Join The Tea Party Express Tour

The Tea Party Express runs from August 28 – September 12. You can attend one of  35 tea party rallies that will take place across America.


Come join the cause and help take our country back from the tax-spend-bailout politicians who are hurting America.

The Fox News Channel’s “Fox Nation” featured the “Tea Party Express” television ad:

Organizers say this will be a costly endeavor:

Not just the tour (with the vehicles, fuel, lodging, advertising, etc…) but also the cost to target so many Members of Congress.  But we know that we MUST take action, and we know that we MUST prevail.

To help us pay for this ambitious effort, we are launching a fundraising drive and asking our supporters to help us achieve our goal of $50,000 raised for this effort. To lend your support for this effort please – make a contribution.

You can contribute any amount you can afford from $5 up to the maximum allowed $5,000 contribution.  We’re hoping 200 of you can help us kick off this fundraising drive with a contribution of $100 or more.

One thought on “Join The Tea Party Express Tour

  1. I AM SO PROUD OF THE PEOPLE THAT RUN THIS ORGANIZATION!!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness the people in America are standing up against all the wrong that’s being done to the American people. Truth is coming out about the lies that our current administration has told. Taxes will go up if the Healthcare Reform isn’t stopped! Debt has gone up to TRILLIONS! When wll someone stand up and say I
    have had enough!


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