Hannah Giles/Rush Limbaugh bomb, in a comment here, last week.

    Lefty blogs are really grasping at straws, these days, it seems.


  13. Yes indeed. Let’s go to court. Big time.

    My tax bills are HUGE; no objective to that as long as I have some confidence that money is being spent wisely for the common good. And that someone is watching over those who receive it in order to preempt corruption, waste, and abuse.

    I know that not all are as blessed as I, though some have worked just as hard, which was damned hard before I saved enough to retire and focused on investing it wisely. So I feel privileged to share and to help in various ways.

    BUT —

    But when I hear that ACORN is slated for billions of borrowed money to be paid by future taxpayers, it makes my stomach churn.


  14. Pingback: Child Prostitution Scandal Noticed by Congress: ACORN Cut Off from HUD Money by Senate, 83-7 Vote, Plus Hannah Giles on Red Eye (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  15. It appears the ACORN nut is finally cracking. It took our solons in DC long enough to what some of us have been saying for years.


  16. Pingback: Glenn Beck: Interview with ‘Prostitute’ Hannah Giles, Baltimore ACORN Child Prostitution Investigation, More on HUD (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  17. Pingback: FOX: Analyzes ACORN Corruption, How to Break the Law and Start a Child Sex Slavery Ring with Fed Money (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  18. I, the taxpayer, is funding this organization. Every senator and congressman in Washington along with President Obama should be appalled and apologizing to the American people for wasting my money!! And the government actually thinks we can trust them with our healthcare??


  19. Pingback: Bring Your Sunscreen… James & Hannah Go to Califonia to Sting ACORN with Pimp/Ho Undercover Child Prostitution Operation (video, Part I) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  20. Pingback: ABC’s Anchor Charlie Gibson, Chuckling: What ACORN Child Prostitution/Tax Fraud Scandal? « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  21. Pingback: ACORN’s House of Cards Teetering… Announces Suspending Services to New Clients Because of Child Prostitution Exposé in 4 Offices « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  22. Pingback: ACORN Sex Exposé Blockbuster Continues: Parts II and III of ‘Bring Your Sunscreen… James & Hannah Go to California to Sting ACORN with Pimp/Ho Undercover Child Prostitution Operation’ (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  23. Pingback: ACORN “Pimp/Ho” Exposé: James and Hannah Interviewed by Hannity, Discuss How They Came Up with Sting Operation Idea (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  24. Pingback: O’Keefe and Giles… Exposing ACORN Child Prostitution & Tax Fraud in SAN DIEGO! Yet More ACORN Corruption, When Will MSM Jump In? (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  25. Pingback: San Diego and ACORN… Illegal Smuggling of Girls Over Mexican Border, More Child Prostitution Corruption Exposed « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  26. Pingback: Bill O’Reilly: Scoop of the Year… ACORN’s Corruption Now Full-Blown Political Scandal, 7 Senators Still Want to Give ACORN Taxpayer Money (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  27. Pingback: Bill O’Reilly: Scoop of the Year… ACORN’s Corruption Now Full-Blown Political Scandal, 7 Senators Still Want to Give ACORN Taxpayer Money (video)r « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  28. If anyone has James or Hannah’s e-mail address or some way to contact them; I got a big project brewing in Maryland where there is obstruction of justice, racism and fraud. No kidding…..and has been going on for quite some time. have them e-mail me asap; I’ve got documentation…and it gets deeper every day. R. Staley


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