More On The PA Swim Club Racial Incident

This AP story, although less one sided than the local NBC Philadelphia story from yesterday, still looks bad for The Valley Club in Huntington Valley, and now the PA Human Relations Commission is investigating. If allegations that the group of black children from the Creative Steps Camp were denied the use of the pool based on their race are true, that would be illegal discrimination.

The incident occurred on June 29, when the Creative Steps camp in northeast Philadelphia, which had contracted for  65 children  to go to the Valley Club each Monday afternoon, reportedly heard racial comments, and saw parents taking their kids out  of the pool after they had arrived.

Camp director Alethea Wright  said:

“A couple of the children ran down saying, ‘Miss Wright, Miss Wright, they’re up there saying, “What are those black kids doing here?”‘” she said.

The gated club is on a leafy hillside in a village that straddles two townships with overwhelmingly white populations. It says it has a diverse, multiethnic membership.

Wright said she went to talk to a group of members at the top of the hill and heard one woman say she would see to it that the group, made of up of children in kindergarten through seventh grade, did not return.

“Some of the members began pulling their children out of the pool and were standing around with their arms folded,” Wright said. “Only three members left their children in the pool with us.”

Several days later, the club refunded the camp’s $1,950 without explanation, said Wright, who added that parents are “weighing their options” on legal action

Sounds to me like they would have a pretty good case.

The Valley Club President says race was not a factor in their decision to turn the kids away:

Club president John Duesler told Philadelphia television station WTXF that several club members complained because the children “fundamentally changed the atmosphere” at the pool but that the complaints didn’t involve race.

In a statement released on its Web site Thursday afternoon, the club called the allegations of racial discrimination “completely untrue” and claimed overcrowding from more than one outside camp was the problem.

“We had originally agreed to invite the camps to use our facility, knowing full well that the children from the camps were from multiethnic backgrounds,” it said. “Unfortunately, we quickly learned that we underestimated the capacity of our facilities and realized that we could not accommodate the number of children from these camps.”

The club said it “deplores discrimination.”

“Whatever comments may or may not have been made by an individual member is an opinion not shared by The Valley Club Board,” it said.

How do you underestimate the capacity of your facilities so badly, that you have to turn away 65 kids?

As for the kids’ behavior at the pool…which I posited yesterday might have been a factor:

Amy Goldman said she’s been a member of the club for two years. She said the pool wasn’t particularly crowded and the children from Creative Steps were “well behaved and respectful.”


“I don’t believe everyone here has racist thoughts, but what was said was insulting and offensive,” said Lewis, who’s black.

Wright rejected the overcrowding explanation, saying the club covers 10 acres with a “nice-sized” pool and a separate pool for younger children. The board, she said, knew that her group included 65 children, and none of them had misbehaved.

“We were not welcome, once the members saw who we were,” she said.

The Valley Swim Club owes those kids an apology, and a free pass for the rest of the summer, but the Creative Steps Camp has found another place for the kids. They no longer want to swim at the Valley Club, anyway. Who can blame them after this disgraceful episode?


Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!


Donald Douglas has more at American Power with video.

13 thoughts on “More On The PA Swim Club Racial Incident

  1. Many upper middle class and wealthy liberals feel very comfortble in their bias simply because they vote Democratic. After all, it’s the nasty Republicans who are racists. All guilt is removed by marking an X next to the Democrat running for office.


  2. is this liberals’ version of NIMBY only this time its “not in my swimming pool”? LOL

    if this had been a southern state, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the Nation of Islam would’ve already showed up marching and chanting “No Justice! No Pee!”


  3. I am a black man. I was troubled to see young Marcus Allen crying because he was humliated by these white folks. No, they don’t want black folks there. And, truth be told, if they went to Martha’s Vineyard, among the black elite, they would have been told the same thing: what are you doing here?

    There is a deeper tragedy and, in fact, a great lesson for these children to learn–never forget what black folks have been subjected to in this nation, get your head out of the sand, and build institutions and facilities in your neighborhood!

    No other self-respecting ethnic group will place their children in harm’s way. On the other hand, a good number of poor and working-class black neighborhoods lack institutions and facilities for their children–how about adults–and therefore, black folks have to take on the role of wayfaring beggars to find suitable places for their children.

