Ed Schultz: “They Gotta Take Impeachment Off The Table!!!”

“Genius Envy”

Mark Finklestein at Newsbusters is having a bit of a snicker at Schultz’s comical paranoia. I think we’re witnessing a classic case of projection, myself. After all, what did lefty trolls like him obsess about for the last several years of Bush’s Presidency?

…what does Ed Schultz know that I don’t?  He splattered his MSNBC show this evening with incessant dark speculation to the effect that the new Republican majority is plotting to impeach Pres. Obama. 

ED SCHULTZ: Mr. Boehner, can I ask you tonight: are you going to take impeachment off the table? . . . And Reverend [Sharpton], do you think the Republicans should make sure the American people know that impeachment is off the table? . . . They gotta get impeachment off the table . . . I think he also has to bring the Republican leadership into the Oval Office and say what’s this about impeachment? . . . Coming up: I think Republicans are plotting to impeach the President . . . And in my playbook tonight, get ready for a slew of investiations.  I think they’re going to try to impeach the President.

Video at link.

How misplaced are Schulz’s fears?
Darrell Issa, who’s been teasing Conservative activists for months about the investigations he’s going to launch as soon as he has subpoena power, caused untold numbers of conservatives to spit out their slurpies with these comments he made last night to reporters:

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who will have far-ranging subpoena power in the new Congress as a result of Tuesday’s election, is going out of his way to dispel perceptions that he’s a partisan bombthrower who plans to use his newfound authority to paralyze President Barack Obama’s administration.

“I want to prove the pundits wrong. My job is not to bring down the president. My job is to make the president a success,” Issa said on a midnight conference call with reporters, just after House Minority Leader John Boehner’s victory speech.


Talk about “psycho talk”!
Let’s hope he’s just trying to be gracious in victory… and he’s decided to keep his plans private for now…

Here’s Issa  on MSNBC, this morning, talking about his investigations.

I’m not liking what I’m hearing, frankly.

It’s a far cry from his thirty-seven page [PDF] report from last August, which publicly charged the Obama administration with criminal activity, “unlawful public relations and propaganda initiatives”.



Tuesday’s Sweetest Victories, Bitterest Defeats

RealClearPolitics shows a Republican gain of 63-67 seats in the house, a few shy of the 70 we were hoping for, but still pretty impressive. And as it stands right now, we’ve picked up 6 seats in the Senate, bringing the tally to 51-46.

The sweetest victories of the night for me were:

Vicky Hartzler, at the “Retire Ike Skelton” tea party, last weekend.

1. Daniel Webster in FL-8… Geico caveman, Alan Grayson kicked to the curb, thank you Jesus.

2. Allen West  in FL-22…his Dem opponent was quaking in fear all year, and for good reason. Congressman West will be fun to watch.

3. Vicky Hartzler in MO-4: Spikes 30+ year incumbent, Ike Skelton, taking his place on the Armed Services Committeenice.

4. Mark Kirk in Il Senate: Yeah, I know he’s a RINO, but it’s Obama’s old seat, and he visited IL numerous times to stump for Giannoulias, bwahahahahahahah!

5. Pat Toomey in PA Senate: A genuine conservative wins big in a blue state, against corruptocrat, Sestak – what’s not to love?

6. Marco Rubio in FLA Senate: This  rising conservative star was expected to win, but it’s still great news for FL – great news for America.

7. Bobby Shilling in IL-17: It turns out voters in IL do worry about the Constitution, kick Phil Hare to the curb.

8. Chip Cravaack MN-8: Minnesota niiiice: 18 term career politician James “Porky” Oberstar didn’t think he’s wake up this morning w/o a job. Sweet.

9. Sean Duffy WI-7: Duffy, formerly of MTV’s “The Real World”  is a five-time world-champion log climber and was the Ashland County district attorney from August 2002 to June 2010. He takes over a seat held for 40 years by House Appropriations Chairman David Obey...Cool beans.

10. Kansas: USA Today: “Voters in Tuesday’s election gave the Kansas GOP its first clean sweep of statewide and congressional races since the Beatles were charting their early hits.” Kris Kobach won Sec of State on a platform combating voter fraud. His policies are ones he hopes to see other states adopt.

The most stinging defeats of the night:

(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

1. Jacob Turk in MO-5 – I had high hopes for Turk. He ran a good race, but he was up against a formidable Kansas City political machine. Once again, all of District-5 is sentenced to 2 more years of representation by race-baiting, Cuba-loving, Democrat Socialist, Emanuel Cleaver. Not cool.

2. Ruth McClung in AZ-7: It was a close race against Dem Socialist, Grijalva, who actually advocated a boycott against his own state, and called McClung, “Whitebread” in a mail piece, but he still managed to squeak out a win. WTF.

3. California: I consider CA to be a lost cause, a failed state. Conservatives should just leave. You’ve made your bed, California…. Don’t expect the rest of us to bail you out out of your fiscal misery.

