How much will we surrender for peace?

Inspired by this “V” poster

The Anchoress:

If America cuts a deal with the Taliban, giving them control over regions in exchange for their keeping Al Qaeda in check, she instantly confers credibility upon them – at least for as long as America’s credibility remains. Can they be trusted? If the Taliban can be trusted -and recall, Democrats have used the example of these human-rights-oppressing religious fanatics to characterize Republicans, so their sudden trustworthiness is both convenient and suspect- can they, in a theater as large as Afghanistan, actually disallow and prevent Al Qaeda from using that vast land-of-caves as their planning and training base?

I suggest the Taliban will not be able to keep its end of this face-saving bargain, and that the whole tactic is simply a way to blow smoke in front of our faces.


See Darleen Click for another Surrender photoshop.


Remember this?

Ugh…don’t get me started.

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  1. Pingback: President Barack Hussein Obama, The Surrender Monkey | Political Byline

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