    This is an issue that black leadership has to address through an much needed and overdue internal discussion–which is contigent upon the notion that blacks have to stop beggin white folks for acceptance and find ways–economic and otherwise–to punish people who disrespect black folks. It is just that simple.

    I’ve worked around these so-called white liberals in New York City–particularly white women–all my life. They are the worst.

    No one in their right mind should believe that the election of President Obama means that race relations and their socio-economic underpiinings have changed in America. They have not.

    On the other hand, black folks in poor and working-class communities have to do something to stem the tide of mayhem and destruction that has given blacks folks, as a whole, a sociological black eye, and therefore the overall impression that all blacks are a walking sociological plague who will destroy any neighborhhood where they are allowed to congregate and live.

    The generation of Marcus Allen (the 12 year-old black boy who was crying) cannot make the mistakes of his parents: building virtually nothing that they control for the edification of themselves and children and then, when all is said and done, have to shop around among hostile white folks for things that provide them with pleasure in life.

    No. The Irish, Italians, Greeks, and Jews in America do not do travel to black communities for anything they need other than to look after businesses or real estate they own or to look for women or drugs.

    Why haven’t blacks learned this lesson?


  4. To Think:
    And this explains why white liberal elitists feel comfortable in calling Justice Thomas an Uncle Tom or just a slave in the master’s house, or even a “house n-word” Blacks like Thomas, Rice, Steel and others who are extremely successful, well educated and happen to be conservative are targets and it’s okay to say racists things about them. Blacks have a huge part of the responsibility for this simply because they have been in “lockstep” with the Dems forever.

    My take is this: Dems to Blacks….you are too stupid to ever compete with other races, we’ll take care of you, give you affimative action and oh by the way, stay out of our neighborhoods.
    Republicans to Blacks: The opportunity for you is the same for all of us. We want you to succeed beyond your wildest dreams. Study hard ,work hard and you as an individual, will be very successful.

    Well, that’s my thought about being a Republican.


  5. Think:

    There is a deeper tragedy and, in fact, a great lesson for these children to learn–never forget what black folks have been subjected to in this nation, get your head out of the sand, and build institutions and facilities in your neighborhood!

    I agree that people (ALL people) should be encouraged to invest in their own neighborhoods, if for no other reason than to promote a sense of responsibility for its upkeep.

    However, encouraging people to make such changes so they don’t have to go somewhere they might not be welcome seems like it would further balkanize areas into Parisian-style banlieues. They should have the option to stay in their neighborhood, but they certainly shouldn’t feel compelled to, whether by internal or external forces.


  6. Wow, it is unreal how certain races really believed we all started the economical/ Sociological race at the same time. Many other races were allowed a ten second head start and when certain races including blacks were held back and released many years later. Certain people wait at the finish line taping their foot wondering why blacks are not there yet. I believe that if every race were given a fare start without all the racism invloved from the past then we would all be able to have the same oppurtunities open to all everyone. ( There are many blacks including the the “tokens” who are well educated, have worked hard, and very sucessful and still have to face racism. It seems more times than none it boils down to the color of a persons skin and the judgements that come along.)


  7. Many other races were allowed a ten second head start and when certain races including blacks were held back and released many years later.

    …but destitute immigrants of many other races arrived well after the 60’s, and have done well in this country. The problems may have all started with racism, but now they have grown beyond racism, including, for instance, the creation of a subculture that turns its back on the traditional path to success in this country (cue Bill Cosby). If we cured the world of racism, those problems would remain.


  8. i think we’re getting off on a wild tangent here vis-a-vis racism, history etc… i just wanna throw this piece of trivia out there about “mixed swimming” – which is itself a racial term, but i remember it being used from my youth. in today’s world, the following information could pertain to swimming children’s behavior and concerns events that happened just recently: cryptosporidium.

    last year, the DFW area was hit with a large cryptosporidium outbreak in several large, public swimming pools. “crypto” is caused by fecal matter in the water producing a bloom of microrganisms harmful if ingested. periodically, crypto outbreaks have been happening more and more in public pools coast-to-coast BUT only in larger (re: urban) cities. last year’s DFW outbreaks at first (with much fan-fare in the media) both Ft Worth, then Dallas, and then neighboring cities all started sampling and then closing down ONLY the affected pools and water parks. (one of the suburban cities, forget which, also started testing private pools for free) HOWEVER, and faster than one could say “Jim Crow” it turned out that most of the pools/water parks with crypto were predominently in “ethnic” neighborhoods. rut roh… that looks bad…

    at almost the same time, it was on major news sources that the largest culprit of crypto in public (and private) pools was: toddlers and infants in diapers in the pools. even those “swim” diapers were found to allow shit to seep out into the water. even the CDC put out that swim diapers were NOT safe nor effective to stop cryptosporidium.