4. Sharron Angle NV Senate: There is no way I can overstate my disappointment in Nevada voters for their decision to send the lamest, mangiest, dingiest  Dem  of them all, Harry “The Iraq War is Lost” Reid, back to the Senate, even as their economy faces an extended losing streak. Was ACORN involved?

5. Linda McMahon, CT Senate: All I can think of is how lonely and isolated conservatives must feel in a state that would elect a phony, corrupt, economically  illiterate dweeb like Blumenthal.

6. Christine O’Donnell, DE: I  knew she was going to lose, but it’s sad that the people of DE have no problem electing the smug, “bearded Marxist”, Coons to represent them in the Senate.

7. Joe Miller, AK Senate: UGH, how did so many voters  figure out how to spell Princess Lisa’s last name? Her husband even had to ask…

8. Sean Bielat MA-4: Just why? How could this young, appealing Marine Vet lose to  pompous windbag, Barney Frank, one of the architects of the financial crisis? What is in the water in the Commonwealth’s 4th district? Frank’s arrogant, partisan, and classless victory speech, here.

Cross-posted at NewsReal Blog

Linked by Babalu, thanks!


Krauthammer: GOP To Take “De Facto” Control of Senate

Just because Republicans failed to win enough Senate Seats to knock the deplorable and inexplicably re-elected Reid out of the majority, it doesn’t mean that they will be in the same feeble position they were in from 2009-2011. Charles Krauthammer, on Fox News this morning, said Republicans have won “de facto control” of the U.S. Senate, and now with “de jure” control of the House, they are in a perfect position, tactically.

The message voters delivered on Election Night was so strong, Krauthammer said, that Senate Democrats will continue to distance themselves from President Barack Obama’s policies for fear of political repercussions.

“I think there will be great resistance to any advance of the Obama agenda, and I think there will a lot of sympathy among these Democrats, the ones who are now up for reelection in two years for example, for an extension of the Bush tax cuts, for even a nibbling away of some of the edges of Obamacare,” he said.

Some of the Democratic senators coming into the new Congress, such as West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin, who defeated Republican John Raese, actually ran in open opposition to the president’s policies.

There has been a shift of power in Congress, there is no doubt about that, but Krauthammer says we didn’t really want control of both Houses:

… because then Obama could do a Truman, where he ran against the do-nothing Congress and won re-election,” the Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist said. “If you put too much of the actual, official power to the Republicans, it makes them responsible.

Conservative voters can still watch closely, and hold Republicans accountable for any jelly-spined, RINOish behaviors we detect. We didn’t elect them to compromise with the Democrat Socialists who survived Tuesday’s onslaught.

But they shouldn’t be blamed for Obama’s economy if he rejects all of their remedies.

See Also:

Senator DeMint has some excellent advice for  freshman Senators  in his WSJ oped, this morning:

Congratulations to all the tea party-backed candidates who overcame a determined, partisan opposition to win their elections. The next campaign begins today. Because you must now overcome determined party insiders if this nation is going to be spared from fiscal disaster.

Many of the people who will be welcoming the new class of Senate conservatives to Washington never wanted you here in the first place. The establishment is much more likely to try to buy off your votes than to buy into your limited-government philosophy. Consider what former GOP senator-turned-lobbyist Trent Lott told the Washington Post earlier this year: “As soon as they get here, we need to co-opt them.”

Don’t let them. Co-option is coercion. Washington operates on a favor-based economy and for every earmark, committee assignment or fancy title that’s given, payback is expected in return. The chits come due when the roll call votes begin. This is how big-spending bills that everyone always decries in public always manage to pass with just enough votes.

But someone can’t be bribed if they aren’t for sale. Here is some humble advice on how to recognize and refuse such offers.

Keep reading...

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, The Moral Liberal, Obi’s Sister and GayPatriot, thanks.


Video: New Speaker of the House Gets A Little Emotional

God love him, watch it all, he breaks up a little towards the end….and then there’s  a “special” guest appearance:

video via Townhall.

Michelle Malkin has the text of the speech, and asks, thumbs up, or thumbs down?


Hundreds of people are googling, “who is the new speaker of the House”. It’s John Boehner, OH-8. You should know that, people.

See also:

Politics AP: Meet the next House speaker, GOP’s John Boehner


Boehner To Hit Obama Hard For “Enemies” Remark At Rally, Tonight

Future Speaker: Why Are We Funding A Left-Wing Organization? (Updated)

Boehner Promises Vicky Hartzler a Seat on Armed Services Committee if She Wins

Obama Sets His Sights On Boehner

Video: John Boehner Hits Back

Obama Slams Republicans in Pittsburgh Speech – Boehner Slams Obama For Diminishing Presidency

Video: OH Rep John Boehner Receives The The Henry J. Hyde Defender of Life Award

Video: Boehner Confronts Obama On Abortion Funding In Health Care Proposal

