Audio: A Pep Talk From Mark Levin

Keep fighting, never surrender!

video via The Right Scoop.

Hat tip: Dan Riehl: Mark Levin’s Rousing Call To Arms For The Tea Party Movement


Doug Ross has a message for the union rank and file whose bosses are pouring millions of their dues to the Dem Socialist campaign coffers.

Do you want your money wasted on Democrat losers?

CFIF notes that two of the nation’s largest unions — Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) — will spend about $100 million supporting Democrats in the 2010 midterms. In addition, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union (AFSCME) will donate an additional $50 million to the Democrat cause.

Not only do they think you’re stupid, they think their members are even dumber. After all, that money could be spent on member benefits. Like a $1,000 check for 150,000 members. Or putting some money into the dramatically underfunded pensions.


For decades, union bosses have directed millions and millions of dollars to their own generous pay packages and their Democrat cronies, while leaving rank-and-file members’ retirements at risk.


Verum Serum posts another great pep talk : Chris Christie Video: The Day of Reckoning is Here


2 thoughts on “Audio: A Pep Talk From Mark Levin

  1. Pingback: Audio: A Pep Talk From Mark Levin Ā« Nice Deb « Joepf's Daily Links……….it's politics as usual.

  2. Pingback: Union Thugs and Goons Shop for Democrats « Good Morning Patriots

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