Sens. Cruz and Lee: AG Nominee Should Say Whether She Approves of Executive Amnesty (Updated)

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Obama’s pick of Loretta Lynch to replace Eric Holder (the most corrupt Attorney General in American history) is surprisingly uncontroversial. She is respected by Republicans and Democrats alike and has no known scandals in her background. If there is anything about her that would be disqualifying – it hasn’t been discovered yet. 

But Republicans plan to ask her a question in which a wrong answer would be considered disqualifying.

Via Breitbart News:

Cruz, Lee, incoming Senate Budget Committee Chairman Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), and incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, each said before the election that Obama’s choice to replace Holder must denounce Obama’s planned executive amnesty.

McConnell said that it should be a “condition” of the nominee’s confirmation that they oppose executive amnesty.

Today Sens. Ted Cruz, R-TX, and Mike Lee, R-UT, released the following statement in regards to the president’s nomination of U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch.

“President Obama’s Attorney General nominee deserves fair and full consideration of the United States Senate, which is precisely why she should not be confirmed in the lame duck session of Congress by senators who just lost their seats and are no longer accountable to the voters. The Attorney General is the President’s chief law enforcement officer. As such, the nominee must demonstrate full and complete commitment to the law. Loretta Lynch deserves the opportunity to demonstrate those qualities, beginning with a statement whether or not she believes the President’s executive amnesty plans are constitutional and legal.”


I spoke too soon. It has been discovered that Obama’s pick to replace Eric Holder is indeed a race-baiting fellow traveler. We were wrong to imagine Obama was capable of appointing a straight shooter.

Should have realized after seeing this, Did Al Sharpton Just Pick The Next Attorney General?

Via Pundit Press: Obama AG Nominee Lynch: Southern Schools Use Zero Tolerance Policies to Send Minorities to Prison:

In a speech given at Long Beach earlier this year, President Obama’s new nominee for Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, specifically called out voter ID laws as racist and schools as disproportionately using zero tolerance policies against minorities. The video was uncovered by Pundit Press.

The remarks came near the end of a long speech, explaining the examples that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela set for people.

Ms. Lynch then began talking about the inequities that she sees in the United States, first covering the fact that she see voter ID laws as legislation aimed to disenfranchise minorities.

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