Just Wow: Al Franken Made Faces During Mitch McConnell’s Kagan Speech On The Senate Floor

Thank you Minnesota.

Adding insult to the  injury of the heinous confirmation of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court, today, Al Franken apparently made  faces and mocked Senator Mitch McConnell during his speech on the Senate floor.

The Hill reports:

Franken, who was presiding over the chamber from the dais, gesticulated and made faces while McConnell explained his opposition to Kagan, according to witnesses.

The television cameras broadcasting the speech on C-SPAN remained fixed on McConnell, missing Franken’s antics from the Senate president’s chair.

McConnell grew increasingly angry as Franken made fun of him before a crowded public gallery and Senate aides lining the chamber walls. Senate aides said they were shocked that Franken would flout the decorum of the chamber during such a solemn occasion.

After McConnell finished his remarks, he walked up to the dais and rebuked him.

“This is not ‘Saturday Night Live,’ Al,” McConnell said, making reference to Franken’s career as a writer and actor on NBC’s long-running comedy show, according to a witness who overheard the exchange.

Franken went to Senator McConnell’s office, later to apologize, but McConnell wasn’t there, so he left a hand written note.

In fairness to Franken, it’s entirely possible that he wasn’t purposefully making faces.

Hat tip: K-Lo, The Corner:


Here’s Mitch McConnell’s speech on Senate Floor:


Ace links to a video of a Pat Caddell appearance on Fox: Pat Caddell: Country’s Mood Is “Pre-Revolutionary”

Exactly right. And if Al Franken thinks that we the people are too preoccupied to notice the daily outrages coming out of Washington (including this latest one),   he’s got another thing coming. It’s called November….it’s coming.


Allahpundit: Al Franken to Mitch McConnell: Hey, sorry for acting like a jackass during your Kagan speech

… Franken has worked hard to suppress his jerkier impulses in the interest of being taken seriously as a politician. He’s done well enough thus far, but lately he’s been getting bored and just maybe a little distracted by the looming GOP tidal wave, so the pressure holding back the geyser of jackassery within ain’t quite as strong as it used to be.

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks!


15 thoughts on “Just Wow: Al Franken Made Faces During Mitch McConnell’s Kagan Speech On The Senate Floor

  1. Al Franken is the most classless piece of gutter trash to ever stain the Senate. This infantile election-thief should go back to SNL, or better yet Sesame Street


  2. Given the recent audit of ballots in Minnesota which identified a larger number of bogus votes than the margin of votes by which that ugly monster Frankenstein supposedly won, he should shut up and keep his nose clean. He clearly stole that election.


  3. The freaking adolescent nutjobs have been put in charge.

    It is time to get the grownups to clean these loons out!!!


  4. Mitch McConnell is a stiff.
    Contemporary conservative political leadership is populated by mind-numbing mediocrats like McConnell. Public service can no longer attract candidates with a pulse. Third tier intellects parroting the droning, backward thinking drivel of their predecessors as this once great nation spirals hopelessly downward and away from worldwide leadership. The void will be filled by uninspired morons far worse that Mitch.

    On the other hand, Senator Franken should behave in a manner that befits the high standards of the United States Senate. It must be exceedingly difficult to keep focused when surrounded by such pap!


  5. Just when you think the Dems can’t get any lower…

    Seems that decency and morality get hit with about 3-5 disgusting assaults every single day in this nation. Some lack a moral compass. Corrupt forces in top leadership seem to be influencing all branches of government. We presently have no checks and balances. Many seem deceived by the darkness and journalistic integrity took a powder a long time ago. I fear my mind’s filthiest attempts at considering how some might “get any lower” pale in comparison to the reality we will actually experience in the coming months and years. Lots of prayers are in order.


  6. While I don’t dispute this story. Am I correct to conclude that there are no photos of the offensive faces?

    If so, you might point out that that the photo you lead this off with is photoshopped and may or maynot be a good representation of what happened.


  7. I can’t point out that the photo is photoshopped because I don’t know that it was.

    Furthermore, I’m pretty sure ND readers are smart enough to know that the pic above is not from the incident.


  8. Pingback: Elena Kagan Approved by Senate for US Supreme Court… Vote Was 63 to 37 « Frugal Café Blog Zone

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  10. Pingback: Sen. Al Franken Gets Bored Being a Grown-up, Makes Faces & Gasping Noises During Senate Minority Leader’s Floor Speech « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  11. Franken has worked harder & completed more in the short time he’s been in office, than all those “just say no” Repubs have in all of their careers. Everyone should make faces at McConnell, Cantor & Boner when they talk!


  12. utahmink says:
    “Franken has worked harder & completed more in the short time he’s been in office, than all those “just say no” Repubs have in all of their careers. Everyone should make faces at McConnell, Cantor & Boner when they talk!”

    Your party holds the majority in both the House and Senate. Today’s Congress has an 11% favorable rating with American voters. Keep making faces Democraps…make them as you are kicked in the ass on your way out of office come November.


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