Introducing Mike Stopa (R-MA) For Congress

Me likey:

His website, here.

Stopa’s for repealing ObamaCare…

More Repub candidates like this, please!

Hat tip: Instapundit, who notes that those Obama kid videos are already impossibly dated.

Who could have predicted that the magic would wear off.


4 thoughts on “Introducing Mike Stopa (R-MA) For Congress

  1. I LOVE the little Obama girls. They are truly magical. I just took some video footage of my favorite candidate, Mike Stopa, sprinkled in some video of those cute little urchins, and VIOLA, like magic, his web page starts scrolling hits.

    Elect Mike Stopa,
    And thanks for viewing my little video.
    Visit his website, or better yet come to a campaign event and meet him in person.


  2. I it heartbreaking to see those beautiful, innocent children
    BELIEVING what they are singing. God Bless them and their parents.


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