Sarah Palin On Rusty Humphries Show: “Birth Certificate Fair Game”.

Rusty asked her the question about Obama’s birth certificate  about 7:00 min. in the first video, but listen to the whole thing if you have time. Come on. It’s Sarah Palin. She’s always worth listening to.

Part One

Part Two

I found out about this on Twitter since certain bloggers, (not mentioning any names) were groaning, and suffering extreme vapors over it.

What the heck’s wrong with allowing Americans to ask the question ,”Why doesn’t he just produce the stupid long form certificate and put the matter to rest?”

Andrew McCarthy has asked that question.

Lou Dobbs has asked that question.

Bernard Goldberg has asked that question.

And so have  millions of other Americans, who find it strange that Obama, who once branded himself as the most transparent President, evah –  has spent so much time and money to keep it hidden. It doesn’t make you a whacked out conspiracy theorist to find that strange.

In fact, not finding that strange, I think is a little strange.

An aside:

Incidentally, did you notice how much weight Rusty Humphries has lost? He used to look like this. Good for him!


39 thoughts on “Sarah Palin On Rusty Humphries Show: “Birth Certificate Fair Game”.

  1. Pingback: Sarah Palin is Not a Birther! : Stop The ACLU

  2. Pingback: Pavlovian Left Wing Loon Baiting, an Artform of exploitative takedown « VotingFemale Speaks!

  3. No woman since Eleanor Roosevelt has done more for progressive politics in this country than she.

    Not a fan of Hillary!, I guess. At least he seems to recognize the damage the first female Speaker of the House is doing, because he left her off the list.

    Feh – not worth my time. This guy’s below Malky’s level.


  4. Sarah Palin will drive the final nail in the coffin of these neo-Marxists like the above douchebag tomdegan. these same silly global warmingists and uber-smart progressives are so busy building their own coffins and digging their own political graves now when they are in complete power, it does make one wonder… how could they have ever been taken seriously by anybody to begin with?

    oh, i forgot. they spin lies and repeat them over and over.

    oh, i also forgot about their rampant drug use. my bad. those poor darlings. i guess some minds really are a terrible thing to waste. NOT.


  5. “Below Malky’s level”? Are you perchance referring to Michele Malkin? If you are, that has to be the worst insult I have ever received in my life.

    No. And now you look like even more of an idiot than before.

    Just move on unless you’ve got something worthwhile to say. If think it might be worthwhile but you’re not sure, let me assure you that the odds are heavily weighted against it.


  6. No. And now you look like even more of an idiot than before.”

    Well now, we are a tad hostile, are we not? Is that the only way you know how to debate the issues, by referring to people as idiots? I noticed you have posted nothing on your blog since September 30. Obviously you’ve run out of intellectual steam. Pity.


    Tom Degan


  7. Well now, we are a tad hostile, are we not? Is that the only way you know how to debate the issues, by referring to people as idiots?

    It pretty much follows the tone of your original and follow-on comments. Since you haven’t posed a position other than mocking Ms. Palin, there is nothing substantive to debate.

    I noticed you have posted nothing on your blog since September 30. Obviously you’ve run out of intellectual steam.

    A natural leap of illogic for a lib. Since I haven’t posted on that blog I must not have written anything anywhere? Moron.

    In actual fact, had you read more than the date of the top post, you’d have noticed the third post, which, if you read between the lines, shows that you’re a presumptive idiot.


  8. if you read between the lines, shows that you’re a presumptive idiot.

    I know better than that. That should be “assumptive idiot.”


  9. hey troll and leftwing tool tomdegan:

    to save everybody else the burden, and to minimize any chance of you dredging up hits on your pathetic Obama-group-grope weblog, i took it upon myself to go and read some of your Dailkos and MoveOn drivel and talking points that you have obediently re-posted as if it were your own…

    tomdegan = the definition of an obedient neo-Marxist.

    …like we didn’t already figure that out here.

    keep hatin’ on Sarah Palin, because the more twits like you who do, the more real people of America keep showing up to stand in line in below freezing weather for hours to buy her book and meet her, like the thousands (a friend said it was over 2000. the store sold out of the 1100 copies half way through) who did here in Plano today since before 6am this morning.


  10. by the way, and newsflash (that the state-run media will prob ignore) the really BIG event will be this evening at Ft Hood where Palin is expected to draw a crowd in the tens of thousands….
    rumor mill is the base is on high security alert for moonbat crashers. standby for news…


  11. Pingback: “Sarah Palin: Birther” and related posts « Twitter

  12. Hey Deb,

    Do you know how to get in touch with the Stoptheaclu guys? Their admin email doesn’t work and I need to ask them whether they mistakenly labeled my post on this a Lefty smear job on Sarah, which could NOT be further from the truth.

