Pro-ObamaCare Forces Held Their Own Rally In DC On 9/13

A Daily Kos blogger calls the turnout, “weak”.

I guess!:

dc rally fail2

DC Public Option Rally Turnout Weak (w/ pics)

I just returned from two hours at the rally.  Turnout was maybe approaching 800-1000 when I left….more like 500-700.

Huh? Which was it, 500-700, or 800-1000?

We had at least as many people show up in the cold, last Feb, for the first KC area tea party to protest Porkulus.

Hey, how about a compare/contrast of the two rallies?

dcprotest faillive

9/13 DC Public Option Rally…………………………………………….………….9/12 march on Washington

Which group would you say has more momentum?

Thanks to: Karen

7 thoughts on “Pro-ObamaCare Forces Held Their Own Rally In DC On 9/13

  1. Pingback: Compare & Contrast « The Rhetorican

  2. Three quarters? Is your math perhaps a little off?

    Why are Dems so focused on Obama’s skin color? Seriously? Whatever became of our being a colorblind society.

    I have a dream.

    I have a dream that one day…I can blast a (half) black President because I oppose his commie/fascist policies and not be accused by leftists goons of being a racist.

    That is my dream.


  3. Pingback: The Great DC Tea Party Attendance Controversey | RantNation

  4. “Ouch. It must hurt that three quarters of the nation voted a black man into office specifically to reform healthcare.”

    You are a perfect example as to why the public education system needs fixed, and if you went to a private school, I hope your parents can still get a refund! How do you calculate Obama winning at 52.9% as 3/4 of the nation, especially when only (roughly) 63% of all eligible voters voted. Here is a question, do you know how much a trillion is, if not go to the CBO’s website and you can see examples of it when it comes to Obama’s deficit spending and the cost of The One’s HCR legislation.


  5. I find it interesting that the people for reform have health insurance..They’re worried about the “other guy”. Where are the people without, or who can’t get, health insurance? Not at this rally!


  6. Dave: I’m guessing you come from a “left” perspective. When you make comments on conservative blogs you’re not talking to the mindless lemmings with whom you look to for affirmation when you resort to ad hominem attacks, victim mentality arguments, of unverifiable statements. You think you can throw out “straw man” arguments and we’ll buy it and not notice? 100 percent of Americans want “reform”. We don’t want a transformation however. 85% or more like their health care now and are vehemently opposed to a government run system. That doesn’t sound like three quarters of the nation to me. Many of that 85% voted for Obama.


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