Video: Holder Employs the “George Costanza” Method of “Lying”

Coach is Right supplies some background on the withdrawn Feb. 4th letter at issue:

When Dennis Burke resigned his post as US Attorney for the Phoenix district in August it was with the devout hope his role as local overseer of Operation Fast and Furious would be forgiven and forgotten by the House and Senate committees investigating the criminal gun smuggling affair.

After all, liberal Democrats consider the “willing” abandoning of power the greatest and most meaningful sacrifice of all,  a literal falling on the sword worthy of eternal praise!  After such an act of supreme contrition, any notion of additional punishment should be unthinkable, an uncivilized display of piling on!

But Burke’s attempt to gracefully retreat from Fast and Furious responsibility suffered a serious blow in Friday’s Department of Justice document dump as his former DOJ colleagues released memos and emails placing the blame for “misstatements” made by the Department to congressional high inquisitors Grassley and Issa directly on Burke’s head. If fear caused the former Janet Napolitano assistant to throw up at his last committee appearance, any future command performance  before Congress will likely result in a call for paramedics.

At the center of this latest document release is the February 4th letter addressed to congress by Assistant Attorney General Ron Weich. In it he stated categorically that any “…allegation…that ATF ‘sanctioned’ or otherwise knowingly allowed the sale of assault weapons to a straw purchaser who then transported them to Mexico—is false.”  Of course, testimony and information gathered by House and Senate committees during the course of the year make it quite clear that the deliberate transport of weapons across the Mexican border is exactly what happened.

Therefore on Friday the Weich letter was formally withdrawn by Deputy Attorney General James Cole. “Facts have come to light during the course of this investigation that indicate the Feb. 4th letter contains inaccuracies,” wrote Cole is his accompanying letter to congress.  And why is that?

Enter AG, Eric Holder, who wants us to believe that Asst. Attorney General, Weich was duped by “those disreputable people in far off Arizona”, using the George Costanza Method of lying to do so:

Uploaded onto Youtube by Rep Dennis Ross (R-FL):

Hat tip: @patbell


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