Lou Dobbs Quits CNN

The “strong winds of change” have buffeted Lou Dobbs right out of his job at CNN:

Transcript of his announcement, here.

The notoriously “cute“, Allahpundit linked to a John Fund article from November 15, 200 7, which he hints could hold the key to Dobbs’ future plans:

Lou Dobbs for President? Don’t laugh. After months of telling reporters that he “absolutely” would not consider leaving his highly-rated CNN show in which he crusades against free trade and illegal immigration, Mr. Dobbs posted a commentary on his Web site last week predicting a surprise new presidential candidate in 2008. The mystery candidate is an “independent populist . . . who understands the genius of this country lies in the hearts and minds of its people and not in the prerogatives and power of its elites.

The other theory is that he will soon be joining Fox.

Verrry interesting…it reminds me of when Sarah Palin quit her post as Governor of Alaska…totally unexpected, apparently due to  external upheavals, and with hints of great things to come….

25 thoughts on “Lou Dobbs Quits CNN

  1. Pingback: Zowie… Lou Dobbs Quits Failing CNN, Tonight Was His Last Broadcast… Good Luck, Lou! (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  2. Montana is the Obot 2.0 Troll, notice that no human input was needed for the comment. Just a repeat of sos talking points downloaded by wifi. Nice Deb you should petition the DNC for a higher quality human troll.


  3. I wonder if Dobbs will work for Faux News. Anyway, I’m glad that CNN no longer will have that narcissist and pathological liar on their network. He and Sarah Palin should get out of America, considering that they hate American values as much as the Taliban.


  4. The fact is that the left destroys anyone who does not agree with them. Lou Dobbs was against ILLEGAL immigration, not immigration. He spoke his mind. The left should leave this country as they do not respect American values, the law, or even civility.


  5. Bad news first: Dobbs couldn’t put his real talents to work in a news network which is easily identified by that “braying” sound. You know, the sound emanating from the front end of their party’s icon. Or is that the sound coming from the other end of the beast and spoiling our good air? Good news: He’s out of the holding pen now and we’ll finally get to witness the difference between a freed stallion and a bunch of “packasses”.


  6. I might not have agreed with every thing that Dobbs said, but I respected the man. His show was interesting, and he truly tried to show both sides of an issue. Regretfully, one-sided, biased reporting has become the new trend. Dobbs will be missed. I am bored with CNN and MSNBC and I don’t watch Fox either, so I guess I will continue to get my news from international sources. Our biased news media sucks.


  7. If Lou goes to Fox, does that mean Fox will make room for him by “moving” Geraldo and Shep? Not that any other stations would want Geraldo.


  8. ‘Faux ‘News would be more clever….But I thank the lord everyday for Fox News…wonder often we’re we would be if they were’nt there. If the loony leftists had total control this country would already be a third world hell hole.
    As for LOU, I love him and have urged him thru emails to go to a true news network (FOX) for a long time. Weenie boy
    Cooper makes me retch…Larry King can’t even say his own name and attacks conservatives while bowing and scraping to violent offenders and creeps. Like the idiots who don’t get it…visit Venzuela and see what you are working to make your own country into…..


  9. Didn’t get to be an 86 year old grandma without being able to recognize “character” when I see it. I’m glad Lou has left CNN. He has “guts”…and I respect him for spitting out what he thinks. I don’t agree with him on everything but I don’t agree with ANYBODY on everything…that’s not what “character” is all about!. Honesty…integrity…those are the two characteristics I value most. None of us are perfect but we all possess the capacity to exemplify those two principles. You go, Lou, and more power to you!!!


  10. Pingback: Lou Dobbs – moving his advocacy journalism elsewhere; Walks away from CNN, a sinking ship; UPDATE: John King is replacement « VotingFemale Speaks!

  11. Well I used to like Lou Dobbs a heck of a lot, but midyear this year he changed he really changed. I could not believe my ears when he was bagging on the Prez. Cheap shot too! My opinion of him changed when he drastically changed…see ya over at Foul Ogre Xcrement News….Lou


  12. Lou Dobbs is a bigot, a xenophobe, and a misogynist good ol’ boy. He and all the remaining old white men in suits are running out of time. Move over. Change or die.


  13. Does this really surprise anyone?, Rats always are the first to abandon “sinking ships” (alphabet networks), Lou Dobbs probably sees the future unfolding before him with a keen sense of self-preservation, and of course, hasnt shut any polical doors unlike the Lame-stream media pundits. Smart move! ..GO FOX!


  14. >>Lou Dobbs is a bigot, a xenophobe, and a misogynist good ol’ boy

    Yes, I’m sure his Mexican/American wife would agree.

    Perhaps you should observe more thoroughly lest you continue to make an ass of yourself.


  15. Oh my GOSH Nice Deb! This post really brought out the worst of the rabid, teeth-showing, nose snarling, drool dropping liberal trolls at your blog.

    I commend you for your good character and restraint in not bashing them back. As you can see from the above sentence, I was not so restrained. 😉

    Today on Glenn’s radio show, there were some possible hints being bantered about. regarding possible changes going on at Fox News. This is just speculation on my part right now, but maybe O’Reilly is retiring soon and Glenn will take his prime-time spot? Then, Lou Dobbs can take Glenn’s current timeslot?

    Apparently, there will be a big announcement on O’Reilly’s show tonight. Glenn mentioned that he will be on the show. We shall see what happens!


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