“Abu Hussain! Palestine loves you!!!”

Amir Taheri explains why Hamas loves Obama at The New York Post:

Obama also drops hints that he means to be tough with Israel. To advertise his toughness, he makes occasional statements about Jewish settlements. Yet this puts the whole exercise on a different trajectory, with talks focused on the settlements rather than the core issue — the creation of a Palestinian state.

Pressuring Israel may look good to “Abu Hussain” and his Hamas admirers. But it may reduce the chances of agreement on the creation of a Palestinian state.

Fearful that its chief ally, America, might be trying to abandon it or, worse still, stab it in the back, Israel may revert to what Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir called “the hedgehog strategy.” Because Israel holds the lands on which a Palestinian state is to be built, there would be no progress in that direction.

History shows that Israel has made concessions — including withdrawing from vast territories it captured from Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon — only when it has felt sure of its principal ally.

That’s just a short snippet, read the entire piece.

I tried to warn people in the Spring of ’08 that Obama’s host of radical and terrorist endorsements did not bode well for his Presidency or for Israel. It still doesn’t bode well….


Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton announced Wednesday that the U.S. would give the Palestinian Authority an additional $150 million in direct aid.

Hat Tip: Laura Ingraham.


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