Video: Santorum on Birth Control Mandate: The Bishops “Got What They Deserved”

They may be outraged now, but the American Catholic Church has been forging  alliances with the secular state on social issues for far too many years. Now, the Bishops who promoted and shilled for ObamaCare look like schmucks.

“They got what they deserved”, he said.  “They fell into bed with the secular left, and then wondered why they forced them to do what the secular left wants them to do.”

Obama should never have gotten a majority of the Catholic vote. That he was able to do so should be to the Bishops’ everlasting shame. Everything that’s happening now, was predicted.

BREAKING NEWS from National Journal: Gingrich to Hold Post-Caucus Press Conference

Instead of the traditional election night party, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich will hold a press conference after the Nevada Caucus on Saturday, raising new speculation about his future in the race.

Kids, now that Santorum is leading Obama in one of the national polls, maybe Gingrich is reading the writing on the wall. If he does drop out, rather than campaign to the end, as promised –  he is a patriot who deserves our thanks. Mittens would need  to up his game, now, with only two not-Romneys left in the race.


Nope: Newt to Mitt: Forget the Fantasy, I’m Staying in, Staying on Offense



Video: Santorum in Lee’s Summit, MO: “Barack Obama Believes You Are Incapable of Handling Freedom”

Santorum Swings Through Lee’s Summit, MO – UPDATED with Video UPDATE II: Santorum Leads Obama in Rasmussen Poll!

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, and Blazing Catfur, and Daley Gator, and Doug Ross, thanks!


12 thoughts on “Video: Santorum on Birth Control Mandate: The Bishops “Got What They Deserved”

  1. As a Catholic, which I know Mr. Santorum to be, I must say that I am most proud of this man at this moment! Kudos to this good man-and keep “telling it like it is”. Catholics (proper) should never cast a vote for a pro-abortion politician, and the Church is obliged to make this known to Her faithful. They failed miserably in this.


  2. My brother is a Catholic priest in Chicago. Loves him some Obama, loves him some Liberation Theology, loves him some Choice. I’m not happy about that, but it’s a reality for many Catholic parishes.

    As to Newt dropping out, I read the same thing just before the Florida primary regarding Santorum. As it was, Romney only beat Newt and Rick by 1 percent in Florida. Had Santorum dropped out, Newt would be gaining. YMMV.


  3. Pingback: Video: When you lie down with dogs………….. « The Daley Gator

  4. Let’s see, the saying is, “If one sleeps with whores one …”

    Naw, that’s not it.

    “If one sleeps with dogs one will have fleas.” Yeah, that’s it!

    However, the first one fits, too.


  5. I’ve always believed the problem with the chickenhawks and pedos in the Church isn’t because of celibacy or Church teachings on divorce, contraception, abortion, homosexuality, etc.. It’s because there are far too many leftists in the Church who allowed in the perverts and gotten into bed with the party of Satan. They’ve abandoned the Gospels for Karl Marx and replaced the Saints with left-wing politicians. That’s why Nancy Pelosi lives under a different set of rules than I do.

    Now they’re going to be shocked, shocked that their Saints have betrayed them and slowly but surely Catholic institutions will be pushed out of society and replaced by the State.


  6. Pingback: Gold figures turned to dust « Finding Ponies…

  7. Pingback: Video: Santorum Explains Why He’s The Best Candidate To Beat Obama | FavStocks

  8. Deb: no.

    He’s just one of the thousands around the world who were steeped in the same school of theology.

    The Catholic church will have its judgment day, as must we all. However, the reins of power in our country are firmly in the grip of the thoroughly corrupt Episcopal Church, and they are quite content to let the mackerel snackers take all the heat for perversions and corruption while their own go unnoticed. The ECUSA in D.C. would make your stomach churn if you only knew.


  9. Pingback: Video: Rick Santorum on American Exceptionalism | FavStocks

  10. Pingback: Video: Santorum on Birth Control Mandate: The Bishops “Got What They Deserved” | BlazingCatFur

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