ACORN Sting Videographer, James O’Keefe Arrested!

Dude —What?!

Alleging a plot to wiretap Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu’s office in the Hale Boggs Federal Building in downtown New Orleans, the FBI arrested four people Monday, including James O’Keefe, a conservative filmmaker whose undercover videos at ACORN field offices severely damaged the advocacy group’s credibility.

Also arrested were Joseph Basel, Stan Dai and Robert Flanagan, all 24. Flanagan is the son of William Flanagan, who is the acting U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Louisiana, the office confirmed. All four were charged with entering federal property under false pretenses with the intent of committing a felony.

According to the FBI affidavit, Flanagan and Basel entered the federal building at 500 Poydras Street about 11 a.m. Monday, dressed as telephone company employees, wearing jeans,  fluorescent green vests, tool belts, and hard hats. When they arrived at Landrieu’s 10th floor office, O’Keefe was already in the office and had told a staffer he was waiting for someone to arrive.

When Flanagan and Basel entered the office, they told the staffer they were there to fix phone problems. At that time, the staffer, referred to only as Witness 1 in the affadavit, observed O’Keefe positioning his cell phone in his hand to videotape the operation. O’Keefe later admitted to agents that he recorded the event.

After being asked, the staffer gave Basel access to the main phone at the reception desk. The staffer told investigators that Basel manipulated the handset. He also tried to call the main office phone using his cell phone, and said the main line wasn’t working. Flanagan did the same.

They then told the staffer they needed to perform repair work on the main phone system and asked where the telephone closet was located. The staffer showed the men to the main General Services Administration office on the 10th floor, and both went in. There, a GSA employee asked for the men’s credentials, after which they stated they left them in their vehicle.

The U.S. Marshal’s Service apprehended all four men shortly thereafter.

Not  good! What on earth was so explosive that they were willing to take such risks to uncover it? What parts of this story are we missing?

Well lookie here, good ol’ MSNBC wasn’t slow to pick up on this story, was it?:

Activist filmmaker arrested in senator’s office


Affidavit, here.


Political Byline has a great round-up of conservative blogger reactions:

UpdatedD’oh! – ACORN Slayer James O’Keefe busted for trying to tap Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu’s phone – Conservatives react

Michelle Malkin:

Ugh: ACORN-buster busted at Sen. Landrieu’s office in alleged bugging plot; affidavit link added

Check out her latest updates.


James O’Keefe arrested for trying to tap Mary Landrieu’s phones

The editors of Big Government claim they knew nothing about it, which is almost certainly true: No way would Breitbart be so stupid as to sign off on tapping a senator’s phone. What makes this doubly bizarre, of course, is that O’Keefe was already threatened with legal action by ACORN for surreptitiously videotaping inside their offices. You’d think if he was planning to try something as insanely underhanded as this, he might have done, say, a Wikipedia search about whether it’s illegal to, um, tamper with government phone lines.

American Power: ACORN Thrilled at O’Keefe Bust

Help me, Jesus!


33 thoughts on “ACORN Sting Videographer, James O’Keefe Arrested!

  1. Pingback: Updated-D’oh! – ACORN Slayer James O’Keefe busted for trying to tap Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu’s phone – Conservatives react | Political Byline

  2. Considering O’Keefe was a lying sack of poop throughout the entire ACORN frame job, why are you folks shocked that this has happened?

    Before you start to rend your garments, please provide a link to any and all court rulings that have found ACORN guilty … well, guilty of anything, anything at all. Don’t fret if fail to find a mere morsel, just wait until O’Keffe comes out with another piece of fiction.


  3. Pingback: Breaking… Journalist James O’Keefe Arrested in Louisiana on Wiretapping Charges « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  4. Before you start to rend your garments, please provide a link to any and all court rulings that have found ACORN guilty … well, guilty of anything, anything at all

    Huh, are you kidding me?

    I’m not even gonna waste my time, holy Jeez.

    Do you know how to use Google? Let me help you. Type in the words, ACORN and convictions, and see what comes up.

    (Hint: Lots of news sites)

    Now if I typed in the words James O’Keefe lying sack of poop, I’d get Democratic Underground and Scott Levinson.

    Try again.


  5. Sorry Deb, you can’t find a link to any reputable news source that can honestly report that ACORN or its staffers had broken any laws. In fact, if you did use the great Google you’d find that not only did this master of bad disguise was caught doctoring the so-called tapes he and his idiot backers claimed would put ACORN away for good.

    Relying upon the likes of the ever-odious Gateway Pundit or Patterico or, heaven forbid, FOX News will just lead you astray. If you’re so confident of your stance you can use that great Gggole machine to even search for court documents, but guess what you’ll find, nothing.