    I’m working hard like so many others to foster this Conservative resurgence and the last thing I need is for a bigger site like them to link to my piece, (for which I’m grateful), only to smear ME by falsely claiming my piece is a smear job on Sarah.

    Anyway, if you know how to get in touch with them I’d really appreciate it.




  13. Folks, she walked away from her office. What the heck is the matter with you people?

    Are you REALLY going to put all of your eggs in this basket? Best of luck to you is you do.

    Tom Degan


  14. Wtf are you talking about? Who’s putting eggs in any baskets? She’s explained why she felt obligated to leave her office. It’s all been well documented, ad nauseam.


  15. Pingback: The Right Side of Life » @SarahPalinUSA: Obama Birth Certificate “Fair Question;” Campaign Lax on Vetting

  16. Bravo, Sarah.

    The alternative to defending citizens’ right to ask candidates whatever questions they pleases is to maintain that certain questions should never be asked. Lefties such as Tom Degan are fine with that, of course…as long as they get to decide which questions are un-askable.

    A politician afraid of citizens’ questions is hiding something. Nearly all of them are, of course…which is just one more argument for an alternative to our current, always-fill-the-office election system.


  17. OMG. You must really fear her. You think we’re rooting for her to run for President? You’re pathetic

    At this point she would just be a pundit, speaker and fundraiser, were it not for the Left elevating her to the status of a major threat to their party. But I wouldn’t correct them too quickly – it’s great to see them wasting their energy like this.


  18. Folks, No one on the left “fears” Sarah Palin running for the White House in 2012. As I have said on my blog too many times to count, a Palin nomination in three years would be an answer to a Progressive’s prayer. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Doesn’t anyone here understand the stark reality that if Joe Liebermann or Mitt Romney had been chosen to be second on the ticket last year, John McCain would be snoozing in the White House at this very moment? Do you not understand that Palin’s presence on the ticket is the primary reason he lost? Don’t you see how suicidal it would be if the GOP gave her the nod next time ’round? If you don’t you’re looking at the situation through lenses with a decidedly weird tint.

    Unlike a few contributors to this site, I don’t debate the issues by calling names – BUT JEEZ! – I’m damned near rendered speechless by the naivete here!

    I really hope she gets the nomination in 2012. For an old Lefty like yours truly, it would be the gift that keeps giving and giving. In the long run, however, I believe wiser heads within the Republican party will prevail. Most people registered to vote in that silly party’s primaries are smarter than that.

    With all due respect,

    Tom Degan


  19. Tom, you seem a little obsessed about Palin running in 2012, when nobody here has even mentioned it. I personally think she is great on the sidelines yanking your chain.

    McCain’s campaign was going nowhere until she joined the ticket, as I’m sure you well know. Saying otherwise won’t fly here. She breathed life into the ticket which is why your side went into maximum overdrive to destroy her. The financial crisis is what destroyed McCain’s chances, not Palin.

    As for the gift that keeps on giving crap…yeah whatever. Her approval ratings are higher than Obama’s at the moment, as I’m sure you also well know.


  20. Forgive me but now you’ve become completely divorced from reality. What poll are you talking about? Every one I have read has Obama averaging 54 percent and over three quarters of the country disapproving of the former governor.

    And, yes, she breathed life into that campaign – for all of two days. Then she gave her first extemporaneous interview and it was all down hill from there.

    “What do you read?”

    She couldn’t even answer the question!

    “What is your opinion of the Bush Doctrine?”

    She did not even know what it was!

    She destroyed the McCain Campaign, folks. Please forgive me if I am coming off as if I am taunting you – that is not my intent. You just have to accept the harsh reality that she is not ready for prime time, so to speak. If the GOP is silly enough to give her the nod in ’12 (and it will never happen, unfortunately) they’ll deserve everything that happens to them.


    Tom Degan


  21. … which is why your side went into maximum overdrive to destroy her.

    …and remains in that mode to this day.

    Unlike a few contributors to this site, I don’t debate the issues by calling names

    That won’t earn you any moral high ground here, particularly when you have been letting insults fly quite freely. You continue to act as though you’ve said something of substance, but you’ve made a fool of yourself with every comment. Until you say something worth debating, I’ll continue to point out that you’re an idiot.

    Especially when you keep tilting at the Palin for President windmill.


  22. Bad Deb!

    I see you refused to publish my last post which refuted the falsehood you claimed that Sarah was ahead of Obama in the polls. You even deleted the original posting where you made the utterly ridiculous claim. I am afraid that is how your side operates – control and distort the debate.

    Naturally I don’t expect this posting to be published. I just wanted to let you know how I feel on this subject. On my blog no one – regardless of their opinions of me or my positions – gets deleted. Unlike you, I don’t even filter them before publication. Unlike you, I am not afraid of an open and honest debate.


    Tom Degan


  23. Tom, can you really be this ignorant?

    Obama’s latest numbers:

    Rasmussen: 47% approve 52%disapprove.

