Insult To Injury

Up until now, I haven’t really let go with a full commentary on the Ground Zero Mosque, although I have commented here and there about it.  But with the President’s misleading remarks about it at the White House Ramadan Iftar last night, any doubt that it is a national issue have been erased.

September 11, 2001.  

Four domestic airliners are hijacked by acolytes of the Religion Of Peace, and true to their religion, they turn them into weapons.  One crashes into the Pentagon, one ends up making a wreckage strewn hole in the Pennsylvania countryside, and the remaining two each crash into one of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in Manhattan.   These last two are the ones that cause a nation to hold its breath, until the towers fall, dispatching 3000+ souls in mere moments, including scores of heroic first responders, and spreading a cloud of dust and ash over most of the island, while a nation watched the tragedy unfold through its tears on television broadcasts from coast-to-coast.   

This is what murder on a grand scale looks like.
A Cloud for the Dead
The Consecration Of Hallowed Ground


A Legacy Of Destruction

 It was a galvanizing event. A moment when Americans volunteered their blood, their money, and for some, their lives. All to assist in recovery after the first attack on American soil in 60 years.And now, almost 10 years later, there still is no memorial to those who died there.  And on an island where there are 30 mosques already, an Islamic group believes that it is imperative for them to build a 13 story mosque less than a block from one of the most stunning examples of their faith in action for the purpose of “building bridges”.   This imperative, aside from being an affront to good taste, overrides the sensitivities of the families of those who died there, and resists the offer of the governor to obtain for them a suitable location elsewhere.  

City officials, eager to deflect the criticism of a righteously outraged public, claim that nothing can be done…something that anyone who has contended with zoning boards across the country knows to be untrue.  The muslims themselves continue to preach on tolerance, understanding, and sensitivity, while demonstrating that they only expect that to work one way…their way, as Greg Gutfeld so ingeniously demonstrated.The usual suspects acted on their typical M.O., dodging the real issue by pretending not to have an opinion, or like my friend Rutherford, playing coy by saying that it isn’t appropriate to place the mosque in the graveyard, but how close is too close?  And all the while, the one person in the office with the gravitas to craft an acceptable compromise remained silent, too distracted by fund-raisers, his golf game, and a never-ending series of vacations to intervene in a matter that called for his intervention.   

Until yesterday.The President’s remarks at a Ramadan Iftar held at the White House: Recently, attention has been focused on the construction of mosques in certain communities – particularly in New York. Now, we must all recognize and respect the sensitivities surrounding the development of lower Manhattan. The 9/11 attacks were a deeply traumatic event for our country. The pain and suffering experienced by those who lost loved ones is unimaginable. So I understand the emotions that this issue engenders. Ground Zero is, indeed, hallowed ground.  

But let me be clear: as a citizen, and as President, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country. That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances. This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable. The principle that people of all faiths are welcome in this country, and will not be treated differently by their government, is essential to who we are. The writ of our Founders must endure.   

This is what happens when a leader fails to be a statesman, and simply remains a lawyer.  It isn’t about freedom of religion.  Governor Patterson’s offer of assistance in obtaining another site should be ample proof of that, if indeed the other 30 mosques on the island are not.  And it isn’t about what is legal.  That was never the question.  The question is, and remains “What is right?”. By spinning the issue into what it is not, the President dishonors the dead, and insults the living. 

 Never one to resist the chance to lecture to those he holds in contempt, or to miss an opportunity to damn Americans by implication, he wraps himself in a document that he earlier condemned as flawed, and implies that we are the hypocrites for not wanting a religion soaked in blood to hoist a banner atop the site of its greatest contemporary triumph, willfully turning a blind eye to the rank hypocrisy demonstrated by the backers of the mosque earlier this week.

