Wednesday Link-A-Round

First things first – In honor of the first day of school, (where I live), “The Mom Song”:

Hey, did you see that Republicans have unearthed the 1993 video of  Harry Reid arguing against birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens? Legal Insurrection has it: Reid Birthright Video Found.

As if the liberal defenders of the ground zero mosque weren’t already annoying enough, Peter Beinart had to add rank hypocrisy to the already toxic brew of smarmy, pretentious,  strawman arguments. Moe Lane’s blistering rebuttal is going to leave a mark: Aww, Pete Beinart’s all nostalgic…

Thomas Sowell notes that when people voted for “change”, they assumed it would be positive change. Many are now realizing that they were mistaken: Obama has already brought ‘change’ to America.

Ever heard of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf ‘s “Shariah Index Project”? Ever wonder why a “community center” needs 15 floors? Via Fausta, I see Christine Brim of The Center for Security Policy is  looking into the matter at Big Peace: Ground Zero Mosque’s Hidden Websites: Follow the Shariah.

How low can he go, how low can he go!….AP Poll: Obama at new low for handling economy:

A frustrated electorate could take it out on the party in power — Obama’s Democrats — in the November elections.

Eleven weeks before the Nov. 2 balloting, just 41 percent of those surveyed approve of the president’s performance on the economy, down from 44 percent in April, while 56 percent disapprove. And 61 percent say the economy has gotten worse or stayed the same on Obama’s watch.

Get that approval number down into the 30’s, and then we’ll have something!

More to come…

At the same time the Victory Mosque was being greenlighted,  government officials were killing a deal to relocate the only church destroyed in the Sept. 11 terror attack.

Fox New: Decision Not to Rebuild Church Destroyed on 9/11 Surprises Greek Orthodox Leaders


Oh, get this:

Byron York: Mosque supporters beg George W. Bush to come to Obama’s rescue

For the moment, with Obama failing to live up to expectations, Bush-bashing is over. It’s all a little amusing — and perhaps a little maddening — for some members of the Bush circle. When I asked Karl Rove to comment, he responded that it means “redemption is always available for liberals and time causes even the most stubborn of ideologues to revisit mistaken judgments.” But won’t these Bush critics shortly return to criticizing Bush? “This Bush swoon by selected members of the left commentariat is temporary,” Rove answered. “Their swamp fevers will return momentarily.”

Bush himself has declined to comment on the mosque affair.

Don’t do it, W!
So far so good….
TPM asked a Bush spokesman if he would weigh in, today, and got a simple, “President Bush has no comment”.

Assistants for Karen Hughes and Condoleezza Rice declined to comment. We’ve also requested interviews with several other prominent Bush administration aides, including Colin Powell and James Glassman.

Via Weasel Zippers, The New York Times thinks this is just awesome: A Welfare Check and a Voting Card:
In April, however, President Obama’s Justice Department sent the states a set of guidelines making it clear that it expected full compliance with the public-assistance office section of the law — the first time in the 15-year history of the motor-voter law that the Justice Department has explained what kinds of offices are covered and what procedures are to be used. The guidelines make it clear that people applying for benefits must not only be offered the chance to register but must be given help in filling out the forms if they ask. If states do not comply voluntarily, lawsuits are likely to follow.
Here’s the awesomest part:
But the best reason to applaud the Justice Department’s new posture is that it will bring more voters into public life. When advocacy groups sued Ohio and Missouri to force their public assistance offices into complying, huge groups of new voters surged onto the rolls — more than 100,000 in Ohio, and more than 200,000 in Missouri.
Meanwhile: J. Christian Adams reports at PJ Media: At DOJ, Military Voting Rights Hang in the Balance
Twelve states want waivers from having to send ballots to overseas military on time. Call the Pentagon and the DOJ today, and demand they say no.

We have reason to worry. Unbelievably, the DOJ earlier this year proffered the outlandish argument that once a waiver was granted for 2010, it would continue to apply for future elections, including the 2012 presidential election. This incorrect and equivocal reading of MOVE was conveyed to multiple people, including state election officials. It demonstrates a timid mindset dangerous to military voting rights.

The DOJ would never adopt such an equivocal approach to protecting the voting rights of a racial minority.

No wonder Senator John Cornyn made it clear to DOJ officials this won’t be tolerated anymore. After the senator’s scolding, the DOJ jettisoned the permanent waiver argument.

But Senator Cornyn is still on guard. He has put a hold on the Senate nomination for the number two man at the DOJ, James Cole. Cornyn placed the hold on the deputy attorney general nominee after learning from meeting minutes that a Voting Section official made remarks to state election officials encouraging waivers, and telegraphing an aversion to suing states for violating MOVE.

Oh noes! Tea party violence????

Russ Carnahan’s Office FIREBOMBED… Man Arrested (Video)

Wait for it…

…Update: Sorry Libs. It Was a Burglary

I’m glad no one was hurt.


Via Dan Riehl, now this is a Mama Grizzly: Furious Parent Blasts Senator Over Health Care

“Blasts” only begins to cover it. Well done, lady.

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks!


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