Saturday Movie Matinee, CPAC Edition

Via Breitbart TV: Santorum Rips Romney & Obama Gets CPAC Standing Ovation

Ann Coulter’s entire CPAC speech:

Part One:

Part Two:

NRA CEO and EVP Wayne LaPierre at the 2012  CPAC:

PJTV: CPAC 2012: Occupy Fails to Disrupt CPAC. Plus, Is Santorum the New Alternative to Romney?

NRA Videos: Lt. Col. Oliver North speaks at 2012 Conservative Political Action Conference:

The Washington Times: Newt Gingrich: ‘I don’t fear anybody’

I was just sitting next to Jan Helfeld, whose claim to fame is his epic Pete Stark interview from a few years back (the one where Stark  threatened to throw him out the window – heard him talking and recognized the accent – turns out, he’s still doing interviews:

Jan Helfeld: Chris Matthews on Redistribution of Wealth:

Bill Whittle, Declaration Entertainment: Why We Suck:

Red State’s Ben Howe:

He’s spent $38 in gas – in two months! See how, and see what Bob thinks of his new Volt, his fire insurance, and what it’s like to stay home most of the time! For more information, go to

Chevy Volt. The important thing is that we tried!

Breitbart TV:Adam Carolla: ‘Fu*king Government, Get Out Of The Way’


The Daily Caller: Breitbart: Obama contraceptive mandate ‘a form of thuggery’ [VIDEO]


CPAC 2012: Sheriff Babeu on Eric Holder: “The Man Has No Shame”

J. Christian Adams, a former U.S. Justice Department official, and author of the best seller, Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department, served as moderator for the panel entitled: “Obama vs. The Constitution: How a Harvard Law Graduate President is Shredding the Constitution.”

Panelists included former Attorney General Ed Meese, who now chairs the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Heritage Foundation, Carrie Severino, chief counsel and policy director for Judicial Crisis Network, and Sheriff Paul Babeu, Pinal County, Arizona and candidate for U.S. Congress in Arizona’s new 4th congressional district.

Sheriff Babeu chose to speak about Fast and Furious for the duration of his talk.

“When this Attorney General was given an opportunity in congress to apologize to the Terry family, what did he do?

The man has no shame.”

Holder had told Congress that  “there’s not necessarily a connection between the fast and Furious and the murder of Brian Terry.”

Babeu also  made the salient point that the idea that the Obama administration was behind Fast and Furious in order to curtail 2nd Amendment rights was “not a wild-eyed right-wing conspiracy, any longer.”

CPAC, Day 2

Moses Moses Moses, RS McCain, Joy McCann (Little Miss Attila, Conservatory) at the Blog Bash, Friday night.

About 250 bloggers attended the blog bash, this year.

Blogger of the Year – John Sexton of Verum Serum (I taught him everything he knows):

Someone asked Rick Santorum if he thought Obama’s health care “compromise” was going to be enough to placate the Catholic church, and he said, “No.”

Rick Santorum, being mobbed in the hallway before his speech.

See Verum Serum for video of Santorum expressing his thoughts on Obama’s health care “compromise”.

Fausta in the blog lounge.

Alexa Shrugged, promoting another great Citizens United Film; The Gift of Life

I found Andrew Breitbart’s speech on YouTube – (audio, not video) – You’ll definitely want to hear this – he had some significant news that should be giving Team Obama a case of hives: “I got video of Barack Obama from college.”

Andrew Breitbart visited the Bloggers lounge after his speech. Bloggers always want to have their pictures taken with him – including me.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit and Kevin Jackson, The Black Sphere

Stay tuned for videos of the occupiers who paid us a visit, today.

See Also:

Michelle Fields of The Daily Caller has a great video up: ‘Occupy CPAC’ protesters have no idea what CPAC is