    CNN: 48% to 50%.


    51% favorable 43% unfavorable

    She was the most popular governor in America with highs of 89% and 93% approval ratings, almost unheard of in American politics.

    “What do you read?”

    She couldn’t even answer the question!

    “What is your opinion of the Bush Doctrine?”

    She did not even know what it was!

    You’re one of those “low info voters”, aren’t you?

    She could answer the first question, but she was getting too pissed off to humor Katie. As for the second one, it was an ambiguous question because the meaning of the term has changed over the years. Charles Gibson didn’t know the answer, either, although he pretended he did, which is a much bigger gaffe, than Palin’s. The man who coined the term can explain it to you, if you’re willing to learn:

    Palin has a new book out, in case you haven’t heard. Maybe you should buy a copy and educate yourself.

    And oh…your comments go directly to the spam bucket for some reason. I have to go in to retrieve each and every one of them. Nobody here is “afraid” to debate you. It’s like shooting ducks in a barrel, actually, kind of a fun way to pass the time, when I’m around to do it. I haven’t deleted any posts on this thread.


  24. I see you refused to publish my last post which refuted the falsehood you claimed that Sarah was ahead of Obama in the polls.

    Refutation in these here parts requires a citation, not some number conjured up out of your dim memory. You’ve got to bring a much better game to even get a discussion going.

    And the plaintive rant resulting from your comment heading to the spam bucket? Happens all the time in WordPress, bucky. You might ask politely about what happened to it before you start accusing people of censorship. But I suppose that since you walked in here with a chip on your shoulder, your reaction isn’t surprising.

    You don’t get banned at this site until you become abusive, foul-mouthed, or tiresome. In the latter case it occurs when one never brings anything of substance to the discussion, and simply recycles old talking points.

    My guess is that you can last a whole additional day before your time comes.


  25. But you didn’t publish the entire posting. One sentence. The rest of it would have exposed your hypocrisy and yet you refuse to publish the entire piece.

    You are a cabal of liars. Publish this whole post. I dare you.

    You won’t.

    Lying hypocrites.

    Sleep well.

    All the best,

    Tom Degam


  26. But you didn’t publish the entire posting. One sentence. The rest of it would have exposed your hypocrisy and yet you refuse to publish the entire piece.

    What the hell are you talking about? Are you still pretending I’m censoring your comments?

    lying hypocrites

    Falling back on Alinsky tactics, now? Sad.

    Publish this whole post. I dare you.

    I just did.

    Look, I’m sure it’s not fun being bested by bitter clingers like us, I understand your angst. Maybe you should just cut your losses and try your bull somewhere else?


  27. I think Tom’s a little blog-challenged. Doesn’t understand spam filters and can’t count the sentences in his own comments. Also doesn’t, or can’t, read follow-on comments to see how Nice Deb destroyed him.

    And he can’t argue worth a crap, either.


  28. Har. Just visited Tom’s site for a chuckle. He talks about Sarah Palin in one of his posts, and spends some time mocking the title of her book:

    A woman in Texas by the name of Stephanie Garcia has a blog called, Lady Steele, Modern Super Hero. Yesterday, in a posting aptly titled “Going Stupid”, she offered her readers five different variations on the definition of the word “rogue” – courtesy of the good people at Webster’s Dictionary:

    1. Vagrant, tramp
    2. A dishonest or worthless person: scoundrel
    3. A mischievous person: scamp
    4. A horse inclined to shirk or misbehave
    5. An individual exhibiting a chance and usually inferior biological variation

    This certainly begs the question: did she or any of the geniuses who surround her have the wit to even do a cursory look into into the definition of that word? And she wants to be president. Is this a great country, or what?

    That would be pretty funny if it didn’t make me want to cry. Apparently it never occurred to either Lady Steele or Mr. Degan that the noun form of the word is not appropriate in this context, and that the adjective form is being used:

    Main Entry: rogue
    Function: adjective
    Date: 1872

    1 : resembling or suggesting a rogue elephant especially in being isolated, aberrant, dangerous, or uncontrollable
    2 : corrupt, dishonest
    3 : of or being a nation whose leaders defy international law or norms of international behavior (from Merriam-Webster)

    Nicely beclowned, folks.

    Though I despair for our culture.


  29. OMG, they honestly don’t know the meaning of the word, rogue in the context of her book title? That is just so sad. Also sad: Charging that I’m deleting his scary/smart rebuttals to my facts, (when he knows I’m not), because he has nothing to refute them with.

    I think I nailed it when I called him, “low info voter”. I should add, coward and schmuck.


  30. Pingback: Lt. General Thomas McInerney (Ret) Signs Affidavit Requesting Obama’s Birth and School Records « Nice Deb

  31. Pingback: The Palin Conundrum « Nice Deb

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