 It would be easy to dismiss this as another example of how 52% of the electorate chose a very small man to fill very large shoes in November of 2008.  It would be easy to point to this and say that once again he missed the opportunity to represent all the American people.  It would be easy to say that he opted for what was easy, to turn the argument to the law, and then boldly stand behind it, wagging his finger at the unwashed hoi poli who can see the real issue very plainly.  I’m no longer convinced that these things are correct.  I think that he decided a long time ago that the courageous play was to stand against America.  Whether it is a contempt for those who are “bitterly clinging to their Bibles and guns” or the assertion that Americans can no longer live the way they have been, or his disdain for American Exceptionalism, his eagerness to “fundamentally transform America”, or the need to constantly apologize for us while travelling.    

The legal excuse is merely a pretext.  A means to diffuse criticism while allowing those who have no love for us to put their finger in our eye.  If the law mattered, then our tax dollars would not be refurbishing and building mosques overseas, because that would be indefensible here.  To do it elsewhere is unthinkable.  If the law mattered to him, this would not be occurring. 

 Our submission to a faith foreign to this people is already under way.  It is being facilitated by the government, largely without your knowledge, and without your consent.  The Ground Zero Mosque is merely a provocation, a test of your awareness, and your resolve to resist the rule of outsiders.   Our willingness to be lectured to about tolerance and sensitivity by people who have no interest in reciprocating that which they would shame you into is all the warning you should need.  Changing the narrative about the real issue is merely another act of a surly teenager who continues to hand Mom and Dad’s valuables out the back door to waiting thieves, in an act of contempt and revenge.

Oh, and Rutherford?  You asked “How Close Is Too Close?”   

Look at the pictures from that day.  Look at the reach of that dust cloud…that dust that was all that remained of two skyscrapers containing 3000+ people.  Any place that dust reached is the resting place of people killed in the name of Islam, and they don’t deserve the insult of a mosque and calls to prayer over them, now or ever.


21 thoughts on “Insult To Injury

  1. I agree entirely. Krauthammer had an excellent commentary a day or so ago about the appropriate types of construction at or near “sacred” ground, like Ground Zero.


  2. So then, according to your unfailing logic, The entire island of Manhattan can’t have a mosque built anywhere on it? Just because a religion is foreign, just because a few extremists did a horrible act, all people of Islamic faith should be punished. Under your thinking, due to the recent actions in the Catholic Church, no church should be built near a pre-school. It just doesn’t make sense. Nowhere in the Quran does it say “Kill the Infidels”. Nowhere does Jihad, the word for struggle, translate directly into “Holy War”. You have fallen for the same lies the terrorists fell for when they were told by the Clerics that they would get 72 Virgins. These people at Cordoba are not Clerics, they are people educated in what the Quran actually says. I understand that we still have to heal. I understand that the building of a mosque seems disrespectful, but to deny people based on religion is exactly the reason why the pilgrims came to America. If this continues, perhaps it is time for a new Mayflower.


  3. There is no other way to look at this debacle than to admit that it is a huge insult to injury. If you haven’t seen the video I have just posted at my blog – go view it and spread it around to everyone you know. Quite the eye opener!

    Talk Wisdom: Muslims Smile in Our Faces While Cursing Us in Their Hearts

    After you view the video, can anyone please tell me how (or why) you think that the idea of a radical Islamic imam building a mosque near Ground Zero should not be deemed, in reality, as anything but a smile on the faces of Muslims while cursing us in their hearts?


  4. OMG, Anon. Peddle that bull somewhere else. You know – some clueless teeny-bopper site that will buy that crapola. We’ve actually done our homework here. (We know what jihad means, and it’s not just what you say it means, mmmkay?)


  5. What proof do we have that the Imam of Cordoba is a “Radical”. I do not ask this in a condescending way, I am just curious, are they ties that you know of?


  6. Also while Anon is a bit over the top he does raise a good point. It would seem that our natural inclination is that anything having to do with Islam is inherently evil. But this is common after any attack on America. It took decades for items of Japanese culture to be acceptable after WW2. As presaid, I myself and neutral on the mosque, my big problem being that they want to destroy a historic building (I am a historian and history major so reckon there is a bit of a bias there :P) but I certainly want to see it defeated for more than just because those proposing it are Islamic.


