Video: Neal Boortz on the The History of Barack Obama

Via MRCTV, twelve plus minutes, unfiltered and unPC commentary on Obama’s Marxist growing up years.

Boortz somber conclusion:

“That’s the guy you have in the White House — who is working steadfastly for the destruction of Capitalism, the destruction of free enterprise, the elevation of government in the lives of all people. That’s the guy who tells you, “sometimes you have to recognize  you’ve made enough money,  “we’ve got to spread the wealth around”, “the government will tell you when it’s okay to make a profit, and when it’s not okay to make a profit…”

“And this guy must be defeated, this year, and if he is not, it will be the end of this republic.”

Truer words were never spoken. Worth listening to in full…

I thought this country scraped the bottom of the barrel with the shameless, and debauched Bill Clinton – but at least he was  an Eagle Scout, once, you know?

Via Conservative videos and commentaries at


The American Thinker: Obama Suckering America into Loving Russia

Hat tip: Brian B.


2 thoughts on “Video: Neal Boortz on the The History of Barack Obama

  1. Yeah, Billy Bub was an eagle scout once. Then he became a girl scout and hasn’t stopped scouting since…

    Obama is as focused on destruction of capitalism as Billy Bub was/is on women to play with.

    Why would Obama want to decrease unemployment? That goes against everything he believes in, what with expanding the middle class and making those evil capitalist owners richer.


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