As Palin Heads To Madison For Tea Party, Lefties In High Gear, Planning Disruptions and “Joking” About Violence

As I reported yesterday,Sarah Palin has made the courageous decision to travel to Wisconsin, ground zero in the ongoing union battles going on across the country, to rally with the tea party, and face down union thugs, who hate her with a burning white hot passion.

Some of the antics that are being planned:

lefties at Dumocratic Underground are planning a counter rally:

Stop Typing and Join us this Saturday, April 16 at the Capitol in Madison! :)

Help us welcome (and drown out) the Tea Baggers…

On Saturday, April 16th, tea party patriots from throughout Wisconsin will gather at the state Capitol in Madison for a rally to celebrate past victories and rally for Wisconsin’s future. The event will be emceed by talk show host James T. Harris and will feature John Fund columnist for The Wall Street Journal.

I found this on that “other site”
“Tell everybody to bring vuvuzelas… and blow the horns for 30 seconds at 1:00, then scream; “CAN YOU HEAR US NOW” :spray:

TEA Party Rally April 16th ~ AFP & other WI Patriot Groups (Madison WI, Capitol, Noon)
Time Saturday, April 16 · 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Location- WI State Capitol in Madistan, WI
Speakers include Vicki Mckenna and Tony Katz. Mark Belling may also be there.

“Americans for Prosperity” (Koch Brothers) are bussing them in from 10 cities around the state …

Gateway Pundit reports: Firefighters Union Threatens to Disrupt Palin-Breitbart Tea Party Tomorrow in Wisconsin

Here’s the announcement:

Saturday, April 16
State Capitol
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Leave Station #1 at 11 a.m.
(Call J.R. for more info at 216-****)

Come one, come all, hear the call to . . .DUMP TEA! DUMP PALIN!

Please share widely. The puppets are coming, the puppets are coming! Corporate puppets Sarah Palin and “Americans” for “Prosperity” are rallying at our Wisconsin State Capitol on 4/16.

BRING PUPPETS — sock puppets, hand puppets, marionettes, shadow puppets, finger puppets and muppets!

BRING LIBERTY BELLS — that means cowbells, dinner bells, doorbells, jingle bells, you name it, and let’s ring in Wisconsin’s independence from corporate rule!

Let’s show ‘em how we really feel about big corporations passing the tax burden on to the rest of us!

Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has been watching Twitter:

Via John Nolte at Big Government:

Yesterday, upon hearing of Palin’s decision,, I immediately tweeted something to the effect of, “If there’s violence, Palin will get the blame from the MSM. She had it coming for showing up.” That wasn’t a joke, either. Fact 1: We’ve already seen a campaign of violence in Wisconsin at the hands of pro-union types. Fact 2: We’ve already seen the corrupt MSM blame Palin for Tucson.

This morning, predictably, I woke up to this

Sarah Palin To Be Pelted With Cheese Curds In Wisconsin Saturday

The Koch Brothers think it’s hilarious when their dumb puppets have to go face huge, angry crowds of political opponents. Remember the movie Trading Places? It’s the same idea: Incredibly rich old white creeps just torture their own lackeys whenever it gets dull oppressing the faceless poor and destroying the Earth to make Dixie Cups and Brawny paper douche towels. So the Koch Brothers are bringing Sarah Palin to Madison, right there at the State Capitol, for an “Americans For Prosperity” rally. Haha the union people and college kids are going to pelt her with a million pounds of Wisconsin’s famous Fried Cheese Turds. Or curds, whatever. Curdle Rain. Poor snowbilly grifter! …

It’s a shame this country has turned into such an evil socialist toilet that midwesterners would stoop so low as to stoop down and get a handful of cheese curds and hurl them at Sarah Palin, the Koch Brothers’ latest human prank on Wisconsin.

The entire piece is a smugger-than-thou and an openly hostile laugh riot, laughing at the idea of  a riot.

Sure, it’s easy to dismiss the source; snarky Wonkette being snarky Wonkette, until you realize that Ana Marie Cox, the founder of Wonkette, is now deeply embedded in the MSM. Truth be told, the only difference between the mainstream media and the Wonkette-types out there is the latter’s willingness to be more open about their hate and contempt.

Lefties are so full of self-delusion, they never see how unhinged they look, or how much projecting they do, (as with the Koch puppets).

That’s why it’s important to record what you see, and counter their Koch projection with puppets of your own:

Like this one I made a week or so ago. Confirmed: Emails Prove Wis. Fleebaggers Parroted Union Talking Points

Senate Minority Puppet Mark Miller.

Fran at Eternity Road has a word of caution for teapartiers:

Could it be any clearer that the Left’s agenda is to provoke a violent confrontation with the Right — most particularly with TEA Party attendees, the most energized and visible component of the small-government / Constitutional revival movement in our day?

All that remains of our original Constitutional guarantees of rights are freedom of expression and the vote. Yet these, too, are under attack — and once they’re gone, political disagreements will no longer be resolved by debates and elections. Violence will be the sole instrument for determining transitions in public authority, as it was before democratic mechanisms displaced bullets with ballots.

Do not be deceived: In attempting to prevent us from being heard, the Left’s intention is to remove all non-violent modes of disagreement from the public sphere. Indeed, it’s already resorted to violence and vandalism on several occasions, in the hope that favorable coverage of its shenanigans would focus the blame on the Right. Though your Curmudgeon has written that “whichever side first reaches for violence will lose,” in fact the matter is closer to “whichever side is portrayed as having first reached for violence will lose” — and the Old Media have been reliable friends to the enemies of freedom.

TEA Partiers in Madison tomorrow: Watch yourselves. If possible, form some sort of barrier against the Leftists that they cannot physically cross, and stay within it. Enlist the aid of the authorities to whatever extent you can. If you see a purple SEIU shirt, point it out to those around you, and counsel them to deny the wearer their attention. If blows should be struck, do your best to defend against them without reciprocating them. This is a time for Gandhi’s tactics, not HAMAS’s.

Hat tip: Charles B.

Cross-posted at Left-Wing Institute For Civil Discourse.

3 thoughts on “As Palin Heads To Madison For Tea Party, Lefties In High Gear, Planning Disruptions and “Joking” About Violence

  1. Pingback: » As Palin Heads To Madison For Tea Party, Lefties In High Gear, Planning Disruptions and “Joking” About Violence

  2. Shared to Facebook. Thanks. We will be in Madison today. I had hoped we cut the heart out of these people with the Prosser win. But they are like The Terminator. They will not stop.


  3. Can’t believe the ugliness of these kids (yes, for the main part, that’s what they are, either adult-sized media kids or the real thing, nasty little children who are used to getting their own way and can’t believe other people might disagree.)

    As a teacher, I’ve seen these kids and their parents at meetings. Whatever you need to do to organize and maintain a classroom, the line is “Not with MY kid, you don’t!” They’ve heard it so much they’ll call mom on the phone in the hallway, so she can come ambush you during class if you look at ’em the wrong way.

    Now they’re in college or professional slackers, and they’re doing the same kind of tantruming (tantrumming? I like it.) Time for us to stand up with Sarah and tell ’em that we will not be silenced, and that for once in their useless lives, they WILL sit down, be quiet, and act their age instead of their shoe size.

    P.S.Non-union and proud of it.


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