Iranian Regime Accuses Obama Regime of Lying

Who to believe ?

I’m going to go with the more honest and trustworthy Regime….which it’s incredibly sad to say, is the Iranian Regime in this case.

Via Gateway PunditIranian Fars News reported:

The Iranian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday called invalid a press release by the White House alleged to be the text of the nuclear agreement struck by Iran and the Group 5+1 (the US, Russia, China, Britain and France plus Germany) in Geneva on Sunday.

“What has been released by the website of the White House as a fact sheet is a one-sided interpretation of the agreed text in Geneva and some of the explanations and words in the sheet contradict the text of the Joint Plan of Action (the title of the Iran-powers deal), and this fact sheet has unfortunately been translated and released in the name of the Geneva agreement by certain media, which is not true,” Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham said on Tuesday.

BS meters should always go up whenever the Obama administration puts out a “fact sheet.” They’re understanding of the word, “fact” differs from most peoples’.  Often, the word “fact” actually translates to,  “politically expedient half truths”, “inaccurate”, or “out and out lies.”

An Iranian foreign ministry official  accused Washington of releasing a factually inaccurate primer that misleads the American public.

Via The Washington Free Beacon:

“What has been released by the website of the White House as a fact sheet is a one-sided interpretation of the agreed text in Geneva and some of the explanations and words in the sheet contradict the text of the Joint Plan of Action, and this fact sheet has unfortunately been translated and released in the name of the Geneva agreement by certain media, which is not true,” Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkhamtold the Iranian press on Tuesday.

Afkham and officials said that the White House has “modified” key details of the deal and released their own version of the agreement.

Iran’s right to enrich uranium, the key component in a nuclear weapon, is fully recognized under the draft released by Tehran.

On Fox News’ Special Report, Monday night, Charles Krauthammer said

It’s really hard to watch the President and the Secretary of State and not think how they cannot be embarrassed by this deal. Think about this: half a dozen times, the Security Council has passed resolutions which said Iran has to stop all enrichment otherwise there’ll be no change in the sanctions, no relief. Which means six times China and Russia – not exactly hardliners on Iran – have signed on to this.

And what is the result of this agreement? Iran retains the right to enrich. It continues to enrich during the six months. It is promised a final deal in which we’re going to work out the details of its enrichment. And remember, enrichment is the dam against all proliferation. Once a country anywhere can start to enrich there is no containing its nuclear capacity. So it undermines the entire idea of nonproliferation, and it grants Iran a right it’s been lusting for for a decade. That’s why there was so much jubilation in Tehran over this.

Second, there’s a relaxation of sanctions which have really caused the Iranians to hurt, to worry about the stability of the regime, and to come and negotiate. What happens on sanctions? There’s going to be a huge infusion of cash which can reduce the inflation, can alleviate the shortages. Already the rial, the currency, jumped three percent instantly as a result of this agreement. This is a huge relief for the Iranians, and it can only increase over time.

What do we get in return? I just heard the Secretary of State say we’re going to get a destruction of the 20 percent uranium. That is simply untrue. What’s going to happen is the 20 percent enriched uranium is going to be turned into an oxide so it’s inoperative. That process is completely chemically reversible, which means Iran holds on to its 20 percent uranium and can turn it into active stuff any time it wants.

This is a sham from beginning to end. It’s the worst deal since Munich.

How much lower can this Regime go???

Linked by iOWNTHEWORLD, thanks!

Expecting a Holiday Surge, ObamaCare Tech Team Will Monitor Website on Thanksgiving

In a creepy, authoritarian move, the White House, OFA, and Obama-friendly media outlets are encouraging Obama loyalists to propagandize reluctant family members about ObamaCare over Thanksgiving dinner – a move that has inspired widespread mockery and derision. 

In an interview with Fox News, Tuesday morning, National Review editor at large Jonah Goldberg said the strategy could “backfire” because most people will find the ObamaCare sales pitches over Thanksgiving to be “annoying.”

I would think that people who were duped by the president’s oft repeated false promises will be especially annoyed.

But the AP reports that while the ObamaCare call-center operators for will have the day off for Thanksgiving, the tech team will be busy moderating for an expected “surge” of holiday users.

On Thanksgiving, they’ll be monitoring its performance under what may be a surge of holiday users.

I’ll be monitoring the news for reports of a “surge” of emergency room visits, due to the family brawls that will likely result from  these obnoxious attempts by Obots to propagandize their families.

Stay tuned!