Santorum Surging in Latest Polls

The latest poll from Gallup show Santorum with a comfortable nationwide lead:

Rick Santorum’s nationwide lead expanded Monday in Gallup’s daily tracking poll, which showed the former Pennsylvania senator leading rival Mitt Romney by ten percentage points.Santorum had the backing of 36% of registered Republicans nationwide, while 26% supported Romney. Numbers from Sunday showed a slightly smaller lead for Santorum over Romney, 36% to 28%.

RealClearPolitics shows Santorum surging in Michigan, a must-win state for Romney:

Poll Date Sample MoE


Romney Paul Gingrich Spread
RCP Average 2/11 – 2/14 36.5 30.0 10.3 9.8 Santorum +6.5
Mitchell/Rosetta Stone 2/14 – 2/14 455 LV 4.6 34 25 11 5 Santorum +9
Inside MI Politics/MRG 2/13 – 2/14 800 LV 3.5 43 33 8 11 Santorum +10
Rasmussen Reports 2/13 – 2/13 750 LV 4.0 35 32 13 11 Santorum +3
Detroit News 2/11 – 2/13 500 RV 4.4 34 30 9 12 Santorum +4

Catholic Vote sends word that a pro-Romney SuperPAC is blitzing the airwaves in MI with a flurry of attack ads against Rick Santorum. On Catholic radio!

“People are getting confused. We have to respond. Now.”

As you read this we are in studio recording a powerful new ad directed at Catholic voters. It will begin airing this evening.

The Other McCain filed this report, today: Poll Proves Mitt’s Mud Gun Works?

The report that Mitt Romney has cut Rick Santorum’s lead from 15 points to 4 points in Michigan goes to show what can be accomplished with a multimillion-dollar attack-ad campaign, especially when those attacks are assisted by Mitt’s friends in the liberal media.

If you can, help Santorum fight the Romney attack machine: Can you chip $30 or $50? Or even $124 to air a single ad?

There’s also  good news for Santorum in Oklahoma:

Former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum has surged to the front among Oklahoma’s Republican voters, according to a survey released Sunday.

Santorum was the first choice of 39 percent of the 278 likely voters who said they planned to participate in the March 6 state GOP primary.

Former U.S. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, first in a survey conducted last fall, dropped to third, behind former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who remained second.

Romney, generally considered the frontrunner for the GOP nomination, was at 23 percent, followed by Gingrich at 18.

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas was at 8 percent, and 13 percent were undecided.

Romney leads in Arizona, but Santorum is surging there, as well:The Daily Caller reports: Romney leads Arizona, Santorum surges to close second:

Rick Santorum is giving Mitt Romney a headache in the next two primary states, having taken the lead in Romney’s old hometown of Michigan, and closing in on him in a new Arizona poll released Wednesday.

The poll, conducted by American Research Group, found Romney leading in Arizona with 38 percent, and Santorum close behind at 31 percent. Newt Gingrich has fallen to a distant third with 15 percent, and Ron Paul has 11 percent. (RELATED: Full coverage of the 2012 elections)

The results are drastically different from a poll conducted just two weeks ago, at the end of January, when Romney was tied with Gingrich at 32 percent, and Santorum was at 10 percent, in fourth place behind Ron Paul.

Santorum has all of the momentum -which could lead to an upset in AZ.
Both states, AZ and MI hold their primaries on Tuesday, Feb 28.
A new University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll shows Rick Santorum has a commanding lead in the Republican presidential race with 45%, followed by Newt Gingrich at 18%, Mitt Romney at 16% and Ron Paul at 14%.
Linked by The Other McCain, and Michelle Malkin, and The Week, thanks!

Hat tip: Charles B.

9 thoughts on “Santorum Surging in Latest Polls

  1. 1) Who cares what The Moscow News has to say about Santorum, or about any other Republican, as far as that goes? I’d bet 75% of their survey respondents were donkeys anyway!

    2) Funny the Mitt, having been endorsed by Jon-Jon, is losing his lead in AZ.

    3)Everyone is saying how Mittens HAS to win in Michigan if he wants to continue being a viable candidate. I know he’s never been a viable candidate, but shouldn’t the same be true for Paul, where he’s running dead last? He’s not even picking up the “favorite son” vote in Texas!


  2. If Santorum can manage to win in Michigan he might have a real shot at getting the nomination… but is that a good thing? Do you really think he can beat Obama? Just wait until some ads using Santorum’s own words about Protestantism get aired, he might end up with a decent sized chunk of the Catholic vote but not much else.


