New Obama-Cult Videos Appear

Via Big Government’s John Nolte, who has posted eleven new school Obama-cult videos which have recently appeared in his email box.

This video’s title: “Barack Obama is Our New President”

Performed: Friday, February 13, 2009 Harmony Leland Elementary School, Mableton, GA

You may recognize the tune – “Go Tell It On The Mountain”, a Christmas song celebrating the birth of  Jesus.

The lyrics to Barack Obama Is Our New President:

Barack Obama is our new President
Barack Obama is the leader of our land

On November 4, 2008
All the Americans voted
In each and every state

Barack Obama is our new President
Barack Obama is the leader of our land

He moved into the white house
With his wife, Michelle
His daughters, Malia and Sasha
And new dog as well

Barack Obama is our new President
Barack Obama is the leader of our land

He’ll bring us all together
And work hard every day
To make our nation better
And keep our people safe

Barack Obama is our new President
Barack Obama is the leader of our land

In the oval office
From sea to shining sea
He’ll represent our country
The land and the free

Barack Obama is our new President
Barack Obama is the leader of our land

John Nolte notes:

What seemed like an aberration now appears to be a troubling pattern.

Maybe “epidemic” is a better word.


Citizens Protest At NJ School Over Obama Indoctrination Song

Another One?!

A Reason Why So Many Parents Were Nervous About Obama’s Speech To School Children (UPDATED)

14 thoughts on “New Obama-Cult Videos Appear

  1. There is a pattern and we need to find the memo or meeting notes that “called” for teachers/Obama supporters to be creative and inclusive with the children. You know, make it a living experience for them that he got elected.
    This looks too much like the NEA setup/scandal.


  2. Sheesh… this is the worst one yet… at least the others were relatively on key.

    These kids make me want to poke an ice pick through my ears.


  3. Sorry Marvin. I’m not into posting addresses here, even when they’re publicly available. All that info can be found at Big government if folks are interested.


  4. hehehe… the new series V could be about O, and that makes VO – a mighty fine Canadian blended whisky… something which we all could use after listening to these mindwashed little future Democrats. 😉


  5. Pingback: Tweets that mention New Obama-Cult Videos Appear « Nice Deb --

  6. Well, I don’t know about fire, but he sure can blow smoke.

    And toot blow.

    The freak has moobs, too. Pretty gross, really. I wonder who nursed Malia.


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