“Final Battle” In Honduras This Weekend?

The Latest on the Honduras crisis, via Fausta:

Mel Zelaya was giving press conferences late last night, much to the delight of the media who I’m sure loved having to be there as opposed to elsewhere:Ousted Honduras leader gives talks until midnight

An ultimatum from ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya left little room for compromise in U.S.-backed talks Saturday aimed at resolving a crisis that has become the latest test for democracy in Latin America. Zelaya, who was forced into exile in a June 28 military coup, gave negotiators meeting in Costa Rica until midnight to restore him to office, threatening to return to Honduras in secret and attempt to retake power on his own if no agreement is reached. He indicated he would reject any power-sharing agreement, a proposal to be discussed at the talks.

“If at that time, there is no resolution to that end, I will consider the negotiations in Costa Rica a failure,” Zelaya said at a news conference Friday night at the Honduran embassy in Nicaragua. “I am going back to Honduras, but I am not going to give you the date, hour or place, or say if I’m going to enter through land, air or sea.”

He did not say what steps he would subsequently take.

Via Ace:

A top aide to Manuel Zelaya says the ousted president will set up government headquarters inside Honduras, from which he will lead the “final battle” against coup leaders.

Patricia Rodas, foreign minister of Zelaya’s toppled government, says Zelaya is en route to Honduras but she did not provide details as to where he plans to set up the alternative seat of government. Zelaya himself will announce it when he deems appropriate.

Rodas spoke Thursday after arriving in the Bolivian capital of La Paz aboard the plane of leftist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Chavez is an ally of both Chavez and left-leaning Bolivian President Evo Morales.

Yesterday, Zelaya supporters were blocking roads into Tegucigalpa. I’ve seen it commented on Honduran blogs and forums, repeatedly, that Zelaya’s supporters get paid to demonstrate on his behalf.

Honduran blogger, Geraldo Paredes said:

Zelaya just announced his intentions of comming to Honduras to start a civil war,  he wants to come here, most surely on a drug trafficking plane, and start his own puppet government in one of our provinces. Its outrageous!!!!!

How can a thousand people who block streets manipulate a country, please take a look  at the size of their manifestations, they are not huge by any numbers, is just a handful of people who are getting paid to create chaos.

Honduras is NOT on its knees, Honduras is standing, but an angry bunch agitated by Zelaya’s pseudo heroic declarations are trying to stir chaos, they are being supported by Venezuelan agitators.

Things could get ugly pretty quickly over there. Keep an eye on Honduras, this week end.

See also this PJTV SPECIAL REPORT: Despite the Views of the Political Elite, Democracy Prevails in Honduras.


Honduran interim government sacks 16 diplomats

The Honduran interim Foreign Ministry on Friday sacked 16 diplomats amid an ongoing political crisis in the Central American country. In a statement, the foreign ministry accused these diplomats of engaging in malpractice and embezzlement of state wealth and said will probe into the case together with the judiciary.

Local media reported that all the sacked diplomats have expressed their support for ousted President Manuel Zelaya.

See also Accuracy in Media:

Honduras Can Be Saved from Communism: Interview with Head of Pro-Freedom Alliance in Latin America

Live news feed from Honduras, here.

You can watch the Communists supporting Zelaya at this live news feed: TeleRed.


intimaralem85 on Twitter:

300 Zelaya backers with machetes in a violent battle against 10,000 peaceful anti-Zelaya protesters in Tocoa, Colon.

Unsubstantiated, obviously.

(…hearing nothing more about that one – almost certainly disinformation).

Another tweet from Twisraeru:

Mel Zelaya ya esta en catracholandia, Manuel Zelaya en Honduras repito en Honduras

Mel Zelaya already in catracholandia, Manuel Zelaya in Honduras in Honduras again

Again, unsubstantiated information.


Report: Sunday’s Violence In Honduras Orchestrated By Chavez

Obama Lies By Omission On Honduras

Clinton To Meet With Zelaya In Washington This Week

Honduran Military Removes Despot From Power

Obama “Stands With Democracy”, Defends Leftist Despot/Thug/Drug Trafficker

Honduran Military Ordered To Turn Back Zelaya’s jet

5 thoughts on ““Final Battle” In Honduras This Weekend?

  1. Deb, great reporting on Honduras, too bad CNN and most of american media is submitted to the left’s interest.

    See the situation in Honduras is normal, i as an example have been working normally all week, yes, there is a curfew but you can see at Honduras Abandoned how the curfew is enforced for the safety of the citizens and because of foreign agitators:


    but we are at the brink of despair, psychological warfare is being imposed on us from the agitators, they have been sending mass text message saying, “Zelaya is coming”, believe me if he ever get to be president again, its gonna be a witch hunt.


  2. Oops – I noticed that the “d” was missing from “Honduras” in the title, so I stuck it in and updated the post. But apparently you were editing it at the same time. Hope I didn’t foul things up for you.


  3. Pingback: “Final Battle” In Honduras This Weekend? « Nice Deb | news ohsiam

  4. Pingback: Honduran “Coup-Mongers” Kick Venezuelan Diplomats Out Of Country « Nice Deb

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