  3. Where do I begin? National polls mean absolutely nothing during a primary season… so I’ve been told when Romney was kicking ass. Let me rephrase: National polls don’t mean anything unless someone other than Romney is leading in them. Gingrich wants Romney to quit if he “loses” Michigan because it is his home state. Massachusetts is Romney’s home state and Gingrich lives in Virginia where he will surely lose seeing as how he didn’t even get on the ballot. Romney has finished either first or second in almost every primary and caucus that had delegates at stake. Even if he finishes second in Michigan he still picks up delegates while the “flavor of the month” that hasn’t endured even a tenth of the attacks Romney has endured picks up slightly more. To say Romney is not a “viable” candidate is ridiculous and insulting to anyone with a brain. Romney is and has been the standard by which the others have been compared. When they win they pulled an “upset” over Romney, and when they lose they are compared to Romney’s totals. Romney 2012 is even being compared to Romney 2008.

    Gingrich and now Santorum are whining about negative ads against them but I don’t hear them thanking Rush and Mark Levin for their almost non-stop attacks on Romney and/or their defenses of them for six hours a day, five days a week and replayed on weekends. What would that cost if they actually had to pay for something like that directly aimed at millions of listeners that actually vote in Republican primaries? The DNC has exclusively aimed their attacks at Romney. To use the words of Rush Limbaugh “they’ll show you who they’re afraid of.” For the record Mark Levin and Rush supported Romney as the most conservative candidate that could defeat Obama in the last election but apparently Romney has morphed into something else in the meantime after Obama has decimated our economy, our military, our world standing, and our liberties. That doesn’t even make sense.

    Let’s all support Santorum. To hell with the General Election. Most people outside in the real world either don’t even know who he is or if they have heard of him think he’s a religious zealot. I live in a blue state and I haven’t come across one single Democrat that would vote for him, however, there are many life-long Democrats that have told me they’re voting for Romney because he knows what he’s doing on economic issues and they feel comfortable with him. That’s the real world and what we’re all facing this election whether we like it or not. To think that social conservatives and all conservatives would vote for Obama or stay home this election if Romney is the nominee is madness.

    How is it that anyone that supports Romney is “settling” for an “establishment” candidate (whatever that means) while supporters of other candidates are given a pass? Conservatives that have weighed their options, see the total picture, actually realize that Romney is the most conservative candidate on major issues, and can actually beat Obama are being stupid? How about the fact that I don’t want to “settle” for someone that has no organization, no chance of winning, and is less conservative? How about the fact I don’t want to settle for career politicians who have absolutely no executive experience like Santorum or Gingrich especially in these troubled times? How about I don’t want to “settle” for the opinions of others that at one time supported all the other candidates that are no longer even in the race who told me that they were the best choice to beat Obama? Now they’re either insinuating or outright telling all of us that Santorum is the guy. Yeah Independents and women will flock to him I’m sure. If we screw up this nomination like we did the last time (Romney was the one that got tag teamed out of it) then we deserve what we get… another four years of lame duck Obama unleashed to do what he really wants to do.


  4. Pingback: LIVE AT FIVE – 02.21.12 : The Other McCain

  5. Santorum will defeat Obama…why?…integrity and moral fiber, combined with heartfelt outreach to the heart land of America’s working men and women always defeats the empty, arrogant suits of lying self-serving politicians. That is why he is rising above Romney as well…that is why Reagan won, and why “those that can win” have always lost….you do not defeat the “other side” by being like them. Rick is everything Obama is not…


  6. @edwardbillock: I think you may be correct. Having not been a Santorum supporter (my issues this election are 100% the economy and the debt) I have grown to like Santorums “folksy” and real appeal over Romney who I originally voted for in the NH Primary. I do not view Santorum’s stand on social issues at all disqualifying and I’m not a social issues voter. He represents a stark and refreshing alternative from Obama.


  7. Dave – sorry your comments keep going to the spam filter – I have no idea why that’s happening – you’re a valued commenter, here. (Gonna need you to perk me up if and when Romney is the nominee).


  8. Well said Dave. Having already voted for Romney in the NH Primary my job is done. It’s now up to the remaining States. One thing is for certain; I will be at my precinct on election day this November to pull the lever for whomever is chosen to face Obama. That much I can guarantee you.


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