Sen. Ted Cruz with Jonathan Karl on ‘This Week’ (Video)

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz appeared on ABC’s “This Week” with Jonathan Karl dismissed talk of a potential 2016 White House bid, among other things.

Karl asked Cruz to comment on every insult and slur that has ever been thrown his way, which is par for the course for Republicans. I like Jonathan Karl, but could you imagine him or any other reporter asking John Kerry how he feels about being called “Lurch”? Can you imagine him asking the Vice President what he thinks about being called “Joey Choo Choo”, and being a general laughingstock, or asking how the president feels about being called a liar, or a narcissist? These types of disrespectful questions are always saved for Republicans.

Unless of course the Democrat has completely disgraced himself in epic fashion like Client #9 Eliot Spitzer, or Anthony Weiner….

Guys like that do get a little bit of a comeuppance from the media, but it doesn’t last for long, and if your name is Bill Clinton, it doesn’t happen, at all.

(By the way, as much as he demurs when asked,  I think Cruz is definitely running.)

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