Saturday Movie Matinee, CPAC Edition

Via Breitbart TV: Santorum Rips Romney & Obama Gets CPAC Standing Ovation

Ann Coulter’s entire CPAC speech:

Part One:

Part Two:

NRA CEO and EVP Wayne LaPierre at the 2012  CPAC:

PJTV: CPAC 2012: Occupy Fails to Disrupt CPAC. Plus, Is Santorum the New Alternative to Romney?

NRA Videos: Lt. Col. Oliver North speaks at 2012 Conservative Political Action Conference:

The Washington Times: Newt Gingrich: ‘I don’t fear anybody’

I was just sitting next to Jan Helfeld, whose claim to fame is his epic Pete Stark interview from a few years back (the one where Stark  threatened to throw him out the window – heard him talking and recognized the accent – turns out, he’s still doing interviews:

Jan Helfeld: Chris Matthews on Redistribution of Wealth:

Bill Whittle, Declaration Entertainment: Why We Suck:

Red State’s Ben Howe:

He’s spent $38 in gas – in two months! See how, and see what Bob thinks of his new Volt, his fire insurance, and what it’s like to stay home most of the time! For more information, go to

Chevy Volt. The important thing is that we tried!

Breitbart TV:Adam Carolla: ‘Fu*king Government, Get Out Of The Way’


The Daily Caller: Breitbart: Obama contraceptive mandate ‘a form of thuggery’ [VIDEO]


4 thoughts on “Saturday Movie Matinee, CPAC Edition

  1. Pingback: Occupy Protestors and Attendees Clash at CPAC 2012 | Occupy Cyberspace – American Autumn

  2. I haven’t had the “privilege” of driving a Volt yet, but I’m sure the company I drive for will eventually be forced to buy some.

    I have, however, driven the “Leaf” by Nissan. Other than feeling as sturdy as an old “Prinz” (see if you can dig THAT one out of your memory!), the company will need to load them onto a carrier and take them to where they are auctioned once their “viability” is finished. What a foolish thing for the company to do, and I doubt they even realize it yet.

    And as a side note, we’ve already had to have two of them towed back for charging because they’ll only go 40 miles or so without a charge, and it takes a minimum of 8 hours to recharge! It’s got to be the supreme example of liberal stupidity!


  3. Pingback: Your weekend linkfest Updated through the weekend « The Daley Gator

  4. Pingback: Full CPAC 2012 Coverage: Pictures, Videos, Speeches, and More!

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