  6. Rend garments? Are you kidding me? James O’Keefe is a counterrevolutionary patriot who sought to uncover corruption even at his own peril. While many of us on the right sat on our bums and watched the libtards lay waste to our freedom, O’Keefe was on the front lines risking it all to expose the garbage left establishment for what it is. This is a call to arms. Whether he did “wrong” or not is of no matter. The left will never be allowed to paint events supposedly reminiscent of watergate with that brush again. What might the watergate operatives have uncovered if the media had not been in the left’s pocket? Why would James have risked it all for this operation? Surely the bribery underlying the La. Purchase had something to do with this. Free James O’Keefe! Force Landrieu, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Frank and ACORN to admit their wrongdoing and we’ll call it even. Otherwise, NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!

    Give us Liberty or give us Death. By the way, were the lefties as shrewd as James would have been in this situation (i.e. was it videotaped?)? If not, there’s a much better case against ACORN than there is against James O’Keefe.


  7. Sorry James, you were an idiot. Too bad it’s going to color the good work you’ve done. I still hope it isn’t true but at this point that means believing that an FBI agent is inventing the whole damn thing in a sworn statement. Not buying it. Dude…what in God’s name were you thinking?


  8. Those who are defending the criminal group ACORN, please check in to your nearest hospital emergency room. Your brain is in critical condition.


  9. LadyInBlack, you’re too lazy to do a simple google search?

    You force my hand, then, and this is really a waste of my time, because it is beyond obvious now to all but the perpetually clueless, and frankly ACORN astroturfers (they’re easy to spot, iykwimaityd) that ACORN is a hopelessly corrupt association.

    Click to access 2003807088.pdf

    You can start with those.

    After this, do your own searches.


  10. Deb,
    The difference between conservatives and people like LadyInBlack is, conservatives would agree that if James O’keefe is found guilty, he should be punished. He broke the law and that’s that. However, a Liberal will defend a liberal group or individual no matter what they have done. In the liberal mind set, the end justifies the means, no matter what!


  11. Joe,
    James? Shrewd? Are you serious? This kid is an idiot. Weapons-grade stupid. His only hope lies in the fact that he didn’t actually pull it off. He may serve less time. Having confessed to the entry to a federal office under false pretenses will not help but at least it’s only conspiracy at this point. I feel bad for the kid. He is screwed. I hope he has a god attorney.


  12. Jim,

    Apparently you’re not privy to James’s previous risk-taking efforts with respect to ACORN. They were shrewd and cunning, and as far as his involvement goes with this “wiretapping” charge, was he wearing the phone co. uniform? Will he be convicted for “conspiracy to commit wiretapping”? Again, if you’re not for us, you’re against us. Get with the program. And yes, this comes from (me) a graduate of NYU law. By the way, I’ll be offering my services to O’Keefe’s defense while the rest of you apologise for his commitment to uncovering corruption.


  13. Joe.
    I am very well aware of those efforts. I savored every juicy moment.

    Are you suggesting that a kid that thinks it’s a brilliant idea to surreptitiously gain access to a federal office and then the telecom room (whatever for?) is shrewd? Are you?

    If you then think this is okay and that the ends justify the means, much like our leftist enemies, then, fine. So, was he shrewd for opening right up to an FBI agent instead of remaining quiet? Or, is his confession part of a well planned operation the likes of which I’m not able to comprehend?

    This twit has hurt my cause. I am very pissed about it. I sincerely feel bad for him but he has caused a lot of damage.

    Um, If I’m not with you I’m against you? Holy crap man. Are you serious? Go join the criminals on the other side you freak. The Kos kids love that kind of insightful thinking.


  14. I don’t think there is evidence at this point – god knows what else he said – to convict convict for a wiretapping conspiracy charge. I never said otherwise.

    As a graduate of NYU Law would you have advised him to speak to the FBI agent?

    My contention is with your suggesting he is shrewd when he is an obviously reckless buffoon.

    I REALLY, SINCERELY hope that you can offer something to help this kid out. You have my best wishes on that score but I do not think I’m out of bounds here.


  15. Jim,

    Let’s go over it again from the top. This “kid” hurts your agenda only if you allow him to do so. If you’re not yet familiar with the concept of Natural Law, let me explain it to you (it’s been a weapon of the left for ages). If a law is immoral, even situationally so (in other words, if the law against wiretapping prevents someone trying to maintain liberty from exposing the corruption of a group that wishes to exert totalitariansim upon its people), then it must be ignored in the name of democracy, equality, truth, etc. It was used as a rallying cry by Ghandi, MLK and so on. If you refuse to recognize the challenge before us to maintain our liberty, so be it. But I want to remind you that this “reckless kid” defunded a massive voter fraud organization and was only alleged to be videotaping (on his cellphone, no less) the activities of others, who were alleged to be wiretapping, but who could have very well been proving (once again) that security surrounding our nations airports, government offices, etc., is sorely lacking due to the incompetence of the current administration. And again, no wiretapping equipment was found on any of the suspects – sounds more like a wickedly effective prank to me.