    almost IMMEDIATELY after those two factoids crept into the public’s awareness, ALL DFW CITIES began closing public pools and waterparks – regardless of the minority makeup of the neighborhoods. if not mistaken, there were also new rules put in place at some pools and water parks that do not allow infants and toddlers with (or without) diapers on. (can’t confirm that. i don’t go to public pools) i have no idea if that is adhered to, but i have seen in the past Hispanic mothers and fathers taking their babies and “swimming” with them (or dipping them up an down) in public pools – both with and without diapers on. i don’t know if that is a “black” thing also…

    so i beg a question: don’t white mothers “swim” with their infant/toddlers in pools also? what if the infant shits?

    anyhoo, this could all be hysteria from white parents in PA being instinctively protective for their children, at the expense of minority children. the same kind of hysteria that led to the “colored only” water fountains of my youth (they are still on display at the downtown court house) but we children were told that we could get sick if we drank from them. i doubted it then, and i certainly doubt it now, but i was just a kid – so i didn’t know that it was outright racism.

    but last year they DID find quite a few diapers in clogged pool filtration systems here in Texas. babies poopin’ in the pools is a problem that is known to produce crypto outbreaks. if liberal white PA Swim Club parents were scared instinctively OR racially, scared people of any race react in predictable patterns. right or wrong.


  9. Reeko, diapers wouldn’t be a concern because the ages of the Creative Steps kids is K-7th grade.

    Also, as a mother of 6 kids, I’ve used the lil swimmers diapers on most of my kids, and those work fairly well. Before those were invented, the kids had no choice but to go bare bottomed (which was always a risky proposition) of wear diapers (which was a messy one).

    Babies and toddlers in the pool can be messy, period, (I can tell you some stories) and I don’t understand how race would enter into it.


  10. thanks for the info NiceDeb. but we do not know what was going on in the Swim Club’s parents minds do we? other than fear? racism? i dunno… but some google searching… here’s just some of what we find been going on in Montgomery County, a northern suburb of Philly:

    “3 Sickened With Crytposporidium Near Philadelphia…”
    May 12, 2009

    “This week is Recreational Water Illness Prevention Week, according to the Montgomery County Health Department…”
    May 19, 2009

    “…In Montgomery County the water parasite, cryptosporidium, sickened at least 36 people. The health department closed more pools in an attempt to stem the tide of infected people…”

    and as for swim diapers for infants/toddlers in the pool?
    NOT! according to the CDC in its Vessel Sanitation Program on cruise vessels:

    VSP Requirement : Ensure that children in diapers or who are not toilet trained are not permitted in the public swimming pools and whirlpool spas.

    although the CDC hasn’t yet forbid diapers in public pools everywhere, don’t bet they can’t or won’t…

    but i don’t know, cause i didn’t raise any kids. so i will leave this issue to the experts.


  11. Let’s see.. best case sinerio, the ethnic kids from the daycare are invited back, along with the two white day care groups who were disinvited, are invited back. They come back and all in right with the world.
    Worst case. They sue the club. The club goes under and all those families with memberships and happy memories are left with no club becuase a one of them said “What are those black kids doing here?”Way to breed resentment. Do you not think this will leave all those other members with a bitter taste in their mouth? It use to be, when people’s feelings were hurt, people talked it out. Now we live in fear of being sued and being labeled as a racist. This is WRONG!!!!Maybe the white day cares should sue, because they were obviusly used to just mask the racial injustice. Therfore, they should sue becuase of being kicked out because they were white! Do you people see where this is going?????


  12. First of all, the Creative Steps Camp kids have found another place to swim. Secondly, there was reportedly more than one racial comment made, and the Swim Club’s president didn’t help matters when he said they were sent away because they “changed the complexion” of the club.

    I wasn’t there, obviously, but based on the reports I saw/read, the Swim club and patrons handled the situation very badly. It looked to many (including me) that race was a factor.


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