The SlaughterHouse Rule: Just Try It, Dems

We’re not talking “Waterloo” if they try this…we’re not talking “Krakatoa”, we’re talking nuclear Armageddon.

At least according to E Pluribus Unum at Red State:

If you try the Slaughter Rule, you will lose the country. Not in November. In March.

Didn’t like August? You’ll hate this entire year.

See also Doug Ross:

14 Months of Hell, a Brief Illustrated History of the Ill-Fated Democrat Health Cafre Nationalization Efforts of 2009-2010.


KJL at The Corner reports:

House Republicans are about to announce a plan to force a vote on a resolution that would require the Senate health-care bill to be subject to a true roll-call vote. Republican leadership believe that if the House were to pass the resolution, it would mean the death of Speaker Pelosi’s Slaughter plan.

You can read the resolution at The Corner

Krauthammer’s take, via the Corner:

…members of the House look at this as so toxic, so noxious themselves, they don’t want to have their name on it. They don’t want to make history. … They don’t even want to have an up-or-down vote on the bill [that enacts Obamacare]. …

You have an issue of democratic decency: It is rare enough, unusual enough, and really indecent enough to change a sixth of the American economy with a bill that has not a single support from Republicans.

But to do it by a procedure which doesn’t even approve of the bill itself is simply staggering.


The Slaughter House Rules


And John Fund at the WSJ: ‘Nobody Wants to Vote for the Senate bill’

Democrats are ignoring their own polls.

In ramming through an unpopular 2,700-page health care bill using brute force tactics, Democrats are in danger of passing what amounts to the longest suicide note in history. Their own pollsters are telling them the public has rebelled against their tactics. So their response is to press their foot down even harder on the gas pedal. We’ll see how that works out for them.


6 thoughts on “The SlaughterHouse Rule: Just Try It, Dems

  1. Pingback: The Slaughter Solution, Obamacare, and Constitutionality « The Republican Heretic

  2. Ditto to Mark’s comment,

    Do you nutjobs really thing so many American’s don’t want controls on premium increases, limits on denying coverage due to pre-existing conditions and caps on sickness causing bankruptcy?

    If you actually took time to understand the legislation instead of parrot back Glen Beck, you’d get just how ridiculous these comments really are.


  3. Do you nutjobs really thing so many American’s don’t want controls on premium increases, limits on denying coverage due to pre-existing conditions and caps on sickness causing bankruptcy?

    No. We think a majority Americans are tired of Government trying to impose nannyarchy on us all because a third of the nation has allowed itself to become dependent upon government, now parrot the message of our self-appointed betters who “just want to help us”, not because they don’t know that we can address these issues without their unconstitutional “assistance”, but because they want to achieve a type and level of control over the lives of everyday people that they have never had and were never meant to.

    If you actually took time to understand the legislation instead of parrot back Glen Beck, you’d get just how ridiculous these comments really are.

    You, the Chicago Messiah™, and the sticky-fingered kleptocrats in Congress need to understand that we understand the parts that have been revealed, but that is part of the rub too, when 2000+ page bills aren’t released until hours before debate, or when The Speaker of the House actually tells us that we need to pass the bill to see what is in it, we know that it is going places it shouldn’t. What’s more, we understand that when something doesn’t work for some, it is not government’s place to change it for all*.

    What’s more, we know that members of Congress understand that this entire concept stinks of corruption when the party advocating it has the numbers to pass anything they damn well please, regardless of what the opposition does, and they still can’t get the numbers to pass it properly, despite out and out bribes, browbeatings, cloying attempts to cloak it in morality, and the endless stream of lectures from the dumbest “Constitutional Scholar” to ever disgrace the Oval Office.

    If your weak argument had a scintila of merit, this would have been law months ago.

    *well, all but union members, government workers, and members of Congress, who have done a fine job exempting themselves when they cast their designs on everyone else.


  4. Pingback: Native Americans Against Obama – Health Care Slaughter (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  5. Do you nutjobs really thing so many American’s don’t want controls on premium increases, limits on denying coverage due to pre-existing conditions and caps on sickness causing bankruptcy?

    Do you libtards really thing [sic] so many American’s [sic] want to pay more for less and suffer an expansion of government size and scope?


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