  16. Joe,
    I am aware of the concept of Natural Law. But, are you suggesting that in the case that this goes to trial (which it won’t – place your bets folks!) that jury nullification is his defense? If I understand the situation correctly then he has broken the law by entering a federal office under false pretenses. I could very well be ignorant on this matter of law (heck, I don’t even know if that is an offense). If it is a law then it appears he has broken it. Your defense offered here is lofty and hopeful and, in some cases, has even worked but I believe you are hoping for too much here. Ghandi he is not, my friend.

    I do not fail to recognize the challenge before us to maintain our liberty. I don’t even know how you could possibly suggest so from what I have written. I believe you are projecting things into my posts that are simply not there. I would, instead, suggest that this challenge be met by those with a tad more intelligence than the gentleman about which we speak.

    Again, though you provide it, I remind you I need no further primer on his previous exploits. I fail to see why you continue to bring it up as if I am not aware or not aware of the import of such.

    As far as the rest – well, someone that had a nominally operative brain in their noggin’ might have gotten somewhere. Instead, this kid decided to play cops-n-robbers.

    Kinda sucks for our side, I think.

    It is the very fact that I take our situation to be serious that I am loathe to indulge those who would sabotage it through such amateur behavior.


  17. Oh, and since, like myself, you are one of those dreaded double posters I will take the liberty of doing so myself(again).

    I appreciate your thoughtful answer to my particularly sharp repost.


  18. Jim,

    For goodness sakes, what do you stand for? Your points are diffuse and without the convictions of a man with a cause. Such are the musings of one incapable of taking a risk for Liberty’s sake.



  19. Oh good Lord. The kid allegedly broke the law and was an idiot in doing so. He is an anchor to our cause. If I have been diffuse then please explain where and I will do my best to try and clarify. I really don’t think this is that difficult.

    As for what I stand for: A nation of laws. Laws constrained by one of the greatest documents ever written. Not a “living” document just plain brilliant. Perhaps even divinely inspired. A government that abides by such. A people that are willing to speak for such.

    Mr. O’Keefe fought to stand for such. Great. I would, however, rather have accomplished and savvy souls on my side than the keystone cops.


  20. What comes around,goes around.
    In Science,For every action,there is equal and opposite

    Some of this Rethugs has no consciense at all.the very same party,that dragged us to hell.Trillions of Debts,rigging
    the election,Lying on WMD,that leads us to believed,that
    Saddam was hiding.Never ending war and terrorists plot,
    bunch of this so called compassionate conservative was
    nothing but a piece of trash.The brainless teaparty activist
    and the lying faux Fox ,manipulating and inventing lies and
    propagandist,spreading rumors,fears and more lies.

    These are the kind of people,that was mentioned in the
    Apocalypse.this might be the reincarnation of Gentiles and
    Pharisees,the very same people,who crucified Jesus and
    claimed as their savior.The pale white horse was coming and
    the judgement day will come to those,who claimed,that
    God will save them.Lost souls and corrupt minds leads to
    it’s final destination…HELL!!!!!


  21. One of the oddest threads in some time, and, I suspect, soon to be one that is quickly left behind by events.

    And the capper: it’s always special when people like Lyn come by and share, never realizing that the more they babble, the more they undermine their own argument.


  22. You quote the Seattle Times, which is the West Coast version of the Moonie Times and then throw up your hands and claim you have something? I understand you’re a right-wing, willfully ignorant tool, but please, I specifically asked you to provide a new source that is actually considered a news source, not your right wing outlets. Now, please, shoe me one affadavit, one court ruling that proves ACORN has broken any law, you can’t do ti, you know you can’t do it that’s why you used the only links to refuted bull****.


  23. You’re calling THE SEATTLE TIMES a right wing news source?


    And I suppose the Las Vegas Sun is, too?

    And the WSJ isn’t a respected news source?

    And now I have to provide you with an affidavit? That is called “moving the goalposts”, and it fools no one.

    Can I make a bold prediction and say that whatever source I came up with would not be acceptable to you which is why I’m not wasting any more time on it. I’ve seen the tactics you’re employing used too many times.

    You rely on the ignorance of the weak-minded, but unfortunately, here at ND, you won’t find an audience like that. You’re better off spreading your crud at Daily Kos or DemocRAT Underground.

    Nice try. Epic fail, though.


  24. How’s everyone feeling about James today now that new info has surfaced? What a glorious commentary regarding the inoperability of Sen. Landrieu’s phone system (that is apparently ALWAYS BUSY when her constituents call)! Did anyone on here even know about this before James’s risk made it public info to the rest of the nation? I did not, and again, this frontline patriot has broken the story.

    cheerio, ye unbelievers!


  25. nicedeb,

    I wasn’t addressing you, our wonderful and gracious host. You have written nothing to indicate any sort of indictment of James’s actions. That makes you and me members of a very small minority, even among conservatives.

    Thanks for all you do,


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