  7. Nick, nobody here thinks all Muslims are evil. One of my son’s best friends is (Bosnian) Muslim (the high school valedictorian). One of my daughters has a close Muslim friend, (his sis, heh!).

    Having said that…Radical Islam is a force to be reckoned with honestly because it is the most dominant, and fastest growing type of Islam.

    Consider Iran just 30-40 years ago:

    See how quickly, and how drastically things have changed for them.

    People have looked into the background and beliefs of this Imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf, and what they’re finding points to radical Islam.

    Everything you need to know about Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf (Ground Zero Mosque Imam):


  8. So then, according to your unfailing logic, The entire island of Manhattan can’t have a mosque built anywhere on it? Just because a religion is foreign, just because a few extremists did a horrible act, all people of Islamic faith should be punished.

    Your OUTRAGE! must interfere with your ability to read. I repeat myself:

    It isn’t about freedom of religion. Governor Patterson’s offer of assistance in obtaining another site should be ample proof of that, if indeed the other 30 mosques on the island are not.

    [Emphasis Added.]


  9. Forget it, Anon. For starters, take a look at mosques around the civilized world and see what’s really going on there: spreading hatred of every culture that isn’t 7th-century Islam.

    Just recently, Germany closed down the so-called “9-11 mosque” (so named because the monster Mohammed Atta prayed there):
    “We closed the Taiba mosque because young men were being converted to religious fanatics there. A purported cultural association shamelessly exploited the freedoms of our democratic state under the rule of law to recruit for holy war behind the scenes. This cannot be tolerated.

    “This mosque was the main meeting point for Islamic extremists in the city,” said a government spokesman,. ..”
    “Another moderate American Muslim leader Muhammed Hisham Kabbani declared that Islamic extremists have “taken over 80% of the Mosques in the United States. Both the liberal New Republic and the conservative Washington Times have called the executive director of CAIR, Nihad Awad, an apologist for Hamas terrorism.”

    That’s enough for me. There is overwhelming evidence that mosques – most of which are funded by Saudi Arabia – are not centers of worship, but centers of propaganda and politics.

    Here’s the proof:
    “Support for Mosques and Islamic Centers in United States
    Under King Fahd, Saudi Arabia has given support to the following institutions in the United States:”

    It lists 16 mosques and Islamic Centers, including one in New York and two in Los Angeles.
    “Brooklyn’s Al-Farooq Mosque was where the blind sheik inspired the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. ”
    “Milan’s Islamic cultural center served as al Qaeda’s main European base.”
    “International hate sheikh Khalid Yasin, whose message of hate, bigotry and violence had been condemned around the world (for instance, the 2005 condemnation of Yasin’s views by Australian NSW Premier Bob Carr), will be spending the entire upcoming week featured at events all around Columbus. He will be hosted at several mosques affiliated with the Islamic Society of Greater Columbus (ISGC).”
    “SHEIKH KHALID YASIN: We don’t need to go to the Christians or the Jews, debating with them about the filth which they believe. We Muslims have been ordered to do brainwashing because the kuffar, they are doing brain defiling.”

    Besides the Hatfield-McCoy feud between Sunni and Shi’a, there is only one Koran, only one Islam.

    When we can build Christian churches in Saudi Arabia, they can build mosques here.

    They wrap themselves with our flag of tolerance, yet they themselves are the most intolerant people on Earth.


  10. Pingback: Myths about the Ground Zero mosque and Obama’s outrageous defense of it « Sharp Right Turn

  11. I suggest you just ignore Anon, he is one of those outliers who makes Liberals like me who at least do some homework look bad. Thank you Deb and Patty Ann, while I still remain neutral the fact that you at least back up your arguments is better than those who are all talk and no proof on both sides.


  12. [No. Sorry. The issue is not about “It’s all Bush’s fault!” It is about murderous thugs claiming a trophy on US soil. I guess you’re too dumb to figure that out.—Blackiswhite, IC]


  13. Pingback: Why Won’t Bloomberg Let A Church Destroyed on 9/11 Rebuild? | Crosshairball

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