How About Not?

Oh my gosh…talk about tone-deaf.

Mark Hemingway at The Washington Examiner reports:

Here’s statistical whiz Nate Silver on what Obama needs to do to improve his flagging approval ratings:

To channel my Inner Krugman: it’s a political imperative for the Democrats of the highest order to get some sort of jobs bill to Obama’s desk — the sooner and the bigger the better. Suppose you could create jobs at a price of about $40,000 per, which is higher than the figure suggested by empirical research on highly targeted jobs programs. A $200 billion bill would then create 5 million new jobs, which would reduce unemployment by about 3.3 percent (e.g. from 10.2 percent to 6.9 percent).

As Allahpundit would say: Dude.

Does Nate Silver not know that Obama is now a deficit hawk?


Another brilliant Democrat idea…expanding funemployment  benefits. That’s working out great, too.

Thanks to Eddie.

Desperately Seeking Sarah

Not a photoshop!

The above pic is one out of 3 awesome pics (other 2 at Weasel Zips) showing a battle-weary Andrea Mitchell, clutching the infamous Newsweak cover,  ambushing a smiling and radiant Sarah Palin,  and being carted off by security.

What the heck?! What was Mitchell trying to do? Get her autograph? Were there no teenage girls in line there to bully? Sadly, Weasel offered no further info to go with the pix. Dan Riehl did add some captions, though.


Just found more pictures from the ambush, here.


Via Fire Andrea Mitchell:

A demented PDS sufferer threw eggs at a bunch of Palin’s books at another book-signing event. Palin wasn’t there, but a  blogger from Motivation Truth was, and she got egg spattered all over her suit.


Via Hot Air:

Desperately seeking Sarah, the movie!:


Okay, I guess Andrea wasn’t “carted off”. I think that was wishful thinking on my part.