Project Valour-IT Update

Good news. After nearly losing our lead to Army, yesterday, our fortunes changed, as you can see from this chart:


Cassandra says it has something to do with the “awesome power of Marine dance moves”…

Could be!

Keep those donations coming!

These brave warriors are worth every penny:


The Marine of the Day: Maj. Brian Dennis:

You probably hear a lot about the stray dogs that servicemembers find in the Middle East. The common theme is that our soldiers just love to kill those strays, because theyā€™re bloodthirsty and mean and evil. It seems like that theme is more based in fiction than in reality, especially for one group of Marines. One dog even made such a connection with a Marine, Maj. Brian Dennis, that he searched the country for him, and Maj. Dennis fought to be able to take the dog he named Nubs home.

This is their incredible story.

See Cassie Fiano